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Ainu Depot; Hokkaido System. 21/2/818 A.S.


The battered hull of the Chimaera was set down in the Ainu hangar platform, brought in by powerful gravity beam projectors which negated the weight of the vessel. The unfortunate KNF vessel showed significant signs of carbon scoring from a Parylizer missile that had disabled it. As it was set down on a magnetic cusion, numerous engineering and scanning drones flew from nodes in the walls to inspect the warship.

As soon as the heavy machinery was disabled, security forces streamed into the hangar, weapons ready. A mixture of GC regulars, backed up by a few Blood Dragons and what appeared to be well equipped special forces wearing resporators and heavy tactical armor. As the service robots began attempting to remove the Chimaera's equipment, the security teams began carefully attempting to access the pilot.


"Hmmm... I think I may have met him before. His voice seemed kind of farmiliar." GC pilot Naomi Ichiyusai mused to her companion, watching from the bay windows of the hangar control booth high above.

Her 'companion' appeared to be a military robot or cyborg of some sort. Watching the activity with a commanders' eye as the security forces began accessing the vessel.

"We have met our augmentation quota for the week anyway. One more KNF pilot will do us little good... it may be more prudent to ransom him back or interrogate him the 'old fasioned' way." The cold and mechanistic, but subtly human voice of the Cyborg replied.

"Poor guy's probably like most KNF. So heavily propagandized that they'd belive anything they're told by their commanders. If you open them up to other points of view, they tend to be less hostile, atleast. A shame that's easier said then done..." Naomi continued.

"A Shame..." The machine stated emotionlessly.

In the hangar bay, the workers had finally cut through the hatch locks, and were ready to open the cockpit pod...
Ainu Depot; Hokkaido System. 21/2/818 A.S.
Hangar Platform


Two Golden Chrysanthemums were standing next to Naomi wearing protective suits and aiming their blasters at what was supposed to climb out of the fighter's cockpit.

A young Kusarian girl in what seemed to be a gown and flipflops was making her way closer to the site. Her tiny steps were echoing throughout the hangar. It was Fumiko Shimazu. This young Chusa (commander) of the Golden Chrysanthemums has just recently moved back to Ainu Depot after extensive rebilitation. Fumiko has become famous after series of nights spent on her ship in Saiun Cloud, in Shikoku system. She has just returned and still felt tired and sleepy.

Fumiko reached the guards. Truly she looked funny among all those over individuals. Her voice seemed weak as she spoke up.

"Has it started yet? I was afraid I would miss it. I arrived as soon as Naomi paged me."

"We're about to crack it open" - Naomi said.

Everyone in the hangar held their breath as the cockpit opened up.
Ainu Depot; Hokkaido System. 21/2/818 A.S.
Hangar Platform

Beginning of Day 1 of being Captured


Inside the closed cockpit pod, Ishimaru watched as lights began to appear. He looked to the right and saw his standard issued pistol, and grabbed it. He moved himself to where he could position his feet on the part that was about to open, using all his strength he pushed the pod door open and knocked one of the drones out of the way. He heard weapons being charged and sighed. "Konnichiwa." He said throwing out his pistol first, which landed near the side of the ship.

Wearing full flight suit, Ishimaru stood up, holding his hands over his head. He grunted at the warm welcoming party, all aiming rifles at him, except for two. "I suppose you want me to take off my helmet." He muttered, placing his hands on the helmet. A Couple of the guards took a step back expecting an explosion. Nothing happened. Once his helmet was off his head he dropped it down inside the ship and looked back at the crowd. His hair wasn't cut to standard military length, but was of a normal young Kusarian civilian.

"Haven't you've seen a living Kusarian Naval pilot, before?" He muttered taking a few steps to the nose of the ship and hopping down from it. "She better not be damaged. If I ever get let free." He said walking forwards toward the unarmed GC Pilot, one that called herself Naomi.

For some strange reason no one stopped him as he stopped a few meters away from Naomi. "So many guards, I bet the last Naval Officer you caught went out with guns blazing." He said looking at the people aiming at him, smirking.
Fumiko Shimazu felt offended that the stranger did not approach him, seeing as she was the highest ranking officer on the drydock, but then again it must have been due to her strange approach to the scene and the clothing she had on.

"We take you seriously" - Fumiko answered trying to restore her authority. Her voice has crashed in the middle of the sentence and the naval officer turned towards Naomi.

Fumiko Shimazu whispered as she was catching up.

