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The air was cold and he pulled his coat to closer to him has he approached the great estate, a few days after the summit for Omega-49 was held. He had no intention of bringing the results, and he was there for another reason, the larger doors loomed before him and he gave a sharp knock on the door before standing back.

The Chancellor of the University was deeply troubled by recent events, but there was little he could do. Still, a visit to the renowned Doctor to check in on him and perhaps lend some limited assistance was worth the trip, even if it did mean avoiding his duties for a few days. The Door failed to open, and again he knocked on it, harder this time.
He had been taking some time to himself after the failed summit. Bad idea? Probably but the truth and representation from all in the system needed the truth. Doc poured himself another glass of Scotch and was getting involved with his piano to clear his mind. Alessa, the love of his life, had retired upstairs to settle in for the evening while Emiko was about doing what her late mother used to do.....keep the estate in order.
She was still in her kimono, sipping some wine while she tidied up the kitchen area. Looking at her, no one would figure her out to be Doc's daughter as she looked totally Kusarian and just like her late mother.

There was a knock at the door. Emiko just looked at it confused. "We aren't expecting anyone." She looked at the screen of the security monitor and noticed a well dressed Bretonian. Quickly, she walked to the West room where her father was.
"Daddy, there is a Bretonian at the door," she told him softly with some concern.
He kept playing his piano as he answered, "Ignore him. He will eventually go away."
Returning to the kitchen, there was another knock. This time, she did as her father said and ignored it. She just looked at the monitor and tried to see if she could figure out who it was. She had no clue.

Another knock only louder this time. She noticed the man out front drumming his fingers on his forearm. She entered the doorway to where her father continued to play. Once there, he stopped, turned and looked at her. He gave his daughter a smile. "I will take care of this."
He stood up, sipped his Scotch and went for his robe. Before that, he tucked his pistols in their holsters, the robe covering them completely. When he went to leave the room, Emiko stopped him.
She went to take his guns. "No, Daddy, not this way."
He gently removed her hands and smiled, "It is not my first choice but at this point, may be a necessary one. Dahlin' go about what you were doing and just keep a quiet watch." She just nodded.

Doc looked at the monitor and studied a moment. He recognized the man and went to the door.
"Chancellor," he said as he opened it, "I was not expecting you. Please, come in."
Doc was suspicious and very guarded. Bretonians were his least favorite people these days.
The older man removed his hat and wiped his shoes on the doormat before entering, holding his battered case close as he admired the grandeur of the estates interior for a moment before turning to his host, old and tired eyes meeting the Doctors. Its a terrible business Doctor, simply terrible. An entire house marching on this place? Outrageous it is. It was against better advice he had come, rare was the day he ever got involved in any politics and rarer still when he left the House. I have come to speak with you today regarding the events that took place here not three days ago. Although before we continue, I think it might be best if we sit down... I understand this is a...difficult time for you and your family but I'm afraid we cannot delay, it will not be long before events begin to spiral out of control faster than we can address them. The days are getting shorter Doctor, and I fear we mean to loose much more than we stand to gain if we do not act now.
It was obvious, Doc was quite angry. Having a Bretonian official in his home only made him stew. The only thing he said to the Chancellor was motioning to a chair in which he could sit. He approached Emiko, "Could I have some privacy with this man, please?" he asked of her.
She placed her hands on his chest and replied, "Mind your temper, Daddy." She kissed him, curtsied to the Chancellor and left the room. Doc thought to himself about what he had just heard, " begin to spiral out of control faster than we can address them." He didn't even pour himself another drink nor did he offer one to the Chancellor which was probably a first for Doc.

He turned and looked sternly at the Chancellor. He wanted so badly to scream in his face. More than that, a part of him wanted to draw his pistols, shoot him full of holes and send him to Queen Corinna's chambers himself.....but he didn't. He just stared.....angrily. The few minutes he tried to muster up what he wanted to say seemed like hours. He turned his back to him, folded his arms before him and looked up a bit as he spoke.
"I suppose you are here to throw law books in my face," he stated. "As I told your lawyer, piss on your law." He turned around and sighed, still beside himself. "Or maybe you are here to tell me that is expected that if I stay here that I will be expected to pay Bretonian taxes to the Crown. Well, piss on them, too." He pointed his finger up, his arms still folded, "Still, I have to admit, you have balls of steel to show up here considering the resistance has been out and about and they thirst for Bretonian blood."

