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ID: General Kiri
Recipient: Cadiz Cartel
Subject: Maltese pilot

Konnichiwa Maltese

In Tau-23 we came across a Crayter transport carrying a Maltese pilot. We retrieved him from the Crayter captain and dropped him off at Cali base. We wondered if it might've been one of yours since we know you operate alot in the Tau region, in which case you might have to send a ship to retrieve him at Cali. I will include the log of the encounter.

General Kiri
Matriarch of the Gen'an sisterhood
Incoming Message

[Image: wZCHcUw.png]

Sender: Daniel de Motti
Recipient: General Kiri of Gen'an Sisterhood
Subject: RE: Maltese pilot

Buenos noches, senorita Kiri.
Soy capitano Daniel de Motti of Cadiz Cartel. You are appreciated for rescue of one of Maltese. Suddenly, this is not a Cuatroce employer or mercenary, but be sure, he will come home in safe and sound. One of our men will meet you today at the Freeport 6 in Tau-23 to take this Maltese from your beautiful hands. For your assistance and rescue of Maltese citizen, Cadiz Cartel have paid you a reward in quantity of 5,000,000 credits.

Don Daniel de Motti
Cadiz Cartel

End of Message

ID: General Kiri
Recipient: Cadiz Cartel
Subject: Maltese pilot

Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu,

Don hernan de Motto, we try to assist the Maltese when possible. Sometimes it is the small victories that matter.
Sister Misaki shall take the Maltese pilot to Freeport 6 and meet you there.

Beautiful hands, huh? You are a charmer.

General Kiri
Matriarch of the Gen'an sisterhood