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Full Version: [Private Message] -> ID: Alan Jones
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[Username]|: reticulatedspline34 [Amy West]
[Image: cpEKbny.png]
[Reputation]|: 21 (+/-)

[Location]|: California

[Clan]|: Extra Dip Please

[Connection]|: Secured
[Encryption]|: Arcturus v5

|[Video Feed: Active]|
Hey Alan.
I'm sorry about before. That Zoner got you to safety, right? I didn't know if Donny hit you hard with that mine, or..- erh.. nevermind.. I'm sure you're fine...

I.. r-really wanted to just.. hrm.. I wanted to say I wasn't completely being sarcastic out there. .. being schooled and.. hrmm.. 'trained' in both Cali 'U' and Mactan kind of let me get access to.. 'things'.. I won't go into it.. maybe l-later.. if you want..
.. I kind of learned a bit about you.. records.. the things you've done, what you've done for others.. knowing Neural Net protocols and how this whole sha-bang works is pretty handy when you get down to it.. but.. honestly, it's kind of lean... like.. admirable, really.. it's not.. 'Prince Charming' quality, since Charming had more of that whole 'I'm the true hero' aura.. but.. you're up there..

.. I'm dragging on, but I really feel like all that stuff I said out there was just.. what I really think breaking out through my dry sarcastic undertone..

She sighs, taking a deep breath.

I want to know if we can meet up.. privately.. I don't want to screw you over, or.. ruin your career.. but if we had the chance to talk.. f-face to f-.. face.. then maybe a clearer picture could be drawn up..
.. I don't think it's.. 'love'.. or anything.. yet.. but it's honestly (heh) got so many damn butterflies going through my gut that I get giddy every time..

[Image: 1Gluidn.png]
[Image: ct6HYh5.png]
Wanna.. think it over..?

... please..?

|[Video Feed: Offline]|