Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: A Shadow Arises...
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You see a shadowed figure appear before the camera..

Greeting, houses of Sirius..
The time has come...
for the full moon...
to show our true light.

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***Comm ID:Malakai Kelles***

Greetings mistress....

The time has come? We shall show them the power of the full moon. I shall ready my ship. I shall see you soon.

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***Comm ID:Christopher Vanguard ***

Hello mistress. This is Vanguard.

The moon is up and the hunt begins. We shall gather the pack, I am ready to fight, ill see you all soon.

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***Sender - Anynomous Trader
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10 million credits has been sent to your account madame. I shall look forward to working with you all soon.

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