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Location:ERROR 404
Entry #The Defilers
He starts searching frantically through the database he compiled from the information he bought aboard The Midnight Runner.I knew i have seen that name somewhere.
The Defilers are rumored to exist beyond the farthest corners of Sirius,IGRlZXAgaW5zaWRlIHN5c3RlbXMgdGhhdCBhcmUgcmFyZWx5IGNvbm5lY3RlZCB0byB0aGUgcmVzdCBvZiB0aGUga25vd24gVW5pdmVyc2U=QWNjb3JkaW5nIGZyb20gbG9ncyByZXRyaWV2ZWQgZnJvbSB0aGUgZmlyc3QgWm9uZXJzIHRoYXQgYWR2ZW50dXJlZCBkZWVwIGludG8gdGhlIE9taWNyb25zLiBTb21lIG9mIHRoZSBab25lciBzaGlwcyB3ZXJlIG5vdCBzYXRpc2ZpZWQgd2l0aCB3aGF0IHRoZXkgZm91bmQ=thus they started using unstable jump holes to go even further. Most of them died, but some live to tell the stories of the Crow. Ships that traveled safely through the unstable jump-holes soon established their Freeports. But then they appeared in their [corrupted]. The raided and raided, until the Zoners were forced to [corrupted] on platforms.

Location:ERROR 404
Entry #The Defilers
After reading all the data that he could find he realized that he was blessed that he was using the Freelancer Transceiver and ID he received long ago from a pilot that he saved from a trader ship.Ok, we I am dealing with extremly savage pirates that hate Zoners more than they hate soap. He thinks for several minutes, then remembers what his corsair chief-mechanic told him while working to gather enough money to leave the Omicrons. Regis, you were not made to be a pirate, but if you ever need to act like one... remember this song that my parents used to sing me. The song goes like this:
List to do if you want to live:
  • Hate Zoners
  • Say bad jokes
  • Talk about booze
  • Talk about food
  • Talk about booze
  • Talk about more booze
  • Yarrr harr...
Welp then! Let's do this! He opens up a channel...

Location:ERROR 404
Entry #A talk with Death
Yarr harr... for real now, I should stop this. And he flew as fast as he could out of the system.

Data-Bank obtained from [Encrypted]
Long before it became apparent that the eminent discontinuation of the RM-1 Outcast Destroyer would pose a severe threat to the tactical operations of their organizations, the Liberty Rogues and Mollys found themselves meeting again to discuss possible solutions to the heavy burden the technically complex Outcast vessel was placing upon their mutual resources.

With the decision that a possible replacement vessel could be in order, the best minds available were recruited at gunpoint and put to work with utmost secrecy to craft a capital class vessel capable of defending critical infrastructure against the heaviest of hostile incursions. Composed of a heady blend of the best in available Outcast operational technology and robust design ethos, the Scylla is the pride of the factions who crafted her.
Scan #1

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Scan #2

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Pass #1

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Pass #2

[Image: EAHbR89.png]
Pass #3

[Image: URTVmRN.png]

[Image: FjLNDeg.png]
Data from Nerva's Sutinga
Data Corrupted

[Image: 0Bjgr9o.gif]
Data Corrupted
[Image: nAQeNl7.gif]
Rebuilding data...

Rebuilding data...

Scan #1

[Image: d1NtzCn.png]

[Image: e2HM8Hb.png]
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