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Perhaps it could be argued that the Namura was a GMG experiment with a stolen cap - an experiment gone wrong?

Perhaps the wreck serves as a testament to the drawbacks of using capital ships...

In terms of GMG wrecks - it would be nice to see some Taidaan wrecks out the back of the Sigmas - wrecks indicating the origins of certain GMG technology (which were based on wrecked alien spacecraft, or so the descriptions say).
Those 'Alien Origin' infocards are relics of a time when RP wasn't so scrutinised. I think Dusty has replaced them all with something appropriate, which is good. After all, the only aliens in FL are the Dom'Kavosh and Nomads, and neither construct ships like that.
The thing is I'm at a loss here.
Everything about GMG| has been based off of the wiki entry (my previous post)
as well as all the screenshots of every rumor, infocard, new I could find using multiple chars.
We stuck to it to the very letter in order to keep GMG as cannon as possible to fill the gap that was needed, not make a faction that deviates from the norm.
We worked at it and applied for official status. All the posts said it looked good, it looked right.

In Kuraine's ID thread I learned of the above wreck and I am finding out from the posts that the community had a different view of GMG the entire time and failed to mention it in GMG's official request.
From the reactions to Orins posts and my questioning of the wreck, I see that we have stompped on some toes by following the sources of information and I believe one post even said that the whole GMG story is made up by Orin to reign in the Caps, when it is just a copy of the wiki entry.

So again, I find myself needing to ask. If the "cannon" RP of GMG is different than what's found in-game or in the wiki, I would like to know.
There is a strong opinion about what ships GMG uses but it can't be found anywhere except when you make a post about it. So I am asking, make a post if you know.
If the community has already a different developed story that just couldn't get in-game, post it here.
As I said I would like to have GMG as cannon as possible if it was decided that it always included the caps than I would like to include it. but with something more imaginative than the responces in the ID thread.
From the information available for players to make a faction there is no way we could have predicted that we would be seen as trying to stifle indies from using caps.
When did GMG start to be seen to stifle indys using caps? :/

I think you guys are awesome. And besides, if someone wants to develop GMGs cannon RP - join the clan! After all, ony you can descide where your group goes!

EDIT: Just realised a few out of context words. Switched 'thought' for 'think' and 'were' for 'and'.
I agree you can develop your Faction GMG rp any way you want really. If caps are not your style, they are not. That simple. But I have seen some GMG players who do use them, although they are very rare to see. Caps are for PVP and surprisingly not many people bug the GMG.

Sometimes you have to ask a specific question to get the answer you seek. Feedback in faction thread is simply do you agree with this faction. Some specifics never come up.
The point in the spotlight is that this
Quote:I have seen some GMG players who do use them, although they are very rare to see.
does not mesh with GMG RP. Everything there is that's documented about the GMG says they do not, have not, and will not use caps. End of. Now we get a randomly modded wreck that Hoodlum has agreed was probably not well thought out, and it's turning the ones (ahem, me) who just want GMG RP to follow how it should be into so-called dictators trying to reign in the indies by getting rid of the ability for the GMG to fly caps.

I won't argue it, read Sov's post in the ID topic. That pretty much pwns any theory on the GMG using or being able to use caps. The Namura was a badly thought out Easter egg. Sorry, but it's true.

Even if I'm handed a 50 page story about the GMG changing their ways and stealing RM BBs and fielding cap fleets, I probably won't change my opinion. Know why? Because such a write up does not make sense. I could write an RP reason why Orbital Spa and Cruise suddenly starts a fleet of Talarcas and Battlestars. I could make it sound good too. Should that be a part of Discovery RP then?

Eh, I'm rambling and irritated. I'm gonna shut up now.:dry:
I always though that wreck belonged to a story i found long ago. It was about a GMG/Kusari boarding party who managed to board and practically took over the ship. But it got really damaged and accidently flew into a temporary jumphole or something like that.

I will see if i can find it again, and post it here.
Due to our predessesor's failed attempt there was no GMG in the Sigmas and it left a big hole in Sirius.
I wanted to see GMG| become as exact as possible to fill the gap that was needed.
I've gravedigged heavily, studying the previous GMG and what went wrong. Sovereign say it quite well.
They were having difficulty with being ganked by Corsair GB. So they asked for a Rheinland BS first I believe, a "special RP request" in a time when the requests didn't exist, this developed into them also fielding RM Cruisers as well. Soon the raids etc...
Well after reading that I had gone in game to collect SS's of all the rumors/news/infocards etc... and couldn't find any lore as to why those "special" additions were anything but that: special additions.
Now my guess is that despite the debacle this action has made it the accepted RP of GMG, again I wish someone would have said this during our application.
Now still would like to see GMG|, as an official and only GMG faction, fullfill in entirety it's role for the Disco community. If in the end we are told that this deviation from cannon RP is now the normal cannon RP and we find ourselves in an opposite situation as Bs| than please be kind to fill me in on this new cannon RP so that I may make the adjustments, but I need more to put in the storyline than: "the COrsair GBs are ganking the few logged in players" or "the community has been accepting it for awhile now and it's the norm" or something, you know just something. Surely there must have been someone who was there that can remember the well written script and story for the previous caps to make it in without showing up in the in-game info cards.
Throw a dog a bone.
That's the thing, dog, there is no bone.

(You can have a doggy treat though.)
Here's the deal, in Igiss's eyes players on the server are allowed to evolve the roleplay of the factions that they represent in whatever maner they and the comunity wish.

An example would be the RM. On the server it is accepted that they are fanatic zealots, because that is how they role play. However items introduced by devs that reflect this roleplay are met with a great deal of hesiation by Igiss. He personally views Rhienland as the most democratic and currently the most liberal house with strict but fair laws. This is how he would like us to think of it when writing content.

Please not misinterpret what I am saying though. Igiss is more than willing to incorperate aspects of server roleplay, there are just some visions he would like preseved. Igiss hasn't stated one way of the other what his thoughts are about GMG and caps, but I feel that in spirit of player freedom, the rules need to comform to a balance structure.

In terms of game mechanics the GMG is IMG's double. They are near a corporate enity exploring sirius for reasources to sell and they are beyond the direct influence of any one house. Although they differ in RP the Zoners and BHG also fit the same mold. You will notice that all 4 of these groups share ID rules. Naturally there are slight differences with the Zoner ID's, but that is only because of thier neutrality. You will also notice that all the Pirates have similar rules, as well the militaries, the police, the corporations, house terrorist and enemy states.

To remove GMG's capital ship ability breaks the Guild template, unless you switch it to a corporation, but that would come with a serious restriction in ZOI, likely loss of a gaurd ID, and since every other corp has a house parent, you would be bound to Kusari and its politics. I base all of my arguments on balance alone.

I wish that the people who have seen thiese RP's would bring them forward to help you out Prowler. Also if you would like changes made to the wreck, I see no reason why they cannot be done. Very little code needs to be changed in order to turn that wreck into another type of ship entirely, and I am more than willing to do it and give it to Igiss.
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