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Deck 3, Quarter Number 3-275, WGS Ostara, Somewhere in the Sigma Cluster
10/11/823 AS, 0132 Ship time

The young man opened his flightsuit, and quickly got dressed in a bit more casual attire. There was not much room aboard the cruiser, not with so many pilots and technicians stuffing the corridors, but it had been enough to leave him a small cell of 9 square meters that he didn't have to share with anyone.
Until now, that was.
The damn commander had decided to put him on watch duty for the crazy girl. Sure, she wasn't really crazy, but she never talked to the others when she was eating and usually stuck to herself, which had left her with a bit of a reputation among the fighter jocks. And also, she was married to the Oberst. The woman he had sworn to make her face the consequences of her actions on Hamburg.
He sat down on the sole chair in the room, waiting for the doorbell to ring, steeling herself for this new task. Damn, he really just wanted to sleep.
Viktoria did not even bother with the ringing. After all, she'd temporarily been put in command of the ship. Following from that, she didn't exactly care for the Individual she was being bunked with either. The Kommandant, Fuchs, could he really be so short sighted as to put her in the same room as this She shook her head. The stupidity simply could not cease to amaze it seemed. She slid into the room without hesitation, and did not offer a word in greeting as she claimed the first free space she found.

For fuck's sake. She really didn't care for manners, or even basic courtesy. He looked over to her, his forehead wrinkling, as if he was annoyed. "Now we should get this over with. First, the lower bed's mine. Already slept in there, not changing that. Second, the report's already drafted, you just have to add your comments. I'm sure you have something to add for your wife. Third, don't expect me to treat you as if you were my friend. I don't like this, and I don't think you do either."
"The Feeling is Mutual" She informed, rather tersely. She far from liked this man, and the sooner she could be from his presence, the better. Said 'Sooner' might be weeks away. That was....Unless....Hmm. Best to save that idea for later, when it could be properly plannend and thought through. As well as staged.
"If you would now kindly do us both a favor and look over the report so you can send it to your oh-so-important wife, we could both go to bed. Finally."
Hermann was getting annoyed again, he just wanted to sleep. Badly. And this woman... The way she looked at him, made him feel uneasy. He wanted to get rid of her, suddenly.