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Full Version: To: Saigon Autonomous Council <> IRMM
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To: Saigon Autonomous Council
From: IRMM Administration
Subject: Terrorist activities in Sigma-21

[Image: MNZDWbA.png]
Esteemed representatives of Saigon Autonomous Council,

We're contacting you on behalf of several Maltese warlords and interested groups that have heard about GMG's hostile activities within the system designated Sigma-21. The reports include GMG's attacks on Rheinland Military within the system. While we do not want to present any danger to your forces, we do have a keen interest in pushing the GMG from the other side and forcing them to divert forces, ideally stopping them from causing you trouble. Initial contact with the Rheinland Military has been made and judging by their answer, they wouldn't mind our presence on the battlefield.

The IRMM as such would prefer to observe the situation and damage control, while letting our Warlords form up and strike against the terrorist forces within the system.


[Image: ByV9kPY.png%5DSaigon%20Council%20Image]
[Image: 39jggRi.png][Image: j463wIp.png]

Incoming Transmission
Intended Recipient: IRMM Administration

[Image: 1G2tVro.png]

Esteemed IRMM Administrators,

I am Hans Juppe, and have the honour of representing the Saigon Autonomous Council in the handling of your request. We are most gratified to see our mission well received, and grateful for your offer of assistance. While it is most unfortunate the the Guild has taken to violence against our members, we remain dedicated to the cause of a demilitarized Sigma-21. Outside of the system, we can of course not dictate your actions. Incursions into the other Sigmas, and actions you chose to take against the Guild there, are your own business and we will certainly not hinder you. We must however ask you to refrain from entering the Sigma-21 demilitarized system.

Hans Juppe,
SAC Administrator

Transmission Terminated

[Image: 39jggRi.png][Image: j463wIp.png]