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Full Version: Transmission to Red Hessian Army
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[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2epRrX1JWI4UWNtaHRsdE5PSjg]

Hello Hessians!
I know your standing with Liberty Rogues isn't exactly outstanding.
So, I've been thinking about how we could help each other, like, repair relations.
You see, we're not the old Liberty Rogue regime.
We're here to fight the injustice done to our people by a corrupt Government.
Up until now we have been funding the efforts via Cardamine and Slaves, a means to an end.
We can't keep the fight going this way.
But, I've been promoted to Treasurer of our little organization of fighters.
What that means is, I'm supposed to find ways of funding the war.
Which, like, leads me to what we can offer.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2epRrX1JWI4MWFaVGdEdUtGZ2s]

That's right, we're going to enter the business of gun running.
We've got a surplus of these and I think you guys could use them.
So, here's the deal, we bring you plenty of arms to fight your war and we get access to Blood Diamonds to fund ours.
So, what do you guys think, can we work something out?

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2epRrX1JWI4UWNtaHRsdE5PSjg]

---Boosting Signal---