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Full Version: To: QC || From: Velvet
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==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 21st September, 826 A.S.
Location: Comms Room, The Cryolite, undisclosed location in Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: No Fire Zone at Freeport 11 .

Melissa is sat in the communications room of The Cryolite, she seems somewhat annoyed but she smiles in a friendly manner as she nods her head in respect.

"Honourable representatives of Cuatroce, no more than 2 hours ago, we had one of your pilots come to Freeport 11. Now, usually, I wouldn't mind care or pay any attention, as it was a simple fighter. However, to make you aware, he absolutely disrespected our rules. Now, the person in question was fined and has paid the amount requested of 10 million. Now, to ensure that we don't have any further issues with anyone in your group, I am sending you the rules for the No Fire Zones so that your pilots are aware of what is expected of them, if they want to come to the Zoner's 'neutral' havens.

Now, given the previous issues that you had with the Amenhotep, I feel this is just a friendly reminder for now. Please don't disrespect our laws, as we wouldn't go to your own stations to disrespect yourselves."

Melissa chuckles as she bows her head in respect, the transmission begins to end.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==

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Incoming Message

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Leonardo de Silva
Melissa Jones of "Velvet"

Señorita Jones,

It is fascinating to see how you yourself misunderstand the concept of no fire zone. Just some time we had an incident with your people harbouring and protecting MOA terrorists near Freeport 10, refusing to make them leave the NFZ into our hands. We respected that. Now, when our pilot is threatened with imminent destruction and request to enjoy the benefits of fabled diplomatic immunity of NFZ he is being ordered to leave the zone. Such hypocrisy is not something we tolerate.

Your position becomes more and more baffling for us. A zoner group that pledged to fight alien threat and yet is mostly observed trying to impose some rules against humans. A group belonging to zoners - fugitives from all Sirius scrambling to survive on the outskirts of the sector with but a few valuable ships that can be somehow called a "warship" and yet audaciously flexing muscles to put those few precious assets in danger. What are you then? I suggest, you answer this question yourself first.

With the mentioned above, the trust towards your organisation within our ranks has reached the level when we no longer seek your favourable disposition. The pilot in question who was ordered to leave the NFZ has undergone stress that is quite substantial. Thus, we offer you to issue apologies to him. We do not need those 10 million credits, we are making much more every minute. If you deem yourselves "wrongfully accused" and above apologies - we in the meantime revoke any rights for Velvet callsign zoner vessel passage trough Maltese Hispania's space.

I also draw your attention to your precarious diplomatic situation: as Gallic War has come to an end, Tau 37 will fall under Hispanic control, fully or partially. Whether Freeport 10 will remain a "Free"port or not depends to a large extent upon you. Moreover, I suppose the Core would be interested in Freeport 11 as well, something they have been longing for for quite a while. I bet, with official Malta and Nauru being closer than ever, with our assistance they can return to considering their plans for it. Think wisely, zoners, and remember your place in the stellapolitical arena.

Leonardo de Silva

End of Message

[Image: Is17ueq.jpg]
[Image: wWDBvtl.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 21st September, 826 A.S.
Location: Comms Room, The Cryolite, undisclosed location in Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: No Fire Zone at Freeport 11 .

Melissa is stood in the comms room of The Cryolite, she seems a bit taken back by the brash response but smiles. She nods her head in respect to Leonardo de Silva as she speaks in a calm and friendly tone.

"Mr. de Silva. As I gather from your response, you are likely confused by the decision to evict both your pilot and the Bounty Hunter from the No Fire Zone of Freeport Eleven. It is simple - Velvet does not potentially risk our people, nor the Freeports we protect. You know the rules of a No Fire Zone, regardless of your personal opinion or feelings of them. Again, I provided them again for your pilots to review, just to ensure that we can operate on the same page.

Now. You question what Velvet's aim is, and we owe you that information. Knowing who you are dealing with is important, and it is only fair you have such intel. We are a paramilitary group with the primary goal of safeguarding and securing Zoner installations and colonies, mainly in the Omicrons and Edge Worlds, from parties who wish us harm - be they human or not. In short, we are a military, intelligence, defence and logistical organisation. We operate predominantly in the edge worlds, but go where we are needed.

I will reiterate the rules broken, for absolute clarification. Section 5A and section 8.

5A: In regards to inducing a fight with the bounty Hunter. Now, the Bounty Hunter for your own peace of mind has been spoken to as well. And this was resolved incredibly amicably. As it was with your own pilot.

8: In regards to being under fire for engaging a cloak, then running to the station, even after the Bounty Hunter in question actually enforced the Zone by ensuring that your pilots cloak would not be used in the No Fire Zone. Now, he did violate the rules, and will be dealt with accordingly. But, we are not here to discuss the Hunter's wrong doings.

