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near past
Less than 2 months ago he lived on a dream of a planet: Grand Canaria.
He went there as a technican on board of an Oracle-Ship, when they gone to this beutiful Planet for a Summit of Tomstone.
The Summit should stop the war, but the hunger of the war was stronger.
Soldiers came and burn down his house, just because he had no house-papers. How should he? Only a year ago, he was a slave.
Than he had to leave Grand Canaria, the most wonderful planet he ever saw. In Exchange to Pygar, a planet were it is very hard to live.
But he lifes, he had a Roof on his room, and didn't get woundet, when they where rescued from the battlezone.
What else should he do, than doing what he does his full life: work hard!

4 Years ago
He was no more a child, old enough for the hard work, but too weak for the really hard work. But he learnd to repair machinery very fast. And he was so good in this, that he improve some of the machinery for a more effective work. But he never get a "Thanky you" or, the light stay by him, see money. No, because he was a slave.
A slave in the Republic of Liberty, where slavery is forbidden.