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Full Version: Open letter to Outcasts and the Council of Dons
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Honorable leader of the TAZ,

I have instructed all and any Republicans passing through Baffin (Though I have no idea why they would) to call out your tidings.

"Hail Eris! Queen of Baffin!" Shall ring from our transmitters.

Saywer Kreth
CEO: RepEx shipping.
Comm Id: Malaclypse, Goddess Geode


I believe this matter has been satisfactorily concluded.

the proper notifications and niceties have been observed.

The proper Writs have been issued. (Boil, baby, boil.)

My thanks and the Blessings of Eris to the Council of Dons and to all who have responded.

Hail Eris, Queen of Bafflin'!

Now, pass the Gold!

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