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Full Version: To: the Hogosha Association [HA] / Subj: A little question
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Kon'nichiwa respected Hogosha-samas!

So, something's been bothering me for quite a looooong time now, and I think you might be able to give me some answers, probably the Silvereye Dragons in particular, considering their pro-style expertise in the gambling business!

So, since the days when me and my buddies were flinging our first Stargazers around the New Tokyo system, they've all gone and "grown up" and got "real jobs". Now my problem is that I can't find anybody to race with in Kusari, in fact I've raced with a crew from Liberty a couple of times, the AFC, you might have heard of them? But I never saw anyone else repping the high-octane badass Kusari skills...

What's up with that, huh?

So, you guys got any info on the racing scene in Kusari, I mean there must be one, right?

Anyway, if you got anything for me I'd be super-happy about it. Love to hear from you!

Bye byes for now!

[Image: bMy7VIg.png]
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[Image: Hogosha_LadyBlack_Transmission1_zpslkh7akyq.png]

Sender: Lady Black
Identification: Hogosha, the Silvereye Dragons
Source: Planet New Tokyo, -Somewhere-

"Kon'nichiwa Suzuko Fujimura."

"I'm glad to see that you are so much interested. Not many
people in Kusari are skilled or brave enough for extreme racing.
With that I mean the minefield racetrack in Tottori.
Maybe you have heard about it?
You may ask why such a dangerous place to race inside.
To make the answer simple... It is a challenge which requires top notch piloting skills.
The winner receives a reward. The loser receives punishment.
People would be paying to see pacs and explosions.

AFC... Hai the racers of Liberty. A few of them were brave enough to race in the minefield...

Should you have further questions, simply ask.

Until we meet again, may the gods protect you.

[Image: GQmo4Z7.png]

Kon'nichiwa Lady Black-sama!

Wow, I knew you guys would have the low-down on any cool stuff happening around Kusari!

Huh, funny thing is, I did hear rumours about some sort of super-dangerous racetrack hidden away somewhere when I was younger, but you know, I didn't really believe it at the time... Kids always trying to look cool by telling the wildest story and all that!

Looks like I'm gonna have to take a little trip to Tottori and check it out with my own eyes, or should I say... my Hayabusa?!?

Oh, and hey, I know you're a really important lady, and probably mega-busy, so a really, really big ARIGATO for taking the time to contact me back! I dunno if there's anything I could do for you, but I really owe you one for the info!

Oh, uh, yeah, and don't forget to let me know next time you need some high-speed entertainment for your paying customers, I'll be super-happy to oblige!

Bye byes for now!

[Image: bMy7VIg.png]