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Low Planetary Orbit, Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine System,
12:50 pm, 12/01/743 A.G.S.

Joseph popped his fingers, mainly out of sheer boredom as everyone sat quietly in their seats within the shuttle's cabin. This would be the first time in years that he's been off planet, and the annoying silence was barely drowned out by the humming of the engines. His gaze slowly crossed the cabin at the various soldiers that had accompanied him, along with the Enclave's away team. Since leaving the planet not a single word was spoken. At a certain point, he'd expect someone to say something out of sheer boredom, but it didn't happen.

He instead decided to use this time to reflect on the current situation at hand. He was the defacto heir to the thrones - with his sisters dead and his father apparently in a comatose state. His military was decimated and fractured with this Enclave trying it's hardest to remain a viable player in the sector. His kingdom and subjects were decimated by a rebel government and other noble factions vying for control in the power vacuum that was caused by his father's sudden demise, and he was wholly out of the loop for a large majority of what had happened. On top of all of that, there were smaller problems that would need a delicate handle as well. His cousins were apparently in the hands of outcasts, and a nobleman of a corporation reached out to him in an effort to try to have some semblance of normalcy.

Though the first point of order was to prove to these incompetent officers of the Royal Navy that he was in fact blood of the King. Even if it meant destroying the entire officer core. A process that he hoped wouldn't become a reality. But he was certainly ready to carry it out, as were his men.
High Orbit, Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine System,
12:52 pm, 12/01/743 A.G.S.

She was very uneasy to see Amiral Clement powerless against this man came out of nowhere, knowing she was more than equally powerless as well, however she had to ensure that fate or pure chance could not intervene with this. She tapped her comm device 3 times long and then shortly and a short beep arrived. Suddenly, a wing of Lynxes could be seen ahead of them, moving to the same direction as shuttle and Tremblay was moving to Clement's flagship. She looked at Clement and nodded slightly, hoping he would understand.

Meanwhile, at Tremblay, Tobias was busy complaining about being delegated into guard duty like that and constantly waiting somewhere. He was grumpy. He looked around to see an empty elevator and moved to Captain's Quarters. He barked. "TEA!" He waited a few minutes, only to be greeted by a lieutenant, skin white as snow. "Sir, uhhh... we are out of tea, sir!" That made Tobias even more grumpy and he mumbled to himself about not finding tea at where was once upon Bretonian systems.
Battleship Soleil Royal, Bordeaux High Orbit
13:02 pm, 12 January, 743 A.G.S.

The silence during the flight didn't bother Ade, leaving her to her own thoughts and concerns. For a few dozen of minutes that was all she could do, as there was nothing to look at. Then an escort of Lynxes arrived, and a larger vessel too. A show of force? It sure seemed like it. The people in charge of the Enclave's war machine had enough reasons to fear a resurgent DeFrance. Adelaide felt way more secure about her position. Being a Commandant made her a simple cog in that machine, albeit a pivotal one. That, and she didn't have a stake of her own in the Enclave power games.

In a few minutes, Ade was distracted from her thoughts as the leviathan of a ship engulfed the viewport. The shuttle passed by the multiple decks and windows of battleship Soleil Royal, eventually heading down, towards the hangar. As Ade felt the soft push of the touchdown, she stood up and adjusted her uniform. Then she approached the guest of honor: "Welcome aboard the Soleil Royal, Your Highness," she said with a slight bow, seeing how she hadn't said a word to the Prince until then. "I'll go and make the neccessary arrangements." With that, she would bow curtly again and leave the shuttle.

When the dignitaries would leave the ship, Adelaide would already be waiting for them. The hangar was buzzing with activity: servicemen and non-commissioned officers going about their business, moving equipment and tending to ships. Everyone was going about their business, as if nobody knew about the arrival of the Admiral and the Prince. Once the people from the shuttle came out, the Commandant would report quietly: "I've made arrangements with the medbay. Doctor Linville is there and ready to take the blood sample, if you would follow me."
Battleship Soleil Royal High Planetary Orbit, Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine System,
13:06 pm, 12/01/743 A.G.S.

The show of force, both outside as they had approached, and even inside with the armed guards now lining the walk way of the shuttle in what looked to be a hastily established royal procession... quite frankly bored him, nor was he impressed. "Welcome aboard the Soleil Royal, Your Highness," Were literally the first words spoken during the entire trip, Joseph nodded politely as a response to the woman - noting her rank as she bowed and then watched as she stepped off of the shuttle after saying that she was going to make sure the arrangements were finished by the time he decided to stroll off of the shuttle.

After the dignitaries left, his royal guards were the second ones to proceed off of the shuttle, the men and women marched down the ramp with purpose as they took up positions on opposite sides of each other, forming what could clearly be seen as a royal procession. As soon as they were finished they stood at attention, any servicemen and non-commissioned officer who happened to glance over could clearly see the distinct uniforms of the Royal Guard, though only a few members had stopped what they were doing to watch.

Joseph took in a deep breath and straightened out his uniform the best he could to make himself look a bit more regal, before finally marching down the ramp. His arms were clasped behind him in a similar manner to when these dignitaries first approached, and he was smiling lightly. "I've made the arrangements with the medbay. Doctor Linville is there and is ready to take the blood sample, if you would follow me." The Commandant spoke again, albeit softly.

"Very well, Madame Commandant, lead the way." Joseph held his smile as he made a vague gesture with his right hand in the direction of the medbay, pausing for a moment to take in the view of the hangar bay, "If it's alright with the Amiral. My men will be taking the shuttle back to the surface to retrieve the rest of the survivors from the Royale DeFrance, and I'd hope they'll have an easy integration into the Enclave's workforce. I'm sure we could use more man power with all of the maintenance that needs to be done.
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