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Full Version: To: Gallic Royal Navy High Command
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Sender: J. Sullivan
Origin: Freeport-4, Magellan-system
Encryption: Very High


Priority: High
Subject: Regarding your forces in Magellan


I'm Sully, my ship is the Exodus. The Neph' y'all got close to wreckin' in Magellan a few times too many.

I was recently close to bein' shot down by one of y'alls Valor commanders. However, my life was spared when a higher ranked officer told him not to engage. He also said that y'all - the high command, specifically said not to engage my vessel.

I would like to know if these claims are true.

If it ain't, I would like to request it to be made so. I don't affiliate myself with any house forces. My intentions in the warzone system is to protect civilians from the threat of war and pirates. The one time I was ready to open fire on said Valor commander was when he threatened to shoot me first. This never happened though.

-Transmission ends-
-Retransmitting- (//timezone bumperino)
Royal Naval Battleship Aurora, Edinburgh System
21. août, 739 AGS

[Image: 8yMIQIb.png]

Sender: Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux, Marine Royale Gauloise.
Recipient: Sully? Zoner?
Topic: Your existence.

Monsieur Sully?

Indeed, such a order was given to leave you alone in one piece, unfortunately.

I advise you to stay out of Magellan. My pilots may have shown you kindness this time, doesn't mean they will the next. I really don't care if you're in one piece, or a couple thousand. If I was personally there at the time, you wouldn't be sending a message, and I wouldn't have to be replying to you.

All in all, what I am saying is, stay out of Magellan, and there is a high chance you'll live longer.

Pour la Couronne! Pour le Royaume!

Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux
Marine Royale Gauloise



Transmission End