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I don't know the guy bleeding out on the bed, drops of his blood staining the carpet. Does he have family, someone other he cares for, will somebody miss him, will his departure from this world have any future impact, on me, on others? The questions one might ask in a situation like this. I don't. They surface through my mind, quick to leave it again. I'm more annoyed with the ever growing pool of blood I have to step over. His death rattle grinds my gears.
I put my boot on his throat, aim at his head.
So noisy.
And pull the trigger.
I'm unsure who those clothes I wear belong to, those aren't the ones I wore last evening. They're mine now, though. I turn around for a last look at the poor sod still sharing his blood with the floor covering, he's quite handsome, was quite handsome. By now his skin paled, coloured in lighter hues of blue and partly black. A faint smile shoos over my face. In retrospect this seems like it was a fun night but I have a hard time remembering. He was just the keycard to my new speedster.
The victim is reported a young man in his mid-twenties, murdered brutally in his residence. Rumours speak of an execution but police reports have yet provided no detail on the circumstances of the crime. What is known is that another young person, seemingly in a similar age as the victim, was catched by surveillance leaving the place, smiling mischievously and right into the camera. The same person was again tracked by surveillance when he or she set off with the victim's personal ship from the nearby spaceport.

I'm not remembering smiling at the camera like that but sounds like a thing I would do. Was I really staying at a place like this? It looks so unclassy, untidy and dirty. I'm looking at the keycard and ask myself why I even needed a new speedster, I can buy whichever I want, any time. Questioning myself this way, the only answer I come up with is that perhaps the thrill was luring me.
There is dried blood still on my hands. Wasn't this days ago, maybe a week? I shower twice a day, why is there still blood on my hands? Puzzlement and confusion creep their way into my thoughts as I start looking around and have, quite slowly but steadily, one pressing question clawing its way up to the top.
Where even am I?
The place is looking neat and clean, much more befitting my status and heritage, much more like something I can enjoy myself in for a while. And while I'm wandering around in this quite openly spaced apartment, I find myself spotting more and more luxury hidden away in the details. Ending my tour by not one a thought wiser, all what is left is sitting down on the bench that rails against the thick protective glass, that allows such a wonderful view over the stars outside.
The universe's backdrop is black. It was bright the last time I saw it. I found my way to a different station, it seems.
It would be a nice change remembering such for once.
Hopital Universitaire Pitie Salpetriere, Ile-de-France
PATIENT 627-716 Alicen Loyard

Full Name: Alicen Loyard d'Orleans
Full title: Court Lady of second order, heiress Loyard d'Orleans
Date of birth: 716 After Gallic Settlement (800), Orleans' 2nd rotation around its star, 25th day of the 4th season
Place of birth: Planet Orleans, Orleanais
Sex: Female
Nationality: Le royaume de Gallia

Date of admission: 728 After Gallic Settlement (812), Ile-de-France's 1st rotation around its star, 18th day of the 2nd season
Committed through: Department of Royal Police on Orleanais, by court order
Diagnosis at admission: Disordered perception of self, disordered perception of surroundings, disordered perception of reality, incapability of rational thought, delusional thinking, auditive and visual hallucinations, severe compulsive behaviour, highly violent behaviour, selective memory loss

Date of dismissal: 736 After Gallic Settlement (820), Ile-de-France's 2nd rotation around its star, 28th day of the 1st season
Committed through: Royal High Court of Ile-de-France
Diagnosis at dismissal: Disordered perception of self, disordered perception of reality, compulsive behaviour, violent behaviour, selective memory loss

Commentary: The patient continues to prove unfit for social interaction and activities, but was dismissed from treatment due to High Court of Ile-de-France ruling. It is advised to keep the patient under supervision at all times and ensure application of all recommended medication.