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Full Version: Notice: Civilian transports that traverse the Leeds System
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"Incoming message from the Resistance"

[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]

[To]: Civilian Traffic in and around Leeds
[From]: Jonas Hudson, LRF
[Subject]: Notice to those traversing occupied territory
[Encryption]: LOW

This is a general notice being sent out via open broadcast to inform all civilian transport ships that cross or travel to/from the Leeds system that the LRF will be conducting cargo interdiction and inspection operations. This has already been underway for some time, but please be advised that Leeds is still under embargo and there is still an effort to hinder supplies moving to/through Gallic held areas.

Secondly, ALL vessels caught docking at the Royal Navy controlled Mooring Fixture and/or Docking Ring at Planet Leeds will be targeted for interdiction, added to a list of potential enemy suppliers, and potentially bountied if found to resist.

My last point is to make it clear that as advertised in our resistance bulletin [LINK] we have acquired NEMP weapons that will likely be used to disrupt traffic or constuction sites within the system ASAP. Please be advised that civilian traders may be at heightened risk of being caught in attacks and inpections for the near future.

Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Resistance!

[Image: p2k7YnX.jpg]

Standing by,
Jonas Hudson