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"Naranja Squiddo" bar of Estremadura Base

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â €Dim light of pale orange-colored lamps gives an anticipation of old good whiskey that bartender will pour into your glass as soon as you snap your fingers asking for more. It does indeed create an atmosphere, which draws you here over and over, tempting to spend another damn good evening at the bar, with countless words spilling from your mouth. All this you could find on our station in Omicron Tau system.
Dross approached the Naranja Squiddo, right as the Barkeeper unlocked the door and switched the sign to "open". He nods to the barkeeper and grabs something in his coat. "Rum, without ice." He waits until the barkeeper poured some Rum into a glass, pays and walks to the darkest corner of the bar. Dross, slowly sits down with the glass of Rum in front of him, remaining silent.
"Mind if I join you?" - that was the first thing the long hair man said when he sat down across from Dross with a glass of beer.
Dross looked him right into the eyes. He still had his Mask on. "And you are who?" Slowly so that the new guest didn't realise it, Droos moved bis hand into his coat grabbing one of his guns. If this guy was another Bounty Hunter he would just kill him. Slowly to asure that guy would understand him Dross continued. "Someone with manners would wait until I would say yes." Dross already was annoyed by the pure existance of him.
"Soy captain Daniel de Motti of Cadiz Cartel. Welcome to our station."- the man smiled to Dross. By the corner of your eye he noticed what his interlocutor tried to do, but Daniel have preferred to talk with him:
"So, senor... What is your business here?" - He asked this, and then took a sip beer.
"Working, senior." Dross slowly let loose of the gun but when he pulled his hand out of the coat he had a tube in his hand. "So Captain de Motti, if you do not mind I would like to enjoy my Rum in peace before I fly another 2000 tonns of Cardamine to Liberty." With these words Dross attached one end of the tube to his mask and he dropped the other end into the glass. While not taking his view away from the boy.
"Sure, senor, enjoy your time." - Daniel thought a little and prefer to leave Dross alone.
A short man in a white lab coat entered the bar. He quickly walked up to the bartender and muttered loudly:"Whiskey with ice, please." After drinking alcohol in one gulp, he retired as quickly and unexpectedly as he appeared.
Dross could not do anything else but laugh about the Laborrat. Then suddenly his data-pad notifed him of a new message. As he finished reading and answering the comm, Dross thought how unfriendly he actually was to that boy. He stod up and walked over to him, but not before he ordered a new beer for the youngster. "Captain Dross, Mercenary Captain of the Cadiz Cartel de Comercio de la Cardamina,. It was wrong from me to point out manners but don't tell you my name at least. here have one on me." He put the beer on the next to de Motties and turned around to leave. "See you again next time, Comrade."
Peter entered the bar. He wiped his glasses and walked over to the bartender. "Double piano man, please." Having paid for the drink, he went to the nearest table. Taking a sip, he took out a notebook from his lab coat and began to draw something.
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