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Full Version: To: All available Apostatas forces in the Omegas
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.:Incoming Transmission:.

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Comm ID:
General de Brigada Nero Berlioz
Location: Puerto de Nueva Hispania,
Omicron Theta

Subject: New orders
Priority: High
Encryption: Strong

Buenos días mi hermanos y hermanas.

I hope that you have been holding up well. The last months have been harsh, and we've had to endure much. Although, with the help of our allies, we have managed to keep on fighting for the future of a liberated Crete. Now these allies call for our help. They came to our aid when we needed it and so we will do the same in return.

After receiving a mission report from señor Secada, High Command have decided to assist the Coalition forces in the Omega-47 system. The Hessians have recently suffered an attack on one of their fleets in the Omega-5 system by the hands of the Corsairs, leaving Omega-47 vulnerable. If the Hessians lose control of Omega-47 our efforts to hold them off in Omega-49 will suffer greatly. It seems like the Elders plans of conquering more territories will never end.

You are hereby ordered to move any combat capable ship to the Omega-47 system and report to the Coalition carrier Alvin Katz. The carrier is currently orbiting the moon around Planet Tangier. Further orders will be briefed once you have made contact with Apostatas personnel on the Alvin Katz.

Comandante Lucas Gonzalez will be spearheading this operation. If you have any questions, you take it to him.
We will be sending an additional reinforcement-wing directly from Theta. Expect it to arrive and meet up with you soon.

The Omega-47 system is now considered a war-zone and extreme caution is to be exercised. The Coalition will notify the Hessians of our arrival to make sure they don't mistake us for the bloodthirsty Brotherhood.

Make our people proud.

Viva el revolución!
Nero Berlioz

[Image: leLEkBz.png]
.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: wtkp8jp.png?dateline=1517945771]

Comm ID: Cadete Heraclio Matías Silva
Recipient: General de Brigada Nero Berlioz
Subject: New Orders

Buenos días General,

As you said General, the last few months were everything except an easy time, but we have to continue the fight because we fight for a noble cause: for the future of our people. Now they may think that we are nothing more than mere traitors but one day they will understand the truth.

We acknowledged the orders and we change direction to assist the Coalition forces in the Omega-47 system.

Viva el revolución!

Heraclio Matías Silva

[Image: leLEkBz.png]
.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: wtkp8jp.png?dateline=1517945771]

Comm ID: Lucas Gonzalez
Recipient: Apostatas of the Omegas
Subject: Omega-52

Buenos días,

As mentioned before, my name is Lucas Gonzalez and I'll hereby take full command of the strike force that is being moved into Omega-47. The last time I've seen the likes of the Coalition on my scanners was when the Apostatas were fighting a war over a certain system with, which by now has apparently been resolved in my absence. Due to that, I can assure each and every member of our strike force that you'll be under good care. I may not be the person with the highest rank nor the most prestige, but I've been there so long as before our exile from the Empire.

With that I wish every soul willing to fight for our allies best of luck and a safe return from the fight's you shall be involved into from this point onward.

Viva el revolución!

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

From: Julia Smith
Location: Omega-41, Freeport 5
Encryption: High
Subject: Orders received

Good evening Senor Berlioz,

Orders acknowledged. They helped us when we needed it the most, now we are up to return that favor.

I'm currently stationed on Freeport 5 in Omega-41, but please don't ask me how I got here and what I'm doing. she laughs for a second
Once I finished my stuff over here, I will jump back into my ship and head to the Alvin Katz.

Sir Gonzales, I'll be awaiting your orders once I arrived there.

Julia Smith signing out
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Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Oscar "Ray" Secada, Azul Squadron

Buenos Dias, Senor Berlioz.

Fortunately, my last sortie has left me quite close to the RV point, and I'm glad and willing to assist in this upcoming conflict.

I'll be awaiting further orders once I arrive, General.