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Full Version: L’Action Révolutionnaire Conseillarde - Recruitment
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L’Action Révolutionnaire Conseillarde

Citoyens of Gallia! L’Action Révolutionnaire Conseillarde calls for the liberty and equality of all people's of Gallia. It's forces are currently small, but the revolution must win over the masses. Revolutionary Soldiers will be needed to assist the Council's war for liberty, but we cannot be the certain the future of Gallia will be still safe then. ARC's forces will need revolutionary citizens to take up arms, join it's ranks, and ensure the revolution can be made permanent! Fight along side us, help us overthrow the Crown and help us win over the masses to our revolutionary perspective. The future of the Council will be dictated through your aid!

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Short background story:
How did you hear about ARC?:
Have you ever been sanctioned before?
Have you read through the Governing laws of ARC?
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