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[Image: LegacyofCorvinLogo.png]

Colonial Republic - Legacy of Corvin

Recruitment: Click

Faction Tag: =LoC=
Naming Convention - Snubs: =LoC=Callsign
Naming Convention - Capitals: =LoC=FV-Name
Naming Convention - Logistics: =LoC=CM-Name
ID: Crayter Republic
IFF: Crayter Republic
Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Zephyr Mark II Carrier, Deimos Dreadnought(Limited/Special Procedure)

"For those wishing a stable Colonial Republic." -Major Chris Holdan



The Colonial Republic's foundations dates back to an United Nations expedition mission before the Alliance-Coalition war. Two very early sleeper ship concepts that hastily constructed and sent into a distant sector that would have known as Crayter Sector to the inhabitants of sleeper ships Gemini and Orion. The colonists aboard the sleeper ships, who later became dubbed themselves as "Colonials" simply and became the sole nation founded upon a social-democratic, egalitarian ideology that shaped the core of the Colonial Republic we know today. What little recordings could be salvaged from the First Exodus indicates the Crayter Sector was devoid of organized crimes for roughly 500 years.

However, as resources dwindled and the human nature showed itself once again, mysterious pirate fleets emerged and the Colonials fought them in the form of haphazardly converted and refitted transport vessels and converted scout ships. The Colonials did not see the need to upgrade what little military forces they had prior to those battles against scourge of the Sector. Later those series of battles were known as The Undeclared War.

As the pirate fleets were repelled, Colonial leadership thought stability and prosperity would settle in. In fact, it did settle for a limited time...

The First Exodus

For an unknown time, an evergrowing stellar phenomena that posed an immediate danger to people of Crayter. The leadership had to devise a solution and they found one: Rebuilding the sleeper ships Gemini and Orion once again. The highly industrial people of Colonial Republic worked very hard to achieve that goal and in the end, they managed to bring the two ships to partly operational levels. The best and brightest of Colonials came aboard the sleeper ships and the voyage to have a new beginning started.

Arrival at Sirius

At 801 A.S. the Colonials arrived at Omegas. In search of a new home to settle, they dealt with Planetform. Colonials would bring their expertise and fight for Planetform and they would give a home. Howeever, deals did not go well after a few years and Colonials left for Taus. Starting from 810 A.S. until Second Exodus, now known as Colonial Remnant, improved relations with Independent Miners Guild and battled the Cardamine influence of Outcasts. However when Gallia arrived, the powers shifted. As they plowed through Taus like a horde, thry razed everything in their way. Including Colonials' newfound home of Tau-44.


With the IMG's discreet assistance, Colonials settled the habitable moon of Salina, Pecos and built the Sabah Shipyard where they produced the warmachines of Colonial Republic we know today. Over time, as relations with houses eshtablished and the need of self-sustainance gained importance, a trading division consisted of retired military personnel and young, aspiring pilots who are not ready to serve in the Military yet, called Colonial Movers.

Home Sweet Home

The defection of Battlegroup Oblique at 822 A.S. played a key role in retaking Tau-44 from Gallic Royal Navy. When calendars shown the year 824, Battlegroups Hades and Oblique, bolstered with eager Captains and Pilots of Crayter Military and Council, launched their table turning strike at Minato Harbor and Sulawesi Citadel. While Sulawesi Citadel did not get extensive damage and captured rather easily, Minato Harbor was damaged heavily and after multi-day long battle, the Tau 44 was captured fully by allied forces.


People would expect the Republic to flourish with their newfound power and motivation after the capture of their former home. However, events unfolded afterwards were filled with cruelty... First the initial power struggle between iron-fisted Admiral Claire Chandler and the Admiral Michael Richard, afterwards various coup d'etats done by CIS in the guise of preserving the Republic and two different rebellions among Fleet, such as Armed Resistance of Crayter and just recently Crayter Resistance Navy, crippled the Republic. Following the Omega-3 conflict and it's outcome that costed the Olympia to the Colonials, a splinter faction have formed. Drawing inspiration from the ideals of Henry G. Corvin, which by the splinter faction is considered the last stable leadership of the Colonial Republic, they aim to bring the needed stability to the Republic once again by sticking to the Colonials' rooted ideals and end the rebellions. While they are still part of the Colonial Republic officially, they posess their own, limited amount of personnel and several Fleet Officers who are symphathetic to the cause of bettering the Republic, devoid of power struggles of late.

Short-Term Goals:
-Reduce the Cardamine flow going through Taus and Coronado
-Normalize tensions with IMG
-Improve relations with Houses of Sirius
-Compensate the losses of Colonial Fleet
-Quell the Colonial-origin rebellious movements
-Assist forming a stable Colonial government

Long-Term Goals:
-Complete the colonization of Borneo
-Assist allied forces to repel the Gallic threat
-Establish Colonial Republic as a major power within Taus
-Develop economically viable Jump Drives and Hyperspace Scanners

Diplomacy of Colonial Republic (Legacy of Corvin)


The Council
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Gateway Shipping
Deep Space Engineering
Natio Octaviarum
Blood Dragons
The Order


Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Intelligence Service
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Ingenuus Research Group
Lane Hackers
Daumann Heavy Construction
Gas Miners Guild
Federal Republic of Rheinland (as a whole, exceptions listed as seperate entities)


Independent Miners Guild
Unione Corse
The Brotherhood
Hellfire Legion
Parties not mentioned
ALG Waste Disposal
Liberty Seperatists
Junker Congress
Independent Junkers


Gallic Metal Service
Reformed Empire of Kusari (as a whole, exceptions listed as seperate entities)
Red Hessian Army
Junker Marauders


Liberty Rogues
The Wild
Kingdom of Gallia (as a whole, exceptions listed as seperate entities)
Nomads (no exceptions)

Disclaimer: We are not affiliated in any way or form with The Order (Legacy of Orillion). Just that we inspired the naming scheme from them.
We would like some feedback in this place. Let's hear what you think!
I've been waiting for Crayterians to start shooting Outcasts again and end the neutrality that =CR= and NC- established. I'm really hopeful we'll get to shoot IMG/CR on the regular again. Good luck fellas!
You will. Dont worry.
Good luck!

Don't let Corvin down, or Xi de Mortis might get upset and cut off your pizza rations!
Logo changed as it was someone else's artwork provided to us that now wishes its not used by us. made his own.