In regards to the Maltese Opposition Alliance, or whatever they call themselves... That is not our fight, but yours. It is not for the No Fire Zone of our stations. Were you chose to wage war, and who you do that on, is not our concern or care. However, when the war gets brought to our own stations, that is when we have to step in. We informed the pilots of the conflict they brought to a Freeport that does not want a part of your interior conflicts - and this, we feel, is a matter you can understand. We are working on an accord, after all, to allow us to fully enforce the safety of the Zoner populace of Freeport Ten, and we appreciate and strive to return the respect and understanding in this matter. It shows diplomacy is not dead - and I do not think either of us wants to be the one to resort to violence, or attempt to push boundaries.

With regards to you insulting my vessels, I will reiterate. We are here to defend the Zoner population, with our lives if necessary. From human or Nomad. Our goal is to protect, and the No Fire Zone is to protect our people - and we will maintain that neutrality with extreme force. We are not here to bend knees, nor do we expect others to do the same to us. But when you come to a Freeport, you are a guest. And a guest should uphold themselves to the standards expected of the outlined rules.

As far as apologies - we see nothing requiring us to ask for forgiveness. We have a job, the protection of whichever station we are at, and doing what we must to ensure it's safety is not something we beg forgiveness for. We would not demand forgiveness for cardamine that passes through the station after all. But. Neither party is blameless - and we can sympathize with your aim to protect your people. I will always be doing the same with my own people.

As far as revoking our rights to the Maltese systems, so that we are absolutely clear, that would be Alpha, Beta, Tau and Phi, for absolute clarification. If we're going to impose new rules on one another, I would rather we be absolutely crystal clear. If this is the case, I'm sure you won't object to us returning the favour in kind and barring you from ever being at Freeport 11 and Corfu, as well as restricting your access to Iridium in addition to Freeport 10, subject to IRG's approval. Such restrictions are not a one way street, as you well know as a businessman. In reality though, it would save us both a lot of time to not enforce such needless restrictions on each other... I will leave this in your court as to if you want to restrict our access.

The only really troubling thing in this whole response though... Comes from what I perceive rightly or wrongly to be a threat. Now, I will say one thing on the Core, they have their on motives, as do all the major players in the 'stella-political' system as you put it. But let me say, that you do not speak on anyone's behalf other than that of your own organisation. It might be a good time to remind you, that we are leaders of our own respective organisations, not of others. With regards do your threat about Freeport 10, this communication stream has been copied to IRG, the respective owners of the station... I doubt they'll be too pleased that our allies would deem it wise to threaten our people and station.

Malta and Nauru may be close, Mr. de Silva, but the Core can decide it's own position, should they want to have one. If needed, we can bring the Core into this communication feed, so that they can make their own stance clear, without you speaking on their behalf?

Now, I will leave this in your court so that we can come to an amicable solution. The last thing I want to do, is get all our respective allies in some pointless throwing of petty insults, and risk any loss of life needlessly."

Melissa bows her head in respect as the transmission begins to end.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==

[Image: M5peQHP.png]
Incoming Message

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Leonardo de Silva
Melissa Jones of "Velvet"

Señorita Jones,

The very combination of words "zoner paramilitary" or even better - "zoner intelligence" is raising eyebrows the least. Zoner are a bunch of stalkers from all over the place with little organisation, no central body, and, more importantly, no army and no fleet. And you strive to protect the Freeport 11 from nomads? Better leave it to those professional at it, like the Core or the Order.

In relation to the former, I was not saying that they would support us. Of course, we cannot speak on their behalf. We respect their sovereignty over their matters and decisions.

Now, as I implied before and as I presumed - you are above the apologies. In this regard, we impose blockade of Tau 37 for Velvet vessels. As you said, Freeport 10 belongs to IRG, and their vessels are free to traverse there. Velvet, though, has nothing to do in Maltese Hispania's protectorate space. From now on, any Velvet vessel spotted in Tau 37 will be kindly asked to leave or shot if failing to comply. You outstayed your welcome, especially in the wake of our other operations in the system.

Enjoy your solitude on Freeport 11.

Leonardo de Silva

End of Message

[Image: Is17ueq.jpg]
[Image: wWDBvtl.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 21st September, 826 A.S.
Location: Comms Room, The Cryolite, undisclosed location in Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: No Fire Zone at Freeport 11 .

Melissa is sat in the communications room of The Cryolite, she chuckles as the transmission from Leonardo de Silva ends and she shakes he head. She smiles and speaks in a friendly tone.

"We have been incredibly successful in our operations against the Nomads. Both Order and Core respect us, as we have earnt that. But, I don't want to sit here and blow smoke up my own ass. My Organisation is successful because of the people that work alongside me. So, your lack of knowing who we are is actually only good. I don't like publicity.

You seem to be rather out the loop, but we aren't just on Freeport 11, it's our headquarters. We have extensive operations all over the Edge Worlds, you will know little if anything about them. But lets say, we're assisting both Order and Core in ways that no other organisation can. But your petty insults aren't of interest to me. You are a 'humble commercial' organisation, so leave military matters to those more well versed in it.

