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- Aliceil -

Name: Aliceil
Age: 22
Hair: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Faction: Outcast
Ship: Outcast Destroyer


Alice is the illegitimate offspring of a Corsair Assassin and a Outcast Trader.
As a young child it was hard for Alice growing up in the Omicron Kappa system on Primus,
A dead world... nothing more then a simple Zoner's trade outpost and a couple of small villages; which were constantly raided by Nomads.
Alice grew up over the years knowing very little about her Corsair Father, not even his name.
The only thing she knew was that he had been an assassin within the corsair ranks, and her Mother had forbid her from talking and asking
questions about him.

Her Mother was rarely around, Always off some where trying to clench that deal to keep the flow of income steady,
So Alice spent most of her time hanging around Other Traders... Zoner's, Outcasts, and these particularly odd looking ape people.
She learned how to trade and haggle and built herself a small reputation amongst the outpost trading odds and ends anything she could get her hands on, occasionally she was know no pocket things as she walked past traders tables... only to come back the next day and
sell them the item she had stole from them.

By age 16 Alice was able to fly her first ship, When one day her Mother decided that perhaps it was time to bring her daughter into the
freighting business. This was her first time leaving Primus in her life she was quite excited at the prospect of seeing another galaxy and had spent most of her childhood waiting for this day to come.

It was there she witnessed first hand the true destructive nature of the Nomads, their ships sliced through their convoy like a hot knife through butter as it was leaving from Primus. Alice's mother placed her into a escape pod just before their vessel was consumed by Nomad cannon fire.
She stared out the escape pod window in horror as the fleet was decimated by a Nomad Battleship accompanied by two Gunboats and no fewer then five fighters. Her escape pod touched down back on primus about 4 hours after the incident.

Alone in the desolate regions of Primus Alice survived on nothing more then Alien Organisms, although foul tasting these provided her with barely enough nutrients to survive day to day life. She wandered amongst the desolation for 6 long months, a thin husk of her former self.
Her hair matted, dehydrated and hungry, she wandered on until she finally found a small group of Zoner's living in a small village not too far from the outskirts of the Zoner's trade outpost. When she got back there was no one to greet her. No family no friends, well you couldn't really call them friends more acquaintances then anything, for they were all slain in the brutal attack on their convoy.

At the tender age of 18 Alice worked her way into the Outcasts Council on Primus and spent most of her time trading various items she had
procured by either theft or hijacking, so that she could afford a down payment on a old rusted Virage. It was also at this age she got the first "Dirt" on her hands, the incident happened when an unsuspecting trader decided he would short change her in a deal aboard his Outcast Destroyer. She took the destroyer for her own and proposed to wage war on the Nomads... Many of the Elders among the Outcast Council
considered this the talk of a lunatic or a madman and proceeded to exile her from the council.
The Incident fueled Alice's Rage toward the Nomads, She left Primus and the Omicron Kappa System and headed out into Wilderness eventually
Ending up at Buffalo.

A young Woman and at only 22 she had killed many Nomads and is now a skilled captain of her own Destroyer and could tackle a Nomad Battleship and its convoy with just her ship and crew of misfits, after many battles with the Nomads she began to become interested in them as a species and so she proceeded about setting up her own research station aboard her own vessel

These days You will see her orbiting around the New York System or Occasionally returning to Omicron Kappa to gather "Materials" for her research, And returning to the safety of New York orbit to perform her experiments on Nomads. The items she procures are of Black Market grade and she has been known to sell Weapons and Nomads to a secret society that resides within the Liberty Government.

To this day she still holds the Memory of her Mother in her heart but like all Outcasts hides her feelings deep within, glossing over her sadness with a brash attitude as most Outcasts would do.

Aliceil Turasai <3~