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La Maréchaussée de Gaule
The Marshalcy of Gallia

ID / IFF: Maréchaussée/Royalist
Faction Tag: MdG/-


The Marshalcy
The Marshalcy of Gallia was organized shortly after first contact with the Sirian houses as a supporting force for the Royal Navy in order to better secure Gallia’s borders and enforce law and commercial regulations in the Gallic border worlds. The Marshalcy was primarily composed of retired or disgraced members of Gallia’s Royal Police and Royal Navy, but also provided many ordinary citizens the opportunity to support the eventual Gallo-Bretonian war effort without directly engaging in front-line combat.

MdG functioned as a heavily-armed national police force and border patrol agency, operating with extrajudicial powers and broad jurisdiction.

The Enclave
In the late stages of the Gallo-Bretonian war, the Marshalcy’s forces were cut off from Gallia by the Crayter Republic military. The Marshalcy fought prominently in the final battles of the war, seeking to maintain the foothold established by the Royal Navy much earlier in the conflict. The Gallic government, after having long fought to keep down a homefront revolution, surrendered to the Council, thus abandoning the Marshalcy in a war-torn frontier.

In an effort to maintain her power, and maintain the ideals of the fallen Royalist government, Provost Eveline Laroux committed her forces to backing the Royal Enclave, and began to integrate fractured and leaderless segments of Gallia’s Royal Navy into the ranks of the Marshalcy.

Most members of the Marshalcy see the Gallic government’s surrender to the Council as treachery, and consider Gallic and Bretonian space their rightful territory. Furthermore, they believe that by backing the strength and sovereignty of the Enclave, their ideals and lost systems may eventually be restored. As a result the Marshalcy has retained it's pre-exile title, seeing the Enclave as the last settlement of the true Gauls.

The Gallic Royalists
Following the unification of Gallia into the Gallic Union which joined the Duchy, Republic, Minarchy, and the Enclave, a potent cocktail of ultra-royalist sentiment, fervent isolationism and unchecked egomania splintered off to form the pro-monarchy Gallic Royalists. After the treachery of their former comrades led to the downfall of the last Royal Enclave in the Taus — the remaining Royalist forces unwilling to submit to the Gallic Union were forced to withdraw to remote sectors of space to survive. For these people what began long ago as a battle for supremacy with Gallic revolutionary groups and foreign powers has now diminished to a fight for survival and above all, vengeance.

Although the Marshalcy present as stalwart Royalists and indeed there are many amongst their number who truly are such, the continued unknown status of the Royal Crown has generated a broad spectrum of political beliefs and ambitions within their ranks and multiple theories of how a successor government might be structured have arisen. The military junta model utilized by the Gallic Royal Enclave is particularly popular in the upper echelons of the royalist forces. For all their disagreements they are united in one belief: the illegitimacy of the Gallic Union.

Officially the primary goal of the Gallic Royalists is the destabilization and subjugation of the Gallic Union. This goal is farfetched but while there are still supporters of the fight within the Union, the royalists have hope. Organizations loyal to the crown include IDF Shipping and various planetary corporations and political parties. While open support of the royalists is unwise, powerful backers are highly important to the long-term survival of the movement.

With their fleet too vulnerable to risk a frontal assault, the surviving Marshalcy favor hit and run tactics over the superior firepower and mass assault doctrines preferred by their former Kingdom and utilize veteran pilots to conduct raids on foreign and domestic shipping and isolated military targets for supplies. While not an immediate threat to the stability of either house, they are a constant thorn in the side of the Gallic Union and Bretonian monarchy and keeping the royalists contained, no matter how few, has proven time and time again to come at a price.

1. Law enforcement and military defense in Royalist active territories.
2. Protection of the Royal Customs and high-ranking government officials.
3. Border control including customs and immigration.
4. Surveillance and counterterrorism.
5. Riot control.

Zone of Influence
  • Royalist sovereign territories: Aquitaine, Brittany, Roussillon.
  • Active territories: Gallia, systems bordering Gallia, Taus, Coronado, Cortez, Kyushu, Leeds, New London, Dublin
The Marshalcy claims total jurisdiction over all active territories.


