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<Personal Log Attachment>
"I've been approved for a leave of absence from Order space, and will be using this attachment log in place of my standard personal log for reports during my 'vacation' to Kusari. While I'm relieved to get a chance away from the drull of day to day Order duties and tasks, this isnt entirely a break from work, part of my reason for being here is on diplomatic envoy to secure an alliance between The Order and Kusari."

[Image: 21nmf6a.jpg]

Day One: Arrival
<Vacation Log Entry #1>
<Location: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo System>
<Local Time: 1831 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

"The trip to Kusari Space was longer than I expected. To circumvent Liberty I had to go through Tohoku, and the Nomad presence there is becoming much stronger. I'll send a report on that back to Toledo when I get a chance, we may have to move a stronger presence into that system, it would seem Tekagi's Arch is still being used as a staging ground even after the war. My escort pilots broke off after we reached the Nagano jumphole, and from there it was a quiet run to Honshu. Kusari Naval Forces escorts met me when I arrived in Honshu, to serve as a diplomatic escort through Kusari space"

"Roughly an hour later, around 1800, we arrived at Planet New Tokyo where a Luxury Suite had been requisitioned for my stay in Kusari. Security was tight, of course, and thankfully so; there are no end of people who would like to get ahold of an Order High Command member. The current Black Dragon Kumicho also arranged a small personal escort group to watch over my quarters. So much for getting some privacy during my vacation... at any rate, it's nice being back 'home' again, I wonder how my aunt is doing on Honshu? Perhaps I'll check on her if I get a chance."

[Image: nbpwr4.jpg]

"I'll get around to the diplomatic talks tomorrow, maybe after I've taken some time to relax. For now, I'm tired and sore from being stuck in a cockpit the last eight hours, think I'll get a drink at the bar before I retire for the night..."

[Image: 16qqsn.jpg]

-End Entry-
Day Two: Kyushu
<Vacation Log Entry #2>
<Location: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu System>
<Local Time: 1148 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

[Image: 4gp5oj.jpg]

"I arrived on Kyushu today to meet with leadership figures within the Farmer's Alliance, the Hogosha's closest ally within Kusari space. The meeting was held in a high security establishment owned by the FA not far from Kyushu's primary starport. When I arrived in New Tokyo last night, it was already dark and raining, but taking off this morning and then arriving at Kyushu reminded me just how beautiful Kusari architecture is, the buildings here are sculpted peices of art, as visually pleasing as they are functional."

"The Farmers Alliance had arranged a large banquet for our meeting today, serving the finest food Kusari has to offer, and all of it fresh grown in Kyushu's farms and oceans. It's been so long since I've eaten anything but synth paste and cryo-meals that I had forgotten what Sushi and Sake tasted like."

[Image: vo7n2r.jpg]

"Over the course of the meal we discussed the arrangements between the Farmer's Alliance, Hogosha, Samura, and the Kusari Government, as well as what we could offer and gain from working more closely with the Alliance themselves. Even their food exports would greatly raise the morale of The Order's pilots, it's a shame such 'real' food doesnt preserve well enough for extended keeping onboard starships and space stations."

"What more interested me was the natural medicines the Farmers Alliance had created from plant and animal life native to Kusari planets, some of the effects of these natural medications, after extensive testing, could prove very valuable to The Order. Most interesting among them was an herb that disrupts nerve receptors in the brain temporarily, inducing a short-lived coma; some of our scientists have experimented with synthetic medication that creates similar effects, though to a less potent degree, with the purpose of severing the connection between a nomad parasite and it's human host, allowing the nomad to be extracted more easily."

"I was able to procure a small sample of the herb in exchange for a pair of modified nomad weapons from my ship's cargo hold. When I return to Toledo after this vacation, the medicine will be delivered to our researchers to study further."

-End Entry-
Day Three: Honshu
<Vacation Log Entry #3>
<Location: Planet Honshu, Honshu System>
<Local Time: 0922 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

[Image: 1toupz.jpg]

"I went home to planet Honshu this morning to see if I could find my aunt... only to find out she died a year ago in a suicide bombing against her living complex, nobody was ever convicted but I was told the most likely suspects were Golden Chrysanthemums. Suicide bombings dont really make sense for the GC... I never encountered such behavior when I was serving in the KNF years ago, but times have changed... maybe they're becoming more desperate."

"A conference between myself and members of the Gas Miner's Guild and Kishiro Technologies was held in the GMG embassy at Honshu around noon. Kishiro had little to offer us, and there was little The Order could offer them in exchange, but fuel from the GMG would greatly help in keeping our fleets running. The GMG have always been more friendly than not towards The Order due to an indirect alliance through the Zoners, but our relations with the Corsairs have always kept them a bit uneasy. Hopefully after today's talks, we will improve our relations with the GMG a bit."

