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Full Version: [Withdrawn] Looking for players subforum proposal
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Isnt this kinda the exact purpose of the LFG? I guess its kinda looking for enemies as well
(10-15-2019, 12:14 PM)Silverlight Wrote: [ -> ]Isnt this kinda the exact purpose of the LFG? I guess its kinda looking for enemies as well

No, LFG does not allow thread replies. Simply LFG allows anyone to say "I like Liberty. I have an LPI ship. I like teamspeak. I have been on the mod for 3 months". Then a community member can see their thread and send them a PM (not a reply) saying "Hi. Join the LPI. Link here and Discord here."

This proposed subforum will allow you Silverlight to post "Logging my pirate fighter in 2 hours at 7pm GMT. Ship name Name.Surname" then I can reply "I'll make sure to find you. I'll log my navy fighter Name.Surname at 7pm. Good luck!"

We then both log at 7pm. I can PM you "//Hey. I'm at grid C6 and D5 if you want to fight" OR I just organically find you ingame and I know that it's you from the forums on my radar and we begin RolePlay interactions.

Hope that helps explain the proposal and makes it more clear.
With the server population being as low as it is, implementing this is the only logical thing to do.

Finding quality interactions organically when there are less than 50 people online at peak hours, potentially spread over several dozen systems, is pretty god damn hard. This would allow people to RP to their heart's content without spending eternity just finding someone (anyone) to interact with. And the certainty of finding interactions will likely incentivize more people to jump onto the server to begin with, having something of a domino effect.

If adding another subforum is too much trouble, just combine this with the LFG subforum and rename.
Thank you for the reply Toaster. You explained that very well, I agree.
(10-14-2019, 09:55 PM)Durandal Wrote: [ -> ]I don't disapprove of the idea of people actually doing this, but I don't think we need a subforum dedicated to it. Using the LFG forum for this purpose would be just fine, as is using the appropriate channel on the official Discord. The last thing we need to be doing is adding more subforums.

The only thing I can add to the above is pointing out that Discord is a lot more dynamic than the forums, making it more viable for alerts about the smallest events, such as a mere clash, skirmish, raid, trade or smuggling run, convoys, etc. What you suggest, Ava, is already an existing and used feature on the official Discovery Discord server, specifically the #find-players and #find-a-battle channels.
I also thought about suggesting something like a "looking for new members" for experienced groups in addition to the "looking for group".

An even better place than the forums for that would be directly in the game, with details on how to contact people ingame, forum, or discord. Since it's not feasible for every faction to have someone constantly recruit and advertise in front of planet Erie (which also risks to annoy new people when they constantly get asked to join a faction), maybe there could be some advertising messages in Erie, possibly as bar rumors or new bulletins.

Maybe factions could "rent" advertising space as messages, bar rumors, news bulletins, or even as ingame posters that are basically a custom texture on the 3D model of advertising space on a station wall or a new "sign" type model.

There would of course have to be strict quality standards and regular updates for that.
(10-15-2019, 04:00 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
The only thing I can add to the above is pointing out that Discord is a lot more dynamic than the forums, making it more viable for alerts about the smallest events, such as a mere clash, skirmish, raid, trade or smuggling run, convoys, etc. What you suggest, Ava, is already an existing and used feature on the official Discovery Discord server, specifically the #find-players and #find-a-battle channels.

Absolutely spot on. No denying that Discord (and Skype back in its prime) are superior platforms for this sort of "Jump in-game" posts. They are instant messaging platform after all.

If tomorrow Discord/Skype/Etc dies, this forum would live on. If tomorrow the forum dies, our community and the essence of why we are all here is instantly broken. Discord would die eventually after. The reason, Thyrzul, I propose this new subforum is because of one particular simple fact. This forum is our communities beating heart. This forum came before everything else. It holds yours, mine and every members Discovery identify and expressions.

A subforum which encourages all us members to post when going in-game, not only shows other members but also visitors and veteran lurkers that our community is still alive and worth their attention.

