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Full Version: Victoria Flameheart's personal log
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[Log number 1]

[Date- 12. 03 825 A.S]

[Location- Freeport 11]

[Log start]

Finally, I've realized how to use this tablet. No, I'm not stupid. But creator of this gadget added in there a lot of unnecessary trash, it's easy to get lost in. But I'm writing these lines now, and it means that I'm a winner. Diplomate Victoria Flameheart- 1, stupid new tablet- 0.

And now to the important news.

Today I've recieved a high-encrypted transmission from our partners. They said that construction of “Saint Gallen” is completed. They're preparing vessel for long flight in Omicron Delta. Also, they've attached a photo from the shipyard.

[Image: 638zP9M.jpg]

I`m glad to hear it, because from this moment Federal Diplomatic Ship “Saint Gallen” is my new home. Protected, beautiful and huge home, I can work in peace and quiet there. I’m waiting impatiently for the arrival of “Saint Gallen”.

[Log 2]

[Date- 14. 03 825 A.S]

[Location- Renzu Luxury liner “Saint Gallen, Omicron Delta]

“Saint Gallen” has been arrived to Freeport 11.

And…. she is really big. I am afraid to imagine how much that ship costs. Perhaps, “Saint Gallen” is more expensive, than Liberty Siege Cruiser.

The high ranked personal of that liner is a very friendly and cute people. Captain of that vessel- John Campbell. In the past, he was a captain of Cryter Civilian fleet. But war forced him to go into outer regions of known space, there he get in touch with Foundation. The chief of security - Takeshi Steklovata. He is from Kusary. Chief engineer - ARC- 2774. And… he/she/it synthetic. But this does not prevent him from being like a normal human. Summing up, I want to say that the crew of the ship are very good people (and synthetic). The same can be said about Federal Diplomatic Ship “Saint Gallen”.