Now, I want to clarify something. I have absolutely no intention of any ill will here. I sent you the original message out of respect between us, so that we could work and co-operate further. All you have done so far, is be vituperate, churlish and sent nothing but condescending replies. You have tried to poke your lack of knowledge on my agents, operatives and all the other men and women who risk their lives to protect humanity from the Nomad threat.

If needed, I have my entire fleet ready to support and backup IRG at Freeport 10, should they request it. Rest assured, Mr. de Silva, I don't think either us or IRG would want it to come to that stage.

I want to know, Mr. de Silva, do you want to try and resolve these issues amicably, or, do I need to speak about throwing stones in glass houses. I really do hope that we don't have to confront one another with hostile intentions. The more civility we maintain, the easier it becomes on both sides. Now... Let us resolve this amicably before we put the lives of our people on the line for the sake of your sudden lust for war. As you stated, remember your place in the stella-political arena."

Melissa chuckles as she bows her head in respect, the transmission begins to end.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==

[Image: M5peQHP.png]
Incoming Message

[Image: R9Twrlx.gif]

Leonardo de Silva
Melissa Jones of "Velvet"

Señorita Jones,

What you are saying is pretty funny. It truly is. I remember my place in stellapolitical arena, and now I am speaking not on behalf of "humble commercial" organisation of Cuatroce, but on behalf of the Maltese Unitary Republic of Hispania. We are not as big as a House for certain, but we are still a regional hegemon that, under realpolitik school of stellapolitical though, is projecting its power in the buffer zones, like Tau sector. Unlike zoners who are at most a few hundred thousand peoples spread all over the sector with no government, no army, no fleet, no administrative structure for healthcare or education, and you are but a small fraction of those. We are a state of 500 million souls with strong economy, centralised power, and what is important - army and a fleet. If you think your paramilitaries stand a chance in the front that is so close to our homeworld while your supply lines are so stretched and go through dangerous space, you have some delusions to consult over. Oh I do know our place in the regional stellar political arena.

Your noble mission of defending us against nomads is commendable, but not something that you should boast about. The Order, albeit not at best terms with us at the moment, has always been humble about their mission and did their job with extreme precision and professionalism because of their centralisation and organisation. Something that zoners lack in principle of what a "zoner" - a fugitive from the laws of Houses means. On Malta we have existed on the fringes of the sector, bordering on what later on was called nomads for centuries and we still thrived.

If Freeport 10 is under IRG administration - then leave handling it to IRG - we will not attack it. If, however, you ships violate our warnings of being present in our Protectorate - we will take all measures needed to evict you, which might put Freeport 10 at risk. Do you want to risk the lives of those you deem to protect? Because if you stay and fight - you fail your own role of a protector for some battles are better not fought.

Leave Freeport 10 to IRG. Go to your fabled locations wherever they are. Fight nomads, "protect" humanity, and do not show up in our space.

Leonardo de Silva

End of Message

[Image: Is17ueq.jpg]
[Image: wWDBvtl.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 24th September, 826 A.S.
Location: The Bridge, The Cryolite, undisclosed location in Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: No Fire Zone at Freeport 11 .

With the bridge empty other than Melissa, who is sat back on the Captain's chair. She chuckles as she sits up and smiles. She speaks in a slightly cold tone.

"Following our agreement with IRG, we are slowly moving all of our ships from the Freeport, in a way to honour IRG's decision to evict us both, as is their right. We hope that you do the same. Now, when our relationship goes back to one that is more cordial, I will explain to you why you're wrong about who we are and what we do. Until then, I believe the correct course of action for both our forces to avoid each other.

Also, I will clear one thing up, for sake of clarity again. Velvet as an organisation isn't just a Zoner one. We are bonded under the Zoner banner, as it is what makes our job easier. We are a collection of every creed and colour across Sirius who wants to take a stand. Now, Mr de Silva, I hope we can start working together, because a fruitless conflict between my operatives and yours would only be the demise of both of us for no reason other than sake of an ego."

Melissa chuckles as she bows her head in respect, the transmission begins to end.

Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==

[Image: M5peQHP.png]
Incoming Message

[Image: R9Twrlx.gif]

Leonardo de Silva
Melissa Jones of "Velvet"

Señorita Jones,

Then, I suppose, we have reached the agreement regarding the conflict of interests in Tau 37 and can proceed to our other business. We shall respect the reached agreement regarding Freeport 10 and hope you will adhere to your promise of non-interference in Freeport 10 affairs, as well as staying clear from Tau 37. As for your proposal of cooperating - I see no reason for us to cooperate and would suggest each of us mind our own business as our duties and interests do not intersect, hence we can enjoy mutual ignoring while pursuing own goals.

I consider this negotiation concluded and bid you good day.

Leonardo de Silva

End of Message