Furthermore, as I said before, this forum holds our Discovery identities, our Discovery forum accounts. On Discord I do not know who half the people are. But here? Here if I see you, Thyrzul or Silverlight, Durandal, Pillow, Altzek, Miloslav, WPeregrine and everyone else post a thread saying "Going in-game in an hour. Trading from Kusari to Rheinland via Sigma" then I know who you are and I know I can expect a bloody good time interacting with you in game. An added benefit being when you go in-game you know other players are holding your actions in-game as a reflection of your forum account. Ultimately likely to improve your enthusiasm in game and RP/PvP better than ever.

Threads also hold records better than Discord. I could browse this proposed subforum and see all the players agreeing to meet up in-game and perhaps along the way some semi-major events unfold. Imagine threads saying "Alright in 12 hours, myself and two other LNS caps are invading Rheinland. LNS-Hampshire, LNS-Wilco & LNS-Washington". Then within that 12 hours leading up suddenly 4 or 5 other great community members reply "Ha! Me and the RM boys will be ready". And then after you go back onto that thread and it's "Kudos for the fight. Loved the Roleplay". That sort of community spirit and interaction is the most important thing we can ever share on this forum.
(10-15-2019, 04:23 PM)Avalanche Wrote: [ -> ]If tomorrow Discord/Skype/Etc dies, this forum would live on. If tomorrow the forum dies, our community and the essence of why we are all here is instantly broken. Discord would die eventually after. The reason, Thyrzul, I propose this new subforum is because of one particular simple fact. This forum is our communities beating heart. This forum came before everything else. It holds yours, mine and every members Discovery identify and expressions.

These are just platforms of communication, one for rapid, dynamic chats with relatively short messages, the other for longer discourses and bigger amounts of thoughts to exchange. If either dies or becomes obsolete, the community moves on and looks for an alternative, just like how we moved from Skype to Discord or how the forum used to migrate a few times in the past from one host to the other. Neither seems to have the potential to just die out on its own before the community does, causing it, more like the other way around: the forum dies once (and because) the community dies too.

(10-15-2019, 04:23 PM)Avalanche Wrote: [ -> ]Furthermore, as I said before, this forum holds our Discovery identities, our Discovery forum accounts. On Discord I do not know who half the people are. But here? Here if I see you, Thyrzul or Silverlight, Durandal, Pillow, Altzek, Miloslav, WPeregrine and everyone else post a thread saying "Going in-game in an hour. Trading from Kusari to Rheinland via Sigma" then I know who you are and I know I can expect a bloody good time interacting with you in game. An added benefit being when you go in-game you know other players are holding your actions in-game as a reflection of your forum account. Ultimately likely to improve your enthusiasm in game and RP/PvP better than ever.

The Discord name/ID combinations, the nickname handling, the role/permission system, the option to write self-notes to each profile, and the general habit of people using the same names on both platforms and/or rarely renaming themselves help a lot at connecting identities and essentially make the above a non-issue.

(10-15-2019, 04:23 PM)Avalanche Wrote: [ -> ]Threads also hold records better than Discord. I could browse this proposed subforum and see all the players agreeing to meet up in-game and perhaps along the way some semi-major events unfold. Imagine threads saying "Alright in 12 hours, myself and two other LNS caps are invading Rheinland. LNS-Hampshire, LNS-Wilco & LNS-Washington". Then within that 12 hours leading up suddenly 4 or 5 other great community members reply "Ha! Me and the RM boys will be ready". And then after you go back onto that thread and it's "Kudos for the fight. Loved the Roleplay". That sort of community spirit and interaction is the most important thing we can ever share on this forum.

Being able to cut that 12 hours down to 60/30/10 minutes is where dynamic messaging platforms can beat forums. E-chats in general were used for that even back in the times of Skype. Dynamic messaging platforms are also better at handling greater amounts of shorter and less important messages than the forums.

