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[Image: kvtglOH.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven



I will be brief, but here is the relevant data.

Lars Dross is known to be some form of Nomadic affiliate - showing signs of sympathy for them. Iona is one of their associates, seen together multiple times. These individuals are on a black list for us for this reason, not to mention their hostile attitude to us. You are welcome to read this dossier.

Concerning the Iona, here is a hostile interrogation in order to attempt to retrieve information from their reactions after my departure - the job of my friend.

Here is the fate of the ship after I departed - which proved the reactions quite successful to an extent. The Arcadia was also recently sighted in the New London system, going right past the Capital itself, retreating to Dublin, but took shelter upon a Military installation.

I am concerned, Admiral. Yet, annoyed by their persistance to be pests.

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
To: Keeper Sapphire Raven, Auxesia
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Esteemed Ms Raven,

I have received your message and I thank you for the information, but that is not what I expected. I asked for the evidence that supposedly proved that the "Apahanta" was in Bretonia, as in that case we would be able to take the right measures against captain Vertiga. If anything, we will be able to fine Captain Dross if we see him again in Bretonia, in any ship, as we have the proof that the "Nephilim"-class under his command was in the very front of our capital. Unfortunately there is nothing conclusive on the subject of his possible Nomad infection, but we will keep a vigilant eye.
The same goes for Iona. The Zoners are neutral with the Mollies, so it is not unusual that they use their bases to refuel or repair. We can assume that there is some spying involved, but there is no evidence on which we can restrict access to any of the ships operated by Iona, except those already restricted by the article about foreign warships.

However, while at it, would you mind telling me more about this Garvagh Base?

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

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[Image: kvtglOH.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


Sorry for the lack of response, I had to go check out the situation up in Delta. Which, surprise surprise, also involved those two nitwit of a Zoner couple stirring up trouble, causing the whole Freeport scenario. Funny. 'Coincidences.'

I issued a mere -verbal- warning for the Apahanta to avoid the deeper Independant Worlds, particularly beyond Commonwealth Space, due to some... unprecedented concerns. The speculation of their presence within Bretonia, came from the word of Admiral Wildcat. Whilst we have no formal or trace of evidence about the Apahanta within Bretonia or headed towards the Independant Worlds, I can still put out some reminders. I did, afterall, overuse the word "apparently" a lot.

Quote:[06.01.2017 20:29:05] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: If you want it. We last spotted it moving...Actually I do.
[06.01.2017 20:29:13] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: Callsign Apahanta.
[06.01.2017 20:29:52] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: Apparently paitence does not flow well in it's captains mind.
[06.01.2017 20:29:59] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: Now if you excuse me.
[06.01.2017 20:30:30] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: One of our ships spotted it heading into the south east quadrant of the ice fields in magellan.
[06.01.2017 20:30:37] BAF|Adm.Evyn.Wildcat: Lost it at that point.

Concerning the Molly Station, well, I don't have a lot of information about it beyond it being in Omegas-49. I can only speculate it is there to keep eye on Corsair activity due to it's strategic location, or some form of hidden facility. Which does beg the question. Why would the Mollys repair a Capital Vessel? Especially in a more... hidden location, and there were Zoner Stations within the system too, with far greater facilities to repair such a vessel. That... is the unusual thing.

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
To: Keeper Sapphire Raven, Auxesia
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Esteemed Ms Raven,

I have spoken with Admiral Wildcat, and apparently there is not enough evidence to demand a fine from Captain Vertiga, but it is sufficient to warrant caution. The same goes for the I-401. Would you mind if I opened this channel to the BPA?

I am still interested in Garvagh, however. Where is it located in Omega-49? I thought that the Corsairs had abandoned the system -- is this false? Who has taken the picture, and why is Garvagh friendly to them?

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

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[Image: kvtglOH.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


Hrrmm. You may do so, but please erase traces of my, ehrm... reveal. My face. I like my privacy, and I trust you enough to see it, I hope you'll be able to carry out my will. If not, then, I cannot consent to this.

I'm not quite certain where this station is, but, the shots reveal in one of the nebulae, probably well hidden at that. I don't know if the Corsairs have abandoned it or what not, but I've let my face get kicked in on Canaria by some Corsairs intentionally - as part of a loyalty test for one of my... previous associates. So they're certainly still around 49, no surprise, they use the Zoners to hide behind. Guh.

You know this familiar Gunboat as Dr. James Erzie, Talandar. As for why Garvagh is friendly to them, I highly suspect the programming of their reputation card wasn't quite fully reset. I trust that it's an error due to him eliminating Corsair vessels, causing the card to - well - you know how those weird glitchy devices work.

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


I've been informed that some of my agents have detected the now branded as Order terrorist, Iona, in House Space again, most notably at Planet Cambridge, under a 'new' alias of "Phantomclaw" - which you know has been sighted before.

Their 'creativity' concerning names isn't really that great, considering they always seem to use the word Phantom in their name, now, this is the same vessel that we know to have been operated by Iona, as shown before. Unfortunately, my personal blackbox has been ever-since corrupted since that day, but due to their confirmation of my identity in spite, they're not really keeping it incognito. Of course, at this time and point, they were known as a Zoner until they opened up their true identity, causing the Freeport 11 situation, since then - they've been operating under an Order cell that goes by the name of ORG - Omicron Research Group.

More interestingly, this Iona character seems to be attracted to a new freelance group known as Forlorn, seeming to spend the most of their time with them in space, as noted several times:
New York One

New York Two - Quoting exert from scenario:
Quote:[19.03.2017 19:45:22] RV-Andromeda: Iona: Ohh great... the IRG...
[19.03.2017 20:14:56] RV-Andromeda: Ice: Arigato Elena.
[19.03.2017 20:15:07] Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt: Arigato for what?
[19.03.2017 20:15:19] RV-Andromeda: Ice: You know exactly for what.
[19.03.2017 20:15:30] Eagle.of.Canterbury: Edith: Alright, sounds fair enough.
[19.03.2017 20:15:30] Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt: *She chuckles slightly* You're welcome.

Cambridge - Human instinct in social indicates that people who are socially bonded with tend to be closer, positioning can provide information in itself.

This 'Iona's callsigns are as listed:



Iona - Vessel most likely refitted to the I-401. "Iona" seems to be operating independantly, perhaps using a person as a scapegoat.


I-401 (Assumed retreated to the Order)






Please be aware that this list is incomplete, as we have a lot of data to cover. By this brief sharing of information, you must understand our concern due to the proximity of the Order's station in Inverness, undercover elements are to be expected - especially after their activity has recently surged in Bretonia, Liberty and its borders, we simply cannot allow them to undermine the Houses.

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Assam
To: Keeper Sapphire Raven, Auxesia
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Esteemed Ms Raven,

Thank you for your information. However, there are three issues that are not clear.

What ship is the blurred one and whose is it?
What system is the green one and why is it filled with Corsair battleships?
Why is a Liberty carrier also there?

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

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[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


I cannot reveal people who work for us due to privacy concerns, but the blurred image is one of ours, a person affiliated with us at least.

The Green imagery is Omicron Theta, Corsairs looking to plunder from a scenario concerning the Cultist incidents. From this incident, the Iona managed to obtain Jumphole Generator parts, for which I forgot to warn you about.

As for the Liberty Carrier, I honestly don't know. It left in one piece in peace.

I hope this information serves you well.

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Assam
To: Keeper Sapphire Raven, Auxesia
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Esteemed Ms Raven,

Do you happen to have a full map of Omicron Theta?

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

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