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Full Version: To: Captain of Cleaner Gamma 5 | From: Liam Mueller, Alster Union
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[Image: ttxbfA7.jpg]

From: Captain Liam Mueller, High Command, Alster Union
To: Captain or Commanding Officer, Repair Vessel "Cleaner Gamma 5"
Subject: Crossing the Union
Encryption: Absolute

Greetings Captain:

I've recently been going through some of our pilots' after-action reports, and discovered rather unfortunately that you recently aided our enemy, Battle Group Harmony, during a conflict with my people in the Bering system. I don't know who you are, but you should be warned that being friendly with Harmony is a quick way to make sure you end up shot every time you enter the Bering system from this point forward.

That being said, I'm willing to consider that perhaps you didn't know the severity of our conflict with Harmony, and you were just out to make a buck. Although I'm rather loathsome of capitalism, I know how the sector works. So, I'd like to make a proposal. I would like to secure a permanent contract between you, any other vessels in your fleet, and the Alster Union. We will pay an appropriate sum for your repair services at any future engagement when your vessels are around. Additionally, you must agree to never assist Battle Group Harmony again in any conflict they may have with the Alster Union or its people.

What about it, Captain? How many credits is that deal worth to you? I await your prompt reply.

Captain Mueller


ID: Cleaner|Gamma-5
Subject: Crossing the Union
Encryption: Absolute

Greetings Captain,
Few info about our group;
The "Cleaner" Company is a freelancer group.
We normally apply the "mercenary" rule, so if there's anyone in a battlefield that needs a repair support, one of our operators can join one side, only when he's received a precise amount.

Our rule is to deny any kind of threat: if a Cleaner operator is threated by both sides, instead of receiving an offer, he is obliged to leave the field unharmed, consequently letting the sides fighting alone.
So, a Cleaner member is neutral to all the groups of Sirius, and the temporarly affiliation is regulated only via payment. When the service is finished, there's no alliance, but neutrality.

About your case, yes, I've been hired by the Separatist. Honestly I thought that your group could do a counter-offer, but it didn't happened.
While we're headed to our expansion in ranks, we could do a contract with your group.
I mean, we could assign one Cleaner operator that have to respond only to UN while the contract is active. Of course, in this case, the operator cannot use the offer-system, because he's already hired.
However, since our priority is to not align ourselves to any group, but to keep good and neutral diplomacy towards all, I cannot guarantee that while you have your Cleaner hired, the Battlegroup Harmony cannot hire another Cleaner via offer. In that case it would be normal to find 2 of our members aiding two different sides.
Our internal regulament allows this situation; ofc they won't shoot each others, but they will help their respective client. The contractors must recover the escape pods of the operators in case both are shot down. If the battle ends with one Cleaner operator unharmed, he will take care of the escape pod of his collegue.
So, summarizing, you can make a contract with our company, and we can assign to you one of our operator. This operator cannot, and won't help any separatist.

The Cleaners

[Image: ttxbfA7.jpg]

From: Captain Liam Mueller, High Command, Alster Union
To: The Cleaners
Subject: Contract Terms
Encryption: Absolute


Good luck staying neutral to all of Sirius. Even the Zoners, who are so "good" at their neutral diplomacy, can't manage it. We'll see how that goes for you.

Regarding Battle Group Harmony, you drive a harder bargain. You want us to allow you to aid our allies while at the same time aiding us. If there's a repair ship assisting each side of the battle, then how is that any different than there being no repair ships at all?

I'm willing to still pay a retainer to make sure you're always available to our fleets in battle, but with each compromise you force me to make, that amount drops. What did you have in mind for a fee for one vessel of your fleet always available for our needs?

Captain Mueller


ID: Cleaner|Gamma-5
Subject: Crossing the Union
Encryption: Absolute

Sorry Captain, don't misread me: I'm not saying that we will deploy two operators in the same place on purpose; For us it's really important to show our loyalty once the contract is made, so (I honestly see this situation very unlikely) but if it'll happen you can be sure that the assigned operator will assist you as better as he can. Our Internal Regulation forbiddens to the operators to change or leave the contractor. If there's another Cleaner in the field, it's just a matter that doesn't concern you. And I strongly believe that the support of the operators is kinda better for you instead of having "hordes" of mercs behind (and you know what I mean).
So, for sure, you can make a contract with us. I think we could start with 120 for a month.

The Cleaners

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[Image: ttxbfA7.jpg]

From: Captain Liam Mueller, High Command, Alster Union
To: The Cleaners
Subject: Contract Terms
Encryption: Absolute


Very well. I will take your offer to the rest of high command. You can expect our response within the next few days.

Captain Mueller