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Full Version: Genesis Research Group Faction information
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Faction's information

Tag: GRG|
Affilation: Zoner

The Genesis Research Group is an organisation formed by Martin Lawrence after the disbanding of the old Ingenuus.
Unconvinced by his colleagues sudden defeatist mindset, the engineer went about gathering what assets and staff he could.
Like a phoenix from the IRG ashes rose the GRG; the Genesis Research Group.
The teams have continued their work on Ames and Corinth Research Station, currently working to further develop their understanding of how the universe operates while providing their unique insights to those who would defend humanity against the threat of the Nomads.
Due to many staff members having carried over from their IRG days, the organization as a whole is still capable of producing the signature Powercells that made IRG the scientific juggernaut that it was, albeit in far smaller numbers without the massive resources the former organization had at its disposal.
The GRG's goals are to explore unexplored sectors, creating visionary technology and reclaiming their place at the top of the scientific world.
They aim to do this by uniting the best minds of Sirius under the GRG flag, but also by establishing a secury economy for GRG to start anew and
reclaim the resources they once had under the IRG banner.

While GRG is keeping a tight lid on the projects it's currently researching, rumors are already starting to form of dangerous weapons and automated drones being tested and developed. Only time will tell the validity of these rumors.

Faction's Diplomatic sheet



Everyone else

Gammu AI

Hostile/at War:
Nomad,Nomad followers, Infected subjects

Faction's Goals

  • Drive technological advancement to unpresidented heights;
  • Become fully independant and self sufficient;
  • Become known as the undisputed technological experts within Sirius and Gallia.

Faction's Bases of operation

The GRG at the moment operates on Ames Research Base, located in the Kepler system, and Corinth Research Station, located in the Omicron Kappa system.
They both are very important assets to the organisation's growth as they host the main laboratories and facilities needed for the researchers to work from.