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Lonely freighter with IFF of Sirius Coalition arrived to the small research outpost orbiting planet, now called Istanbul. Ship delivered all what needed for rescue operation: rations, water, new oxygen tanks and spare filters. Aswell a new automatised subterrenes to carry, and main component - the rescuers itself, two squads of Coalition cosmotroopers under command of Sn.Lt. Stanislav.
Stanislav knew that it was something he was not prepared for. A planet with dead life, temperatures deadly enough to kill even the strongest. He was nervous from the beginning. His heart rate was rising fast but the commitment was a thing he never got away from. Confident as he can be, he shrugged himself and ordered the fellow comrade to open the bay door. As he and the marines rush to get off the vessel. He waited for the perfect time. Every second felt like an hour to him.

"Alright, it is time we venture to the location. We do not know what is there my fellow comrades. I can not guarantee your lives but stick with me and I will make sure none of you go in vain."

He calmly walks to the main terminal relay to make sure the atmosphere for landing is not bitter. He was lucky, the planet lacked air pressure but, the radioactivity levels of the planet are high, as he worried. Tracked back to his fellow comrades and gradually checking if everyone was on their equipment. He, not once but, twice says that if the vessel was full of necessary stuff. Stan was not a person to ever look down on someone, he cared more than he should, he wanted everyone to get out alive. Maybe the thoughts drained some of his emotions,

"We will land near the marked location from where the last relay came from, it surely is time. Make sure to not forget anything comrades. I do not want this to be messed up by any means. Gear up."

As he commands his people. Time was surely not on our hands. He boarded as quickly as possible he can. One by one the suited cosmo-troopers got in the vessel. Ordered as the ship casually turns on its engines. He rechecked everything he possibly can and everything was good to go.

Five, three, two, one, you are good to dock out. Safe flight comrades.
Tak Tochno radio control, spasiba comrade.

By no means, it was safe at all but, positivity is without a doubt he needed the most. The ship gradually glided down the atmosphere, from behind the facility. Breaking through the atmosphere is not a big deal but, the ship was mildly shaking as it was passing through. The pilots relayed that we finally broke through the atmosphere waiting to be on the land, in the marked position.

A dark planet, middle of nowhere as one can not even see the horizon. Lifelessness is the first thing that comes to one's mind. Still, the sheer size of the planet was a thing. Sun rays not hitting the planet, made it hellish. The atmosphere is literally, nonexistent. As the Yezhov was approaching, Stan is getting a faint beacon and ordered the ship to land in the zone where Dr.Belov was transmitting from.

"To all comrades, Yezhov has ground. I repeat, the Yezhov has ground"

Stanislav smiled a little bit when hearing this, he can not believe he reached the surface without any major problem but he is getting prepared, for what is awaiting him and his comrades.

"Alright comrades, we are here. Make sure to carry at least two beacons each, the first squadron will be carrying the one automatized, the second squadron will be carrying the other one. Carry the edibles and the necessary equipment to your site and make sure you are guarded. Do not leave the six, always watch your surrounding and approach discretely."

"We are coming for you doctor." - he whispered, as the bay doors calmly opens.
[Image: CMqCc.png]
Freighter bay doors opened, and bright light illuminated the rocky surface. First squad stepped on ground, and twinkling lights from cosmotroopers displayed securing of landing zone. Right after this the second squad began equipment unloading.

After unloading finish, both squads formed around their subterrenes. Unfortunately, there were no traces of Dr.Belov's expedition. Probably, pilot missed the old landing place. Radio ops still dont receive emergency beacon's signals. And all what Alaxander got right now is scans confirming existence of caverns system.
"Alright listen up, the main point is still unknown. Only information we know is where might be the tunnel is."

Hoping that Dr.Belov is still alive. Seeing that the unloading of the equipment, is finished. Stanislav ordered his fellow crewmen to shut the bay door. Seeing the both squadrons formed around their subterrenes, he went and grabbed a rifle and made sure the sidearm is still there. Checking upon everything, it seemed the right time for him to move out. Every step made a noise, there was nothing on his visuals. Everything was dark even though, he was pointing his flashlight out in the distance, nothing, not even a single life form is out there.