"Naomi-chan, how did this man end up on Ainu? Have you took him here?"
Naomi walked over to Fumiko and nodded. "Well... we got in a fight with a KNF patrol while we and Kirestu wing were intercepting commerce in New Tokyo earlier, the Rest of the KNF were defeated... but this one stood down. So we brought him here for... Interrogation I guess? Maybe keep him as a pet?"

"Information extraction..." The armored Cyborg, who's nametag identified him as 'Ironwatsas', spoke. His voice was largely unrecognizable through a vocoder, but a hint of a Libertonian Texan accent poked through. "Lady Fumiko... I think we can find a use for this individual. He seems more... agreeable then the usual stock. I would suggest avoiding using level 4 or up methods of interrogation this time around..."

Naomi visibly whinced, recalling Watsas' usual interrogation procedures. "Yeah... maybe we should try talking to him first... before we get to that point. Might be better not to break out the power tools if the guy isn't a total fanatic..."

"Alright, go ahead. But if he tries anything... he goes into the 'meat tenderizer'. I will have his ship placed in storage for future use." Watsas replied, before heading to the far side of the hangar, inspecting the KNF vessel and apparently commanding the various engineering robots wirelessly.

Naomi nodded as Watsas left. "Yes, Fumiko. This KNF appears to be less hostile then the rest of them. So... let's avoid the pokey-stabby-cutty stuff if we can? 'Kay?"
"Hai, Naomi-chan. I wouldn't want it any other way." - Fumiko crossed her arms as she was getting cold - "He is your prisoner, do as you will. I shall return to my quarters. Sayonara."

Fumiko Shimazu walked away from the scene with one of the two guards escorting her. The second guard turned to Naomi Ichiyusai.

"Naomi-san, what shall we do with the Naval pilot?" - she asked her.
"Help me strip him, check him for weapons, and put him in the Jailcell while I think of something else... Just want to keep him away from Watsas or anything of importance." Naomi replied, nodding.

She nodded toward the KNF pilot, assuming he heard her comment.

"I'll go prepare the interrogation room, hehe. C'mon, bring him in." Naomi headed off to ready the search room, as the guards lead the captured pilot close behind.
Sakura finished changing out of her flight suit, and after carefully stowing it in her locker, she grabbed her backpack, headed for the nearest padded chair, and promptly collapsed into it. It had been as especially long day of patrolling, and eventually combat. The Dragons were making big moves again, and combined with their GC allies, had launched a large assault today that had reached the New Tokyo system. Sakura and several KNF pilots had responded to the call for help, but they had been overwhelmed by the combined hostile forces. Sakura managed to eject before her light fighter was shot out from under her, and spent several hours in an escape pod while being transported back to base.

Eventually, more naval forces arrived and drove off the invaders, but not fast enough for one of the KNF pilots. Sakura heard later that Ishimaru had been captured by the fleeing Dragon and GC force. Sakura shuddered at that thought. Who knew what they would put him through? Sakura would have definitely preferred death to capture by the likes of them, especially the GC. She had heard about their torture practices, and was sure that they had even more unspeakable things at their disposal.

Frowning, Sakura decided to get up and go home. Her debriefing had been finished some time ago, and they were surely wondering why she was still sitting here. As she left, a half-forgotten memory from earlier in the day floated up to the surface. S trange conversation with an anonymous person over the comm, talking about something involving the GC. Sakura had given the person a comm relay ID that would ensure that future messages would get to her, but no information would be transmitted back. She certainly didn't need a stalker, after all.
Ishimaru grunted as a Dragon hit him in the back with a rifle, He stumbled forwards and began to follow the GC in front of him. Humming lightly to himself and wincing with each step be continued to walk with his back straight, as if he was with other Naval forces pilots. The group rounded a corner and entered a rather, dim-lit, and bloody room.

Ishimaru stopped at the entrance, looking at some of the dried blood. "Well. I hope this isn't the interrogation room." He said thinking aloud, like always. Shaking the thought out of his head and proceeded into the room. First thing he noticed, besides the blood and dim lighting, was the fact there wasn't a chair. This made him curious, so he asked.

"Okay.." he said, "Why isn't there any chairs? I mean seriously. All these type of rooms have chair's." He really didn't care who answered, as long as someone answered.
Unfortunately, nobody answered.

The guards left the room and closed the door behind them. Leaving only Ishimau and Naomi. Naomi stared at Ishimaru, smiling. A smile that should have sent chills up the spine. She appeared to be holding an object behind her back, but said nothing.

She simply stood there, waiting for Ishimaru to query further about his quite unfortunate situation.
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