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Full Version: Festus McBoyle to all Junkers
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Good day to you. My name is Festus McBoyle, a native of Bretonia and a Bretonian Junker to boot!

ARE YOU WITH ME JUNKERS? We fight for our home!

And talking about boots, we were booted out of Trafalgar Base! Home for all of the Junkers of Bretonia, by the Gallia Royal Navy (spits). Trafalgar Base was first to fall victim to the Gallic advance into the New London system.

After its initial destruction at the hands of the Royal Navy force, the brass of the Royal Navy quickly realized the potential value of the remains of our home and entreated the King for the resources necessary to rebuild and repressurise Trafalgar Base. They did, but what a rough job they did.

And now, after suffering and sacrificing so much, we are wanting our home back. We want to send a message to Bretonia that we want our home back!

ARE YOU WITH ME JUNKERS? We fight for our home! HOORAH!!!!!
