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Full Version: To: Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese | From: Escobar Cabrera
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From: Escobar Cabrera.
To: Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese.
Subject: New relationship.

Buenos dias.

My name is Escobar Cabrera, I am an old friend of Hernán Escudero. He led the once-existing Cadiz Cartel, which you probably know about. Before I get to the bottom of the message, I must tell you a little about myself so that you do not have the impression that I’m some kind of “upstart”.

My family is one of those that can be called "inspired by military affairs": we honor the history of Malta, being aware of our situation and not trying to change something for those who live for their own benefit. We honor the military history of each of the Houses, thereby adopting something from them for ourselves (for example, military training in Rheinland). I, like my fathers (and the fathers of my fathers), consider myself a soldier who must give his life in the name of his family or Malta as a whole. We are proud to call ourselves “Maltese” and we were always ready to help those who want to make Malta better.

When I was advised about your organization, as those who are loyal to the Cartel, then I started looking for information about you. Honestly, I felt some pride when I found out that you are protecting our technological heritage and moving it far ahead. I am sure that your business will not fade away, and you will prosper.

Alas, the situation in Malta makes me fall into some frustration: the Dons are tearing our Homeland apart again, the Legion is silent, trying to frighten everyone with its greatness, a certain Enma Loyola seeks power that will lead us to ruin. Someone should correct the situation, if not completely, then for the better. I’m thinking about creating an alliance between our organizations and starting to revive Malta again, enlightening the population and making our House better. I will be honest and say that I really want to continue the work of Escudero, but this requires followers, as our family alone does not represent weight in comparison with the same Legion.

In addition, our union can create favorable conditions for the development of military affairs and the development of Malta technologies for the better. By this I want to say that I need you not only as additional voices. We can be useful to each other.

To: Escobar Cabrera
From: Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese
Subject: Re: New relationship.

[Image: MNZDWbA.png]
Greetings Escobar Cabrera,

It's always good to hear about Maltese that are wishing to stand up for Malta. But from what we've seen and experienced, Malta does not need a leader, as this has never worked before and never will. As such, the IRMM's Intelligence and Military work closely with MNS Warlords to protect and push common interests into effect. Anything you may try to put up in politics might get ignored in the long run. Many factions have stood up for Malta and failed once they realized the population is too diverse.

The IRMM works closely with any loyal Maltese group or individual. We do not differentiate as our primary role is to push the technology further and equip the warlords with the best Malta has to offer. And protecting Maltese technology comes with the highest priority, be it recovering disabled vessels or intercepting and destroying any attempts of captains to defect their ships, which has not happened on our watch so far.

As for Enma Loyola, the information spread by Don Hernan Escudero and First Maltese TV have informed the public quite well about the dangers of working with her. And from your own words, if we want less tearing, then Loyola and her LG| would be the first target for removal.

~Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese