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Consul William Bishop was furious. Every one of the pilots was standing to at his bunk. Bishop had a report in his hand, and he was so very far from happy.

"We have a lot of clients. On BOTH sides of the law. That puts us in a conflict of interest, at times. But the best thing to do, for instance, when an LPI is challenging an Outcast Cardi Smuggler, is to BLOODY WELL BE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!"

He paused, then continued, in a much more restrained voice.

"Look, I know it gets confusing at times, but for your reference, Mandalore Ranov'la Aran has prepared these guidelines. They are in the operational plan. Document 17-009-06. After the Mission Statement. Kalika is coming by in a bit with extra copies. Read them!"


Bishop left the barracks, muttering to himself.

Bloody Quality Policy. Bloody numbered documents. ISO-191001; Bollocks, says I. More paperwork than one could shake a stick at...

Special thanks to Consul Kal Vergebuir for salvaging these files from our old database.

The Mandalorians
(Apologies to James Elroy Flecker - by Drifter84)

We are the Mandalorians, master:
We shall go,
Always a little further: it may be
Through the ice of darkening space
Beyond the fierce system, swarming with foes,
We engage, we fight, we live, we die,
[color=#FFCC66]On taking jobs

1. Do not accept jobs against our clients (pretty obvious, but it never hurts to reinforce this).

2. Second guess placed on the Neural Net (open bounties). If you're in doubt about a bounty, check it with the Consuls or the Mandalore.

3. Only the Mandalore and the Consuls are cleared to accept controversial open bounties. You may act freely within the guidelines of our ongoing contracts and general stance towards the various clients/factions.

4. Be polite to our clients . If you feel mistreated or abused by one of them and/or their representatives, do not strike back. Bring the issue to the Consuls or the Mandalore and we will figure out how to deal with it. Remember, we rely on our reputation.

5. One of our main goals is consistency, do not hurt that concept. We are not loose guns for hire who change allegiances on a whim, we are Mandalorians. We work towards developing long term relationships with our clients. On the long run, this is more profitable than a tempting one shot bounty/job that hurts this principle.

6. When we move, we move as one. Groups similar to our own have been hurt by the foolish actions of individuals. When you fly under our colours, you are not alone, you are representing of all of us. We will all be judged by the actions of the one, without our reputation and honour, we become nothing . Never forget this EVER!
On executing jobs

1. Do not engage our clients friends inside our clients territories.

2. Do not engage our clients friends in the presence of our clients.

3. If you are about to execute a job in our clients territory, be sensible about it. Notify them politely about what is about to go down and request permission to engage. And try not to make a mess of it in front of them, remember, they pay our bills.

4. If two of our clients are fighting each other, be somewhere else.

5. <strike>((If you are about to engage a target and the NPCs are not hostile to you, make them hostile. If necessary ask for a break, fire on the NPCs, then resume combat. Or do it during the fight. Any job completion evidences that fail to show action on this principle will be considered null and void.))</strike>

As rules changed, firing on NPCs is only good in case of emergency, read as, if you are attacked while repping, or shooting faction A made faction B neutral and you couldn't note it before.
Getting your reputation to hostile for the NPC faction you are going to shoot is mandatory.

[color=#FFCC66]EDITED, 11 of July 2011.