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Full Version: To: Any Xeno Alliance members still left, any Xenos
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-incoming transmission-
-source: Dryden-
-subject: Organization-

To whoever may receive this message;

My name is Henry Stracke, and in the glory days of the Alliance you may have known me by my snake name Milk.

I'll be blunt here. We are facing an existential crisis. We have a twofold commitment, to possess the capability for coherent, organized strikes to damage the so-called Republic of Liberty and ensure our own survival in an overwhelmingly hostile environment, and to push our agenda in the media world to win the hearts and minds of the Libertonian populace in the face of almost insurmountable prejudice.
At our best, we have precariously juggled these obligations with some degree of success, but there's no denying we have fallen far short of our best efforts in recent times.
I will admit that my organizational skills were not up to par when Siobhan "Diamondback" O'Shea and myself were left to collect the pieces of the Alliance, and thus sealed the end of an era for our movement.
Any goal-driven individual though, should take an ending as a chance to create something new, and I fully intend to do so for us, with the best of my abilities.

I want to know who is still out there. Are you a lone wolf or do you have a crew? Do you want to fight your own war, or are you interested in an organized Xeno movement once again? Do you have ships, finances, connections? And what can I do for you, to convince you that we can achieve our objectives, however slowly, if we work together?

These are the questions I wish to ask of you.

For the welfare of the common man, for the equality of all persons before their peers' judgement, for the opportunity to prosper by ability and receive by need, and for Liberty we will stand.

Thank you for reading, and stay strong.

- Henry "Milk" Stracke

P.S.: Diamondback, if you're reading this, where the hell did you park the Retribution? I'm going to need that old boat.

-end transmission-
To: Milk
Subject: You called me

Hey, it's rare to see any of the old member of the Xeno Alliance flying around, but it's good to hear that you are trying to regroup the Alliance.
I'm not sure if you remember me, I joined the Alliance a few months before they disbanded and all the Xenos went to their own ways, but let me show you my accepted recruitment paper.

Whatever, I'm ready to follow and help you with all my resources that I still have.

Markus Davos
Incoming Transmission . . .

Encryption: HIGH
To: Henry Stracke and the other recipients
Sender ID: Grand Basilisk-Faye Monroe
Sender Location: Ouray Base, Colorado

Opening Transmission . . .

Greetings, recipients and sender

we are here, fighting the fight nobody else does, having plans and allies, but most important, a strong will dedicated to the goals we all once fought for.
Now there is not much left but we try to rebuild everything we can, it's making slow process but that has never been different, but no Xeno should feel alone with his cause out there, never.

Regards, Faye Monroe.

Closing Transmission . . .
►►:: Incoming Encrypted Transmission
►►:: Video Attached
►►:: Displaying

[Image: Coral3.png]

I am.
I live.
I fight.

I haven't heard the name Xeno Alliance for a very long damn time.
Why do you call those whose name is to be forgotten?
We once put trust into the wrong hands.
The Retribution is long gone.. the leftovers are parked at Barrow, together with my semi-flyable Roc.
It is enough to get to the Freeport in Bering once every two weeks. But the station lacks fuel and food and.. about everything. Mostly spare parts.
You want help? Send food and a Roc engine.
Then we talk.

~Coral out
Refugio Base, Kansas System
08 Dec. 823

Sender: Siobhan "Diamondback" O'Shea
Recipient(s): Return Ping
Priority: HIGH
Encryption: MEDIUM
Subject: Welcome Back


It's been far too long. I have my ships, I have my crew - and yes, I have the Retribution. She's looking better than before, too - that's for sure. The plan was to get the Legion to help out with refurbishing her, but that didn't end up going too well. I'll have more to say when I can talk to you in person.

As you can probably see from the comm signature, I've taken me and mine away from Ouray for the time being. I don't know what they're up to over there, but the Alliance name hasn't really counted for much since Herald went off-grid. The Retribution spent too long mouldering under some tarpaulin in that godforsaken hangar bay, anyway. At least now she's something worth the name she carries, and ain't nobody going to pick her apart for scrap or spare parts no more.

You were always the one good with words. I wasn't much good at holding the pieces back together - not that I could even find that many to begin with. You and your crew were a mite better at throwing her around asteroid fields and the like as well, so I suppose that's all for the best too. I'd rather park my ass in a Roc than sit on some bridge's command chair.

It's good to have you back. See you soon.

- Siobhan

Data Stream Terminated

It has been many years since Jonathon had stepped foot in these halls. Though he can remember every inch of the passage ways. As this used to be his place of refuge when he wasn't needed on Ouray.
He stops by the bar first , just on the off chance he might see someone he knows, and is more than mildly surprised...

He says to the bartender "see that lady over there?" points at Coral "send her over a shot of "Mother's Finest" if you have any"...

The bartender looks at him with something simulating contempt "and who might you be?"

Jonathon looks him in the eye, and smiles...."Jonathon "DeathAdder" Jones" Name rings a bell don't it?"

The bartender's face turns white when realization of who he almost insulted is....