He stood, looking down, his arms remaining folded, "This is my home. I have no doubt that when hostilities break out...and they will....that I will find my name on a wanted poster in New London. Why? I WILL supply the resistance. I will fund it and I have no scruples against killing anyone who threatens me, my assets or the crews of those assets, this estate and its lands, Alessa, my children or even God forbid I catch someone threatening the life of a settler, especially the children born here." He then leaned down face to face with the chancellor, "Your Queen has no idea of the monster that she has created and it is her own fault for being so arrogant and pompous."

He then stood back up and turned back around, again looking up with his arms folded, "My demand is simple. Recall the Stirling, show some faith and we can talk." He just stood still, awaiting his answer, knowing that the Stirling would stay.
Before the younger lady left, the chancellor stopped her and made a quick request. My child, before you go, would you be so kind as to find lady Samson for me? This conversation concerns her as well.

Once the young girl left, the older man simply sat and listened to what the Doctor had to say before he spoke, slowly and deliberately. No. I am not here to quote the law, and no I am not here to tell you to pay tax either, do I look like the tax man? I am here of my own volition and contrary to what the Proctors of the University recommended. He paused, waiting for the doctor to calm himself before continuing. I'm not here on behalf of anyone aside from the University, you know full well I have no authority over the Armed Forces

Again he paused, trying to find the correct words to convey the appropriate response, which was difficult given the situation. The faith I have is in you doctor. You tried your best and it was not enough, now you are in a bad situation, I am not here to tell you what to do, but if you carry out the actions you have just said it won't end well for you, you know it won't. You might not care, but what of your daughter hmm? what of Alessa? what becomes of them? You would put them in harms way for your own pride. You know as well as I do that this isn't what you want, you would never do that willingly, no child should grow up without a father, but no child should ever grow up with a broken one either. No doctor, you are being called to choose, as brutal and as unfair as that may sound, you have to choose between your family and those on this planet. I have come today to offer you what I can, You might think very little of this given the circumstances and I can hardly blame you either, but you do not have to do this alone, despite how you might feel.

He couldn't really be more specific until the Doctor had calmed down, even though it may take a while. The chancellor was about to propose something that would no doubt infuriate the doctor further and it was for this reason he had asked the young girl to fetch Samson, a level head was needed and at the current time the Doctor was not it. The Chancellor stood and walked over to the doctor, placing his hand on the man's back in comfort. I do not know what they will do when they come, but you must look to yourselves first, I can give you protection but only if you accept it will it mean anything. You need friends doctor and I am more than willing to help, you have helped us in the past. Let us return the favour.
Doc stepped away from the Chancellor as he snorted and then sneered, "Pride you say? This coming from a man who's nation first got it handed to them by the Kusari Empire and is about to get it from some angry Gauls." He softly laughed a little, putting his arms out. "So they lose the kingdom and rather than swallow that pride and sue for peace, they decide to come take a planet that has been peaceful for decades and screw that up to." He turned back to him and got a bit animated, "Oh that is nice, REALLY nice."
He then took a breath, "You are right. No child should grow up without a father which I find hypocritical on the part of Bretonia." He pointed West. "Tell that to your refugee children, now young adults, living on Port Jackson. Tell that to the children stranded on Leeds. I saw them. I rescued what my ship would hold." He then sneered again in the chancellor's face, "And now, because they are of Cretan decent, Bretonia wants to slaughter young children who were born here? Slaughter the parents who have decided to live here and adopt a new way of life that does not involve stealing, raping, pillaging or killing because of past sins?"
He stood back up, turned his back and looked over his shoulder, "That, Chancellor, makes the Crown no better than the Gauls who have rampaged through Bretonia and Liberty to make people pay for the sins committed generations ago. Please, do not ever lecture me on pride. All of you just take lives. Anyone can do that. Few can save them. Compared to most, I am God."

