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2nd Attack Squadron "Saboteurs"

[Image: HrGaKFh.png]
- - Identification

Tag: H|-Sab.
ID: Battlegroup Harmony
IFF: Separatist
Technology: Civilian

- - Background
With most heavy assets and equipment being tied down in the Bering system, the Separatist leadership was faced with the difficulty to keep up presence within Liberty herself. An operation like this would be a risk to manpower and equipment and so a group of both Separatist veterans and joining outsiders was formed. With their goals mostly being focused on the norther parts of Liberty as opposed to the main forces.

Equipped with scraped together ships they would be sent to Ontario. Their goals were ambitious with the supplied resources scarce. Though possible gains undeniable. It remains to be seen if this plan leads to success.

- - Information
The 2nd Attack Squadron is a closed economy subfaction of Battlegroup Harmony. Each player is allowed two million to make a new ship with and has to go from there.

A fairly ambitious list of goals with corresponding rewards is intended to always provide something to do. If it is unlocking tech or advancing the faction it's intended to feel like your actions all progress the squad or the Battlegroup.

In a way this is also a 'back to the roots'-attempt to go back to Harmony's beginnings. Back when it was a Navy group with a resource system it was typically just the Battleship and a few snubs trying to provide good rp and a fight when applicable.

- - Recruitment
Either apply for the Fighter Corps and mention you wish to join the Saboteurs or send a message via PM or Discord. Alternatively we have always enjoyed recruiting people through forums or ingame rp. Either way works.
[Recruitment] - Fighter Corps - Battlegroup Harmony

Feedback specific to the group/idea may go here =)
We plan to log first time around the weekend. Looking for one or two more interested people right now.
Considering people had interest in this from my own faction only I've considered removing the closed economy part from this. If anyone has more interest in this with that change let me know.