In the end it all boils down to whether it causes as little harm as little benefits it can have and whether the Staff considers it worthy to implement or not.
(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
These are just platforms of communication, one for rapid, dynamic chats with relatively short messages, the other for longer discourses and bigger amounts of thoughts to exchange. If either dies or becomes obsolete, the community moves on and looks for an alternative, just like how we moved from Skype to Discord or how the forum used to migrate a few times in the past from one host to the other. Neither seems to have the potential to just die out on its own before the community does, causing it, more like the other way around: the forum dies once (and because) the community dies too.

You are right, the forums did change. However our forum accounts hold valuable information, history and character as opposed Discord accounts. If you type on Discord I don't have anything to go off than an image and name. On the forums you have their past actions, threads, posts, RP posts etc.

(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
The Discord name/ID combinations, the nickname handling, the role/permission system, the option to write self-notes to each profile, and the general habit of people using the same names on both platforms and/or rarely renaming themselves help a lot at connecting identities and essentially make the above a non-issue.

Not everyone uses those features for multiple reasons. Not everyone lurks Discord too or goes on the individual channels inside it.

(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
Being able to cut that 12 hours down to 60/30/10 minutes is where dynamic messaging platforms can beat forums. E-chats in general were used for that even back in the times of Skype. Dynamic messaging platforms are also better at handling greater amounts of shorter and less important messages than the forums.

In the end it all boils down to whether it causes as little harm as little benefits it can have and whether the Staff considers it worthy to implement or not.

Yes Discord is better at 60/30/10 minutes but this is now a community where people have jobs and that planning when to go in-game is the best way to get groups of people in-game. This is the reason why events are published on the forums a week + in advance. It is more effective to use the forum than Discord's instant messaging.
(10-15-2019, 06:17 PM)Avalanche Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
These are just platforms of communication, one for rapid, dynamic chats with relatively short messages, the other for longer discourses and bigger amounts of thoughts to exchange. If either dies or becomes obsolete, the community moves on and looks for an alternative, just like how we moved from Skype to Discord or how the forum used to migrate a few times in the past from one host to the other. Neither seems to have the potential to just die out on its own before the community does, causing it, more like the other way around: the forum dies once (and because) the community dies too.

You are right, the forums did change. However our forum accounts hold valuable information, history and character as opposed Discord accounts. If you type on Discord I don't have anything to go off than an image and name. On the forums you have their past actions, threads, posts, RP posts etc.

(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
The Discord name/ID combinations, the nickname handling, the role/permission system, the option to write self-notes to each profile, and the general habit of people using the same names on both platforms and/or rarely renaming themselves help a lot at connecting identities and essentially make the above a non-issue.

Not everyone uses those features for multiple reasons. Not everyone lurks Discord too or goes on the individual channels inside it.

Oh, one doesn't have to use those features, they are optional, not mandatory - though one doesn't even use most of those features I mentioned other than looking at and matching nicknames between Discord and the forum. But then their availability makes it a choice for one to connect those identities, and thus whether Discord identities hold the same valuable information for them as forum identities do.

(10-15-2019, 06:17 PM)Avalanche Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2019, 05:54 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
Being able to cut that 12 hours down to 60/30/10 minutes is where dynamic messaging platforms can beat forums. E-chats in general were used for that even back in the times of Skype. Dynamic messaging platforms are also better at handling greater amounts of shorter and less important messages than the forums.

In the end it all boils down to whether it causes as little harm as little benefits it can have and whether the Staff considers it worthy to implement or not.

Yes Discord is better at 60/30/10 minutes but this is now a community where people have jobs and that planning when to go in-game is the best way to get groups of people in-game. This is the reason why events are published on the forums a week + in advance. It is more effective to use the forum than Discord's instant messaging.

Sure, major events with more significance and required coordination have always been and will always be posted on the forum in advance, that hasn't changed and is unlikely to change, same goes for minor event alerts going off on Skype e-chats back then, going off on Discord e-chats these days, within short notice. But we already have the forum sections for major events.
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