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Commander's Logs, 03/06/826 0959 Crayter Standard Time

This... This is a mess. How did Crayter and IMG managed to become...sour, almost like an enemy. I thought Crayter people had a bond with the Guild... Now, all is in ruins, years of fighting side by side, comradeships, all became nothing. I have done a detailed research and checked hard copies of what we knew and the Battlegroup Olympia afterwards.

I thought we were to put a stop to them, not secretly feed them under the guise of "investigations". Yet, all my efforts were for nothing, as well as the efforts of Iapetus' crew. Not to mention the sudden changes within Fleet. Why would Enigma, out of all people would become the Admiral? What are the Admirality thinking? She would have many enemies and now she went public. Are we so devoid of quality military personnel that a CIS agent transferred to Fleet suddenly?

Crayter always needed IMG and now, we turn our backs to them and secretly supply a bunch of traitors who became lackeys of a House. I know it now. Crayter was the reason IMG got pushed to strengthen their bonds with the very enemy. Gallia. It is peciluarly interesting. The long-term ally did not aid in the time of need, yet the oppressors of Sirius helped the Guild in their time of need. I don't know if their makeshift alliance will stay, however I know one thing. This is not the Crayter I knew and took risks for. They have changed, priorities shifted to the point of ceasefiring with Outcasts. I will speak with the crew. Those who stay with me, stays with me, However we will have a talk with the Guild once more.

I know what I have to do and if that is what means to achieve my goals, then I will truly side with the Guild.
Commander's Logs, 06/07/826 0859 Sirius Standard Time

Since my "transfer" to IMG, I have battled many outcast forces. It was disorienting to side with Gallic forces at first for me and remnants of the original crew. However, as much as we do not like Gallia, they were and still are the ones to aid the Guild in the dark times. We have not seen a word from Crayter, ever since the loss of Olympia.

One of the pressing matters for me is, overcoming the tech deficit. Albeit small, still affects the effectiveness of the ship. We should contact Ingenuus for improving our jump drive and see if they are willing to spare a Power Cell. While the guild may have a struggle with maintaining the ship's advanced systems, I have full trust in my engineering team. It could be better if Adam was witg me though...
Commander's Logs, 07/28/826 0835 Sirius Standard Time

Battles rage over Tau 31 and Crayterians push to conquer Tau 31. That endangers the Holman and weakens our only line of defense: Stability. While Kyoko's forces and my crew does the best to ensure Holman is safe, there are concerns of what may happen at the aftermath...

Nonetheless, we are in need of the IRG Cell still, and IRG is putting an outrageous price to deny us the technology. Perhaps we should forgo their electrical grid modifications, just buy the power cell the usual way and then try to adapt the grid ourselves. I know who I can talk to and their expertise will help me greatly.