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CNS Bulletin

"Since the LPI has outright purchased the Illinois system from the Liberty government, Matt Myers has remained silent on policies concerning the system. Now, he is holding a press conference to inform us of what the new policies are."

Chief Matt Myers is standing behind a podium with several microphones on it. He speaks:

"Since Illinois now is under the sovereign rule of Liberty Police, Incorporated, we will be instituting new laws within said system. Foremost among them is this -- any non-LPI ship found within the boundaries of Illinois will be deemed trespassers and shot on sight, no matter affiliation, unless previously authorized by me or one of the Deputy Chiefs. That includes Liberty Navy and Security Force ships. This is due mainly to security issues pertaining to the system and a super max penitentiary we have located therein.

"Trading within Illinois is illegal, unless they are LPI-aligned traders. Because of the first 'law' of Illinois, further ones are not necessary. Thank you, and have a good day."

With that, Myers dismounts the podium amidst a barrage of questions from the assembled press. A few LN and LSF higher-ups stare at him with open shock, obviously not expecting such a move.