"Squadrons, are you having any problems?"
"Negative, comrade senior lieutenant. Everything is going good"

Seeing his fellow brave comrades doing the hard works, he went there and helped in what was lacking. Stanislav wanted this to go right, without any loss of lives. Almost 20 minutes passes by while walking. Decent as possible, as it is going. It surely was a challenge to navigate through the planet since the sheer size and, no marked location. What more you can get from an abandoned planet. Still alive, thinking about that was only feasible.

From afar he saw what looked like the spot. Still, he was unsure. He commanded his group to stay composed, as highly they could. Dr.Belov's expedition was nowhere to be seen and it brought a lot of problems. Stanislav holds as he commands his squadrons to hold as well.

"Sergei, take one of the modified binoculars and check the forward area to see if there is anything expected"
"Tak Tochno comrade, on my way"

He rushes to get the binoculars and in time, he gets back to see if anything was fishy. Sergei searched and searched, coming to a point that he sees nothing and everything was clear to move. Stan points, as the squadrons starts to move.
"Spot found, comrade commander. One klick on my eight." - Sergei sent mark on Alaxander navpad. After short orders, squads moved to Belov's landing site.

Dim lights marks the landing pad. Part of equipment used by previous expedition still here, but comm-relay seems out of charge. Eggheads should had to think about autonomous generators...

Finally, cosmotroopers noticed dark entrance in tunnel, which expedition used for access to cavern systems. Part of drilling machinery stood here untouched. Looks like the collapse happened farther in tunnel...
[Image: CNFig.png]
"This must be the location comrades. We are here where they started."

Unsure at its best. Stan knew this might not be the location but, someone has to start somewhere. The beacon was faint but, not so much from where he is right now. Seeing the assets lying where he is, gave him bad thoughts. Alive or dead, he was thinking about it too much. Stanislav ordered 4 of his people to go scout the area. Being the previous expeditionary equipment untouched, he had a feeling that the entrance they used would be much further but, how would one know.

Without any time wasting, he went with his cosmotroopers to oversee certain stuffs. The previous equipment was recovered. Unloading the drillers from the tracks wasted some time, as the comrades working hard looked a bit tired on Stanislav's eyes. In time the 4 cosmotroopers arrives. As the commanding officer, of the four says;

"Comrade senior lieutenant, there is a dark tunnel entrance, hundred meters. Still there is not a feasible location where the main operation started from"
"I see, that entrance might be where they started. Make sure everyone is preparing."

Stanislav ordered his peoples to move out, as he was walking he made sure there is enough stuffs for all of them and for the comrades trapped below. The necessary equipment to be taken. He was calm, not talking most still he was worried. As he and the whole group reaches the tunnel, he commences his squadron to move out.

"Fellow comrades, this is it, here we are, we must proceed from this starting position."

Seeing a big hole going down, he commanded his units to stay on formation and carry the subterrenes. He starts to think who would be that crazy to just go one and a half kilometers deep. Maybe Stan's luck saved him from serving in the science but, these are just thoughts. He shook himself and waited as the squadrons take parts. Time passes and they gradually comes to the breaking point which took them around 2 hours to climb down. He had the feeling of being close but, he was far.

"Hold, we will start the next bit after 10 minutes."

He waited and checked the surroundings, lights were set to corners so that the team can elevate when returning. Ten minutes abruptly passes. Each having the communication so that none gets lost. Stanislav knew that he is on target. Next stop was at thousand meters. He saw the collapsed location and it literally shook him to his core. After scanning the direction for safely drilling down, he found the correct spot and commanded his comrades to commence the drilling. Nearly six planetary hours passes by to get to the location.

"We will rest not more than 5 minutes comrades, remember to take what is necessary."

Everything was silent except the people there, there was no beacon coming from underneath, not even a faint one to give an exact coordinate. Stanislav knew that the crew would not get a correct signal if they were not at least, fully down. He made sure that the operation would not proceed more than a day. Wishing that Dr.Belov and his crew has the edibles till they arrive...
After long drilling, subterrenes lights touched the darkness of undergrounds, and rescue group entered in Istanbul caverns system.
[Image: CNdyv.png]
Radio operator still didnt receive any emergency signals. Who know what could had happen with beacon? Now they can only hope find traces leading to the lost expedition...
After several more planetary hours passed drilling to the core spot where the last forces might disappear, the squadron leading by Stanislav reached to a middle ground. So much of waiting had to be sacrificed to reach the main aligned spot but, that was not the main concern, when you put your heart in something, waiting just becomes a lost cause and Stanislav knew that they were not near when the radio operator casually said that there was no beacon to be found. Stan surely handled the whole ordeal professionally.

