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Full Version: [PUBLIC SIRIUS WIDE TRANSMISSION] To: Whomever it May Concern, From: LC Command
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Well, well, well, it seems like we might have found something here.

[Image: SZ9WQa0.png]

[Image: PQSFNMl.png]

[Image: B7n5Lvw.png]

Seems pretty heavily armed and armoured for some sort of Zoner research base.

We got enough competition in Liberty already for contracts and as seeing how hard this place was to find and how by such a slim chance our pilot found it while trying to pursue one of his targets in to the cloud, it don't take a genius to see your in the same line of business we are. That or your just pirates. Either way.

Look, I'll be frank, we ain't bad guys (well we kinda are but I won't drown ya in semantics). We just hate it when up and comers think they can move in on our turf and try to steal away our livelihood. We have to support our ex-wives and regular meet ups in the Red Light district with that money! So instead of us metaphorically and literally knocking on your door till the universe freezes over, how about you identify who you are and we work out some kind of deal that can make us both rich. Otherwise we may have organise some demolition work in that part of the region. Nothing personal ya understand.

Oh before I go, guess I must mention this, but this transmission is being broadcast on all open frequencies. So whoever you are, you bound to hear it. Or if we are just too busy (or lazy) to do the demolition work, some other person can have fun doing that.

Kind Regards
Lost Company Command

[Installation coordinates: Kepler - Sector 3F/Above Nebula]


[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 0 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Lost Company Command,
To say you might have found something is silliness, because you in fact, did find something; our research outpost. This station belongs to the Ingenuus Research Group as a safe point to observe the internal anomaly inside that dark matter cloud. You'll find our defenses were passive, and had no quarrel to you, and that is intentional. Our installations are typically sanctuaries when part of the Zoner mentality, and threats of infected personnel and Nomads in the system have encouraged us to defend this detachment with static platforms. This is not unusual for Zoner installations, and under no circumstance would they be used against anyone seeking refuge.

That being said, you suggested demolishing it, and that would be quite a hostile act. We ask politely that you do not force us in a position to fight among humanity, as it is truly a waste. We would rather come to an agreement on the installation, because words are much more efficient than both siege efforts and defense efforts.

While this installation remains only open to authorized personnel, you'll find our other detachment of Port Tacoya highly profitable, as supplying it with our desired research materials should yield profits well within your desired margins. We welcome anyone who would like to do business there for nearly any reason and we hope you find it most hospitable.

Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Theoretical physics, Thermodynamics
Ingenuus Research Group
[Image: NvMi4QX.png]


[Image: oBXwZtz.png]


That installation is aligned IRG|? Well then, I guess that does change some things. A lot infact.

You guys research a lot of Nomad relics and technology right? You also don't care that much about ethical research practices or boundaries.

I think we might be able come to a compromise here possibly, depending on what we find. I bet there is a ton of prototype weapons on board that outpost, and even greater collection of research files to boot. We always knew our pilots might need to upgrade the current armament load-outs on their strike-craft. House civvie weaponry and even black market military cast offs ain't cutting these days when we try to stay competitive.

How about you open up and let us have a look inside huh? Maybe we can take some unneeded prototypes off your hands.

Darn it. You have made us get all excited. I got to remember what all you higher learned folks say about information sources, taking in one account is never enough. You must always have a wide array of varying information sources before making a definitive judgement.

So as I mentioned before, this little comm exchange is completely public, if there are any other organisations/individuals/jealous rivals who want to clear up this little mystery and provide Lost Company with those other "sources of information", feel free to chime right in before we do something unreasonable.


[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 0 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-

Lost Company Command,
You've got a few things right, and, quite frankly, a lot wrong. I don't know where you've received your intel, but I'll try to clear things up.

We do, in a limited capacity, research, document, and attempt to understand Nomad technology. We maintain an extremely strict and ethical policy when it comes to Nomad research or xeno-research of any kind, that it is done in the outer-rim; furthest from the public. It's because of these ethics that Ingenuus does not research any weaponry, conventional or alien. Our research data is, and will remain protected from public categorized as for official use only. Information protection is part of security in and out of the Houses.

Just to make sure we can completely clear up our intentions with this installation, I've included our current inventory in its entirety. The station serves as a staging point and repair location for vessels directly surveying the anomaly in the dark matter cloud. Nothing less, nothing more. The station will remain restricted and non-hostile for public safety. Just because we prefer to steer away from heavily regulated space does not mean we've abandoned morality in its entirety. We hold the safety of mankind above all else.


Dr. James Erzie
PhD, Theoretical physics, Thermodynamics
Ingenuus Research Group