Officiers Généraux

Maréchal de Royaliste: The Marshal of the Royalists is the overall commander of the Maréchaussée. Eveline Laroux, formerly Provost of the Taus, has declared herself Maréchal de Royaliste and begun amassing a military force capable of instituting martial law in the Hebrides.
Allowed ships: Any

Prévôt: A Provost of the Maréchaussée is assigned command of a province and has the final say on the judicial proceedings within it. Each Provost has a number of Lieutenants which command the forces within their province.
Allowed ships: Any

Officiers Supérieurs

Greffier en chef: As the chief administrative officer of the Maréchaussée this non-combat role is less a rank, more a title.
Allowed ships: Non-combatant

Officiers Subalternes

Lieutenant: Traditionally, each Lieutenant was assigned to a system within their respective province. However, the Enclave's position in the Hebrides demands greater flexibility. Utilizing warships as a mobile base of operations, Lieutenants of the Maréchaussée are the instrument of the Maréchal's authority.
Sub-ranks: Sous-lieutenant
Allowed ships: Fighters, Transports, Gunboats, Capital-class (sur demande)

Ensigne de vaisseau: Due to the relative large size of the Royalist fleet and on-going mergers from former units of the Royal Navy and rival Enclave fleets. It became imperative that a rank be instated for men in command of a warship that do not speak with the regional authority of a Lieutenant of the Maréchaussée.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Transports, Gunboats, Capital-class (sur demande)


Maréchal des logis: A Marshal of Lodgings, or Troop Marshal, is the primary field officer of the Maréchaussée. The name, Marshal of Lodgings, comes from their role as quartermaster for the men they command.
Sub-ranks: Maréchal des logis-chef
Allowed ships: Fighters, Transports, Gunboats (sur demande)

Militaires du Rang

Brigadier: While not an officier rank, a Brigadier is charged with the command of a small team of around five Cavaliers.
Sub-ranks: Brigadier-chef, Brigadier-chef de première classe
Allowed ships: Fighters, Transports, Gunboats (sur demande)

Cavalier: The bulk of the Maréchaussée are the Cavaliers. Cavaliers are found in all manor of roles throughout the Maréchaussée, making up the bulk of ground patrols, fighter pilots and the crews of warships.
Sub-ranks: Cavalier de première classe
Allowed ships: Fighters, Transports

Naming Conventions
VL = Vaisseau de Logistique
VI = Vaisseau d’Internement
VCF = Vaisseau de Contrôle des Frontières
Fighters: MdG/-FirstName.LastName or MdG/-F.LastName
Example: MdG/-Eveline.Laroux, MdG/-E.Laroux

Intervention Force Fighters: MdG/-Callsign
Example: MdG/-Fantôme

Transport Class: MdG/-VL-ShipName
Example: MdG/-VL-Autorité, MdG/-VL-Seine

Liners: MdG/-VI-ShipName (French prisons)
Example: MdG/-VI-Bastille

Capital Class: MdG/-VCF-ShipName
Examples: MdG/-VCF-Vigilance, MdG/-VCF-Interdicteur



Ile-de-France Shipping

Independent Miners Guild
Rheinland Lawfuls

Blood Dragons
Liberty Unlawfuls
Rheinland Unlawfuls
Unione Corse

Bretonia Lawfuls
Crayter Republic
Gallic Lawfuls
Gallic Brigands
Kusari Lawfuls
Liberty Lawfuls

Factions not listed are considered neutral parties and to be treated with suspicion.

Note: This document is a work in progress. Please don't post your feedback here, another thread will be provided.

Shared ship ownership database...

Ship NameOwner

12/09/2019 - Added diplomacy and members.
14/09/2019 - Reworked rank structure to more accurately represent the 18th century Maréchaussée.
28/01/2020 - Added missing members.
16/02/2020 - Added new member. Added Montluc Advanced Engineering as a partner.
16/02/2020 - Updated shared ship table to include new prison liner and escorts.
27/02/2020 - Updated shared ship table to include new snub wings.
05/03/2020 - Changed all instances of Maréchausée to Maréchaussée because we're bad at spelling French words.
06/03/2020 - Reorganized ship list and added a new shared transport.
06/03/2020 - More shareds.
22/03/2020 - Even more shared ships.
24/03/2020 - SHAREDS.
30/03/2020 - Added new shared ships.
05/04/2020 - Added new shared ships.
24/04/2020 - Moved Corsairs to the miscreants category. Removed the Brotherhood.
02/04/2020 - Added Ensign rank for exceptional circumstances, added sub-ranks, updated allowed ship classes. Updated member list.
09/05/2020 - Added new Bastille and Aurore squadron ships.
24/04/2021 - Updated IFF, added information about Gallic Royalists, member list updated, and rep sheet updated.