He gave a quick shout out to Emiko who stood long enough to hear his rant before turning to head up the stairs. "Dahlin', No. Leave Alessa alone, at least, for now."
He turned back to the Chancellor. "Protection? You people cannot even protect yourselves. And that Dagon character I keep hearing about, I disapprove of his very existence. Try taking this place or just me. I have a very good security detail should I need it."
He then went to his bar and took out two glasses, pouring himself a Scotch.
"Returning the favour?" Doc asked and then snorted. "I am curious. So what is your poison?"
The rant, as was to be expected, continued what he did not expect was for the Doctor to speak with such venom, to compare Bretonia with Gallia, that was a surprise. All the Chancellor said in response to such attacks was I am not those Men. He waited in silence for some of the tension to leave the room before speaking again. Give this estate and land to the University. He said, pausing rather unfortunately after saying this before continuing, It will be declared a college in it's own right, and you dean of it. As such, the estate and it's grounds will be left untouched and all whom dwell within, which would be at your discretion, would be considered staff and students of the University of Cambridge, regardless of whether they actually are or not. As such it would exist more akin to how things already are. You would receive the support of the University when you needed it, the Armed Forces would not be able to operate here as it is under a Bretonian entity and in the meantime you would be free to do what you wish, within reason of course, I'm sure you're not in favour of organ theft after all. This arrangement would mean you wouldn't have to leave and you could house whomever you wished here, to keep them safe. He knew the chances of the Doctor agreeing were slim if nothing else, but it was the best the chancellor could do short of offering safe haven on Cambridge itself, something the Chancellor knew would infuriate the Doctor even further.
Doc stared at the Chancellor as if he was crazy before he started laughing. He would continue laughing for a couple of minutes before collecting himself to reply. It could be heard throughout the house. "You are serious? Give up my home to the University, a Bretonian entity? Sure, it will save my hide and that of Alessa and Emiko from Bretonia but the resistance and whoever else wants to wage war will see me as a traitor and open up another world of problems. Also keep in mind that the lands of this estate extend over a thousand acres."

"Tell me something. What is it about Bretonian pride? I mean, help me to understand it. Bretonia has not faired well in war with Kusari and now Gallia yet they fight a battle they cannot win. Rather, the answer is take a planet from people who live in peace, re-settle it and what, wait for the Gallics to arrive and take that planet too? Wow, some people are indeed delusional."
He was quiet for a moment, before speaking in a low, slightly darker tone.You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I had something to do with whatever is going to happen doctor, I assure you I did not. I am the Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, not a politician or a political adviser, nor for that matter am I sociologist. I am a mathematician, I cannot give you an explanation as to why Bretonia is doing what it is doing, I cannot explain to you the nature of Bretonian fabric and I will certainly not be made the enemy here when I have done nothing wrong. So, with all possible respect, without adding to your frustration, your anger and your sadness regarding current affairs. Please do not imply I am guilty simply by association. He stopped speaking for a moment, thinking his statement was enough to continue the conversation.

It is for the very reason that your estate is so large that it could be made into a place of safety, you know as well as I do that the University does not involve itself in the politics of Sirius, many staff and students have gone out of their way to research those widely considered our enemies. I extend this offer to you because you are a man who is better than most, because you take into account your actions and their consequences before you carry them out. You are aware of misery and work against it, these are noble traits and rare ones. In fact they are so rare they could almost be considered saint like, if one was son inclined to say such a thing. With this in mind, I have no doubt in my mind that you'd be upset, to put it mildly, but to speak of war? and resistance? and fighting back? My God man, these are things that you spent hours lecturing against. You've seen what happens when war comes to society, you spent a greater part of your career attempting to undo the pain that war and conflict has caused. Why you would add to it is beyond me. Yes, I understand that things were better before Bretonia arrived, I am more than aware that you and a great many people would rather be left alone. But unfortunately this is the world in which we live in now. If you fight against it, it will obviously not go unanswered, the Bretonian fleets will react and it will not end well for anyone, do not go down that road, do what you have always done instead, protect the innocent and the children and under our banner, if only in name, you would have far greater resources to do so. he stopped, moving away from the doctor, looking out the window, staring out over the dark ocean as overcast clouds began to gather. Perhaps we summoned more level headed individuals to discuss this? he asked quietly.
Alessa waited at the doorway before entering the room. She listened to the conversation quite some time, hearing everything essential. She opened the door. "Good evening Chancellor." She sighed and spoke in a largely cared tone. "Another day and another bretonian knocking on the door and desiring our land." Alessa got close to John laying his arm over her shoulder, feeling the gun under his robe. "People like you, chancellor, people serving the houses won't ever understand what we are and what we believe in. All of them stagnating in their evolutionary circle, degenarating under the houses authority. Stealing the land or bringing war to these, who want to be better human. These who do the first steps out of this primitive evolutionary circle. This offer. I heard it from outside. You, as you are here, only talk with a snake tongue." Suddenly Alessa moved slightly forward and grabbed John's gun. Directly aiming to the chancellor's head, she continued speaking, however it was still in a terrifying calmly tone. "You can't buy us. Above us is battleship Stirling. This is the way bretonia currently speaks to the Zoners, with a weapon aimed at their heads. We will never live again under the authority of a house anymore. This is a dead end" Saying the last word Alessa pressed the trigger and the sound of a shot left the house.
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