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Full Version: Zoner Freeport basic "laws"
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Freeport Basic Laws

To ensure at least the minimal security, Zoners have proclaimed following laws, enabling every visitor to feel like welcome guest.

Moved and seconded that NO assault forces staging for attacks on their enemies be allowed to use ANY Zoner facility for this purpose. Documented proof of such abuse of Zoner facilities will be punishable by complete and permanenent banishment from our Freeports and Bases for the offending party or parties.

-Firearms are to be locked away before setting foot on the station.

No personal fights or brawls are allowed and will result in the immediate ejection from the station. Offenders will be politely escorted to their ships.

-Nomad samples have to be held in special security containers at all times!

They should stay on the ship. We do not wish to be responsible of possible contamination of the station. If samples are adrift near the station, they will be destroyed as soon as possible.

-All ships within 5 kilometer radius are expected to obey ceasefire zone rule!

this rule counts for all zoner bases, with exception of Freeport 1, Omicron theta and Freeport 11
We do not tolerate any hostile actions within the station radius. Our mission is defensive one, not aggressive.

-Safe radius rule is void n following situations:

-Any ship is allowed to defend itself if attacked.

-If hostile act was committed earlier by approaching vessel, the safety zone can be ignored. We do provide safety only for peaceful visitors, but we will not shelter war vessels that could cause a siege on the station! Attacking of the station to get your target out will result in return fire from station defense systems.

-A hostile act of war against station itself, or Zoner population living on it, as well as any Zoner ship in area.

-Steps to take if these laws are ignored:

-Violators will be warned, in serious cases, docking rights will be taken from this vessel until reparations are paid.
- If a faction violates the laws, case will be taken before the faction leaders to discuss the matter and possibly before the Zoner council, in case it is a serious breach of the neutrality.
- If the violating ship is not part of a faction, a bounty might be placed on the villains head and docking rights will be taken away from the person for a reasonable time. Also the Zoner council will be informed about individual pilot's actions.
- If weapons are fired directly at the station or Zoners are targeted intentionally, we will strike back with whatever force is required to drive off or destroy the attacker.

Remember, these rules are made for every freeport and other zoner facility, the Freeports that feeled the
need to increase or decrease that range are Freeport 1, Omicron theta and Freeport 11
From *scratchy noise from com*.... system check say, origin of signal in heavy armored prison liner, maybe that heavy armor is reason of poor quality of signal..

Since me *scratchy noise* or nobody from my crew wasnt informed about new "king" or "president" of all zoners.... I must demand signs of all members of *scratchy noise* *yelling man* To hell with that old rusty com, where is engineer? again with one of the slavegirls?!.... ehm sorry I.... and I bet Im not alone.... demand signs of all members of zoner council, or of corse more than half of them because we, pirates, slavers and smuglers maybe are dirty rats but we have our informations and they say there wasnt any voting about that in zoner council.

Message was ended with picture of red skull with white sneak

[Image: slaverrq0.jpg]

//now realy, one player cant represent whole NPC faction... add signs of zoner council members or prove you was elected as their spokesman.
Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
To: Unidentified Annoyance, Zoners
Subject: Laws
Opening link...

Can you point to any specific rules you find so objectionable, or are you just whining to hear your own damn voice?

I'm fine with these laws. In fact, the majority of them were already in effect before, they just weren't publicly posted.

Link terminated. Closing...
COMM ID: [TAZ]Guard Fyre

TO: Zoner Communique

Encrypt: Binary

************************* MESSAGE BEGINS ****************************************


The posted standards regarding Freeports have for the most part been spoken but not posted. Sadly, it has come to the point where we have had to make our point more emphatically. We Zoners have etched out and carved out our place in Sirius. Our bases have rendered assistance in a neutral fashion to all who choose to avail themselves of our hospitality in peace. This proved beneficial to all parties concerned. The occasional unpleasant occurance, nonwithstanding, we all managed to get on together.

In these uncertain times, it has been decided that clear definitions of what is and what is not acceptable in and around Zoner installations should be made available to the public. This is not posturing nor chest beating and should not be construed as such. It is an attempt to reinforce those standards that have always been in existence to safeguard our way of life. For those of you who view this posting as redundant, you have my apologies, however, I never want to hear anyone claim that they were ignorant of said standards should they violate them and be called upon it. I will have little tolerance for such trespasses and will prosecute my duty in such matters without remorse.

I bid you all health and prosperity.

[TAZ] Guard Fyre


**************************** MESSAGE ENDS *********************************************
Greetings, unknown slaver.
This issue actually has been discussed at length in the Council with overwhelming support for it among us Zoners.
Please note that it is by no means an attempt for one Zoner or a group of Zoners to exercise any sort of control over the rest of us. If that were the case, I assure you that we would fight aggressively against it. Rather, these are measures instituted by popular consensus not to restrict any rights afforded to Zoners, but to ensure our safety and neutrality by keeping politics and hostilities away from our homes.
Besides, no Zoner is required to enforce any laws with which he disagrees, so long as he does not jeopardize our neutrality.

Thank you.


Feh. Protocols are slow,

Warnung! I'm associated with the temporary autonomous zoners. I do in no way represent themus.
[Squaretalk: I do NOT represent TAZ, my views do not necessarily match those of TAZ. Autonomous - you got a dictionary?]

I was born on a Freeport. I will die with ms Vacuum, Her Hoofy Holiness, Eris, and in all likelihood an antimatter torpedo as my closest relatives (relatively speaking). If you threaten the last free places in Sirius because of your own damned ignorance, carelessness, or indigestion, I will cheerfully kill you regardless of bounty, written 'laws' with or without double quotes, or who your friends are.***transmission lost***