"My hope is to get a consistant trade route set up between Order and GMG space for H-fuel shipments, though finding a relatively safe route will be a bit of a problem. In return, we're offering the GMG some of our modified nomad weaponry, as well as increased Order patrols in GMG space to help deal with the threat of The Wild in the sigmas."

"I received a communication from the Kusari State Police during the meeting today, requesting that I show up at Fuchu Prison tomorrow to see how they've been handling infected individuals discovered within Kusari space. This should be interesting..."

-End Entry-
Day Four: Shikoku
<Vacation Log Entry #4>
<Location: Fuchu Prison & Battleship Myoko, Shikoku System>
<Local Time: 1455 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

<Location: Battleship Myoko>

[Image: 16a5j5d.jpg]

"I arrived onboard Battleship Myoko today to meet up with members of the Kusari State Police. I went through some security precautions before taking flight again, where I was escorted out to Fuchu Prison to meet with KSP Nomad specialists there. From what I was told midflight, numerous nomad-infested individuals have been captured by KSP pilots over the past several months, and all of them were held up in high security wards aboard Fuchu."

<Location: Fuchu Prison>

[Image: jt2a94.jpg]

"After arriving on Fuchu, I was shown to the high security wards where nomad infected individuals were being held. A conference was held on Fuchu afterwards, regarding these prisoners."

"According to the Police representatives present, Kusari has not yet been able to safely or reliably extract nomad parasites from their hosts, and would like to barter for this knowledge from The Order in the upcoming peace talks. The nomads have infected not only criminals, but also many members within the KSP and KNF who are now being held aboard Fuchu with no way of being freed from their alien controllers. The Order has made massive progress in nomad extraction in the past several years, hopefully we will be able to gain something in exchange for that knowledge."

-End Entry-
Day Five: Kansai
<Vacation Log Entry #5>
<Location: Kansai Research Station, Honshu System>
<Local Time: 1829 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

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"I was greeted by a Kusari Naval Forces escort today, and was lead to Kansai research station, hidden within Honshu. Here, the KNF with the assistance of Kishiro, and to a far lesser extent Samura, were working on constructing a new line of Kusari vessels to support the fleet in the future. From what I was told in my short tour here, Kusari has been working for decades to match the technological prowess of Liberty warships, primarily in regards to hyperdrives, scanning equipment, and improved hull plating. Masked pirate attacks undertaken by the Hogosha and undercover KNF pilots against DSE, Ageira, and Liberty Naval convoys between Kusari and Liberty had been undertaken in an effort to procure technology from the other House, without ever giving away who was benefiting from these assaults."

[Image: 33y5i7r.jpg]

"The ultimate short term goal of Kansai is, according to Kishiro developers here, to produce a cruiser with hyperdrive capability, sensor systems which can pierce the crow nebula, and advanced armor plating to shrug off enemy attacks, with the end goal being to use the vessel in an assault on the Blood Dragons. I dont exactly support the idea of wiping out a group which is, for the most part, made up of honorable people, but considering the need to establish an alliance with Kusari I think we might be able to trade some of the technology that the KNF are trying to develop. Afterall, we did start out with Liberty's next-generation warship, and have evolved our technology from there."

"I held a short meeting with KNF and Kishiro on Kansai before taking my leave. I will be returning to Order space tomorrow to go over my dealings here with the rest of High Command, and if the terms are settled on we will give our final treaty writeup to the Kusari government via holocommunication. Hopefully all goes well..."

-End Entry-
Day Six: Returning Home
<Vacation Log Entry #6>
<Location: Lisbon Station, Omicron 100>
<Local Time: 0732 Hours>

-Begin Entry-

[Image: j9n5dt.jpg]

"With my business in Kusari finished, I returned 'home' to Order space this morning. While the ammenities of my vacation were a pleasant change, I cant help but say I feel more comfortable returning to my office full of paperwork aboard Lisbon Station. I submitted a report on my diplomacy talks to the other members of the High Command, and am currently awaiting a response... however, I can say with fair certainty that there will be no allegiance, or even nuetrality, with Kusari."

"The members of Kusari's government and the organizations operating within it's space seem to only be concerned with their own petty rivalries, not unlike each of the other houses within Sirius. Try as I might, I cannot seem to convince any of them that there is a larger threat on the horizon... they seem content to remain blinded by their own greed and thirst for power. It looks like, for the forseeable future, The Order is on it's own to defend those ingrates within the houses."

"The trip wasnt without some reward, however. The Gas Miner's Guild seems fairly eager to create arrangements with The Order, and their shipments of h-fuel would most certainly improve the capabilities of our fleets. They also suffer constant assaults from The Wild, which we strive to fight. I will work on writing up a treaty with the GMG to set up trade and protection services."

"I also spoke with some members of the Blood Dragons as I was leaving Kusari space, and they seem willing to work more closely with us in the future as well. It will take time to create any agreement with them, but if we can arrange some form of nuetrality and joint effort with the Dragons, it will make things much easier on our operatives working within Kusari."

-End Entry-