"We find the beacon or not, we will dig it for ourselves. Make sure you are well prepared. Let the lights see first and approach with caution. Last expedition in here, didn't go too well."

The people approaches with the point of a finger. The squadron guarding the six hanged pointers so that whoever goes through, knows that there was someone, went before. Lights hanged in a short notice for better navigation and they took further steps. Coming to a point that hours felt minutes. Hearts were raising fast, Stanislav leading with his brave fellow comrades having their rifles on shoulder to sights, swapping when there is a threat felt but, good thing there wasn't any encounters. Feeling cautious is always right and one should be.

Stanislav was proud of himself to find what might lead him to their main location. Scratched marks but, humane. Who else would be down here anyways rather than Belov and his team. He waited around the area for some time, ordering two of the people to scout the areas. Even though no one found anything, he proceeded towards the direction, still unsure.

"Good find comrade senior lieutenant, this should be a hint I am guessing."
"Spasiba comrade, I am likely thinking the same. Alright we will head towards this way, on my lead."

Stanislav took the first step, hoping this might be it but, the realization hits him when he felt, that the iceberg looks small from the top, not from the underneath. Hours upon hours goes by only to find endless paths but finally, cosmotroopers found a broken flashlight alongside two used spare filters. He thought they must have explored a lot, not waiting in their chairs for us to get to them. If we were them, maybe we would do similar things but, a way out is what everyone seeks when trapped.

The spare filters gave Stan weird thoughts. Hoping they bought more than that, hoping they are just reserving it. Such a horrible disaster one can be part off. Stanislav had a feeling that the way they are approaching is the correct way but, having wild assumptions did not helped him either. Guesses can be guesses until you work upon and find what is right and what is wrong. After 20 minutes travelling through the caverns he ordered the squadrons to stop and rest for a while.

"Alright we will stop for ten minutes comrades, rest is due needed."

The time given was not the best but, he had to think about something. Loosing a life over a life is useless so, better treatment and equality is he always knew off and showed in his way. Seeing the people getting ready over the exact 5 minutes, orders were given and the people move out. A point came where one of his troop fell down a small sized whole, at least an 18 foot drop. Falling down and making a chilling noise gave fear to Stan, maybe there is more out there. A mechanized ladder was put to the drop and after some time the comrade that felt down came up with two of the persons that went down to help. The leg bones looks broken, his hands were clearly dislocated as he was seeing and a lot of bruises.

"I should have been more clear, alright, Gregor take three other men with you and call the hovering stretcher it should reach around 40 minutes, try to elevate to the starting point and make sure, to reach the Yezhov. Comrades, watch your steps carefully."
[Image: CN02L.png]
One fireteam took injured trooper and moved in exit direction. Other forces continued their searching. They already found traces of scouts, and everybody had feeling that Belov's base become closer.
[Image: CN07Z.png]
Comrade commander, there it is. Observing main entrance. - message from forward scout ends mission. Expeditions base was found, and to rescuers left only enter in and see if somebody still alive...
After getting the words from the leading squadron, Stanislav rushed alongside his fellow comrades to see if everything was okay. Getting inside gave a foul smell, wishing his heart out that, no one died. The squadron behind guarded the six as Stanislav himself leading the rest, gets in. What he finds is terrible, Dr.Belov but he was looking like he fainted as well the 4 other people on their side.

"Get the spare oxygen filters, foods, heart beat sensors and the defibrillators now, DOUBLE TIME!!!"

Stanislav screams outright, everyone gets shook and without wasting any time the squadron doctors gathers around to perform CPR or other similar stuffs if needed. In a moment, all the spare oxygen filters has been switched, oxygen levels were at around 0.67%, it is lucky to even found these guys alive as he whispered calmly. Wasn't seeing any food ration packs so he knew that they did not eat or drink for hours. Now waiting to finally hope that Belov wakes up.

Seeing the eyes open of all the comrades, everyone cheered loudly and was happy to see these guys alive. Stan nearly shed a tear but, holds, didn't want to show his soft side.

"Comrade Belov, we are here, no more worries."
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