Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: TO: The Forces of Liberty, All Branches; SUBJ: Junker's Reporting Channel
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COMM ID: Admiral Alan Polstari, 1st Fleet
TARGET ID: The Forces of Liberty
SUBJECT: The Junker's Congress Reporting Facility

To all commands,

It has come to my attention that despite our best efforts enemy warships, vagabond smugglers, and common criminals still attempt to find safe harbor within Junker installations. Understandably this has led to varying degrees of frustration both with the given situation and the Junker community as a whole. However, I have recently reached out and made contact with governing members of the Junker community and we have reactivated a reporting channel that I expect will help eliminate this problem going forward. In addition to any reports made to your own commands you can file a report on the following channel. Include all outstanding evidence as to why you are contacting them so that they may fully evaluate and accede to your request.

Reporting Channel

Admiral Polstari, signing off.