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[font=Fixedsys]From: Zoners Trading Consortium
To: Corsair Council
Topic: unprovoked attack on Freeport 9

[font=Palatino Linotype]Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Zoners Trading Consortium I would like to submit a request for launching the investigation proceedings regarding the attack on the Freeport 9 base, which took place today evening.

Me and my colleague John Chrichton were greeting the passing pilots at Freeport9, when the vessel transmitting the Corsair IFF code, named "Palanecmi" approached the base. In the vicinity of 600 meters it started shooting the Bounty Hounter NPC ships, then it started to shoot in the direction of our base. After our request of ceasing the fire, (and no response), we requested the vessel to leave the system. As there was still no reaction, and the vessel continued shooting at Freeport 9, we engaged as an act of self deffence.

During the fight two ships of the Zoners Trading Consortium, one Freelancer ship and one trader ship were destroyed. All this has been witnessed by the Colony Remnant captain (=CR=Lonestar) who, by the way, has been attacked as well. So it was not only breaking the non-fire zone, not only destroying the ships of he colaborating faction in their own home, but shooting at the Corsair ally as well.

I would be very grateful to hear from you regarding this very unfortunate incident.

Best regards,
dr Werner Mazursky
CEO, board member
Zoners Trading Consortium Ltd.
As the captain of the Colonial Container Transport Lonestar, I back up all of this man's claims. I think that is enough.

To Whom It May Concern

From Elder Miguel Sephardi

Well this is a fine how do ya do. Well I will start an investigation, but I must say, Corsairs are individuals, and it's hard to get everyone moving in the same direction sometimes. A problem you Zoner folk have told me you have often, so you should understand how it goes. I will do what I can, but I would assume it is very little.

Elder Miguel Sephardi

Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
To: Elder Sephardi
Subject: Individuals
Opening link...

Very well. If they're just individuals, then you should have no issue with their swift termination.

Link terminated. Closing...
Incomming Transmission
To: Lloyd Black
From: Juan Montoya

I am sure that you wont have any qualms with the destruction of Zoner vessels violating our laws then?

In fact, I'll be on the lookout in the Omega's and the Omicrons for Zoner vessels of the hauling type who's credit balances are filled with a little too much black ink. Since you're all individuals, you shouldn't have a problem with this. After all, its just a little friendly help for the inhabitants of Crete.

If you still hold to your views on the matter, of course, Mister Black.

End Transmission
Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
To: Juan Montoya
Subject: Armed Robbery
Opening link...

If they're bringing passengers to Crete, it's their own stupidity that'll get them shot. If they're flying lone transports without guards, they shouldn't whine to the Council when they inevitably have to share their profits.

I will not defend stupidity. I hope you are the same.

Link terminated. Closing...
Incomming Transmission
To: Lloyd Black
Comm ID: Juan Montoya


I like that course of action, satisfactory for everyone. Of course, I only speak for myself, but still.

A good resolution. For me, anyway.

End Transmission
Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black
Location: Freeport 6
To: Juan Montoya
Subject: Individuals
Opening link...

And this is the problem with individuals. I only speak for myself, as well, and not everyone on the Council usually agrees with my views. But, if the termination of Palanecmi for violating Freeport laws isn't an issue, I'm sure we can get right on that.

I do think, however, that you should address the issue of a Corsair shooting an ally of the Corsairs. I don't believe the Colonials appreciate being shot at, and dealing with that issue yourselves would probably be in your own best interests.

Link terminated. Closing...
Communication link received...
To: Werner Mazursky

Sorry about the interruption, but I don't like being mocked by Corsairs. If you need assistance dealing with Palanecmi, send a message up to Freeport 6.

Link terminated. Closing...
Now Lloyd, don't jump the gun here..

Regarding Palanecmi, normally I'd request evidence to back up the claims of what happened. However, since this incident featured a Colonial ship corroborating Mr. Mazursky's report, I think we can wave it. Its unlikely they would seek to falsely accuse one of their own allies. The Corsair's actions definitely earn him a quick termination. This should be given to the Corsair's own Council to deal with the termination themselves, but as we can see here and in other situations, they are unwilling to do such, even when its clear the ship's captain is harming their reputation and causing them problems. The least the Corsairs could do would be to separate this ship from the rest of their nation, and make him a fair target for his victims to avenge themselves on.

However, this isn't happening. The Corsairs are objecting to anyone hunting this 'Palanecmi,' even though his death is justly deserved. They likewise are unwilling to deal with him themselves. Thankfully, Elder Sephardi is at least launching an investigation into the incident, but I doubt they'll be able to find anything of substance, a problem Sephardi also believes. This action, however, makes me question the Corsair's devotion to their alliance with the Colonials.. Monsieur Montoya on the other hand is opposed to any actions taken by any side in this. Might I remind you that the Corsairs called for the same liberties taken regarding Zoners who had tried to harm them? Considering the supplies of food we Zoners sell to you Corsairs, I expected a bit more support from you about these problems that keep cropping up recently. Merchants have feelings and thoughts too. Feelings that usually influence their prices..

About Monsieur Black's comments concerning Zoner transports, we understand that occasionally pirates prey on these traders. However, we do wish to avoid it happening it as often as possible. Many of these traders supply our Freeports, so they can continue running and producing food for Corsairs to buy.. I'm certain any honorable Corsair, like Montoya, would care more for his people's survival than mere credits.

Montoya brought up the Zoners who have, against Cretan law, transported passengers to Crete. Why anyone would wish to go there is beyond me, unless they are fans of a desert, but I suspect malicious intent, and we Zoners should avoid helping those who seek to harm our dear business associates. Corsair reactions to these traders are known to be angry ones, and the fact that they make anyone caught in such activities drop their passengers is, though inhumane, expected and unopposed by the majority of Zoners. I echo Lloyd in the belief that these Zoners earn whatever misfortune befalls them while in Gamma.

But back on to the root problem of hostile Corsairs, perhaps its time for us Zoners to enlist in other sources of security for Omega-49? My faith in the Corsair's ability to control their pilots has been shaken, and while we make a profit in selling the Corsairs food in return for said protection, I'd rather spend credits to a more trustworthy organization to look out for us. Or pay for the creation of another Juggernaut for Gran Canaria. Perhaps just some relocation of certain pre-built assets would work as well..

So long as the Corsairs threat the safety of our Freeports, I think our dealings with them should be limited to a few weekly food shipments.. For the time being, in regards to the Palanecmi, Zoners should operate on a kill-on-sight status. Surely the honorable Corsairs wouldn't complain about Zoners protecting themselves?

While we cannot easily release a council decision at this time, due to our former chairman's resignation, and the ongoing nominations, I hope the Corsairs accept the suggestions I have given here for the time being. I look forward to initiating in a further discussion regarding this incident once our political situation has stabilized. I assure you, you will be hearing from me..

-Aurelia Silvan
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: Captain Montoya

I just wanted to weigh in a bit, especially since in the past I have had overall good relations with the Corsair nation. I first started making food runs in response to a job add. Since then, I have made several. Some may say that it's foolish for a freighter to make that run alone. Well, to me, it shows only good will. I don't mind the run as I can make 2 or 3 trips in a day and be home for supper and a game of Poker.

As previously mentioned, we all know that passengers to Crete are NOT wanted and anyone who brings them is a fool. I know it and abide by it. As with the Corsair nation, many of us Zoners just want a life away from what I often find as tyrannical rule by Houses and just be ourselves. While we are often individuals, only together can we make it, as is the case with the Corsairs. We also have a common ally in the Order who are much the same way.

With approval from my own leadership, I would continue making these food runs unescorted as a continued token of good will.

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