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[Image: 3hRwpllt.jpg]

This is the first entry in my Captain's Log.

We're due to depart Livadia in about a week, but that depends on a number of factors currently out of my control.

The Benevolent is undergoing a complete refitting - environmental systems, hull reinforcements, sensor adjustments, the new jukebox, the infrared sauna, the ice bath, and last but not least a weapon's upgrade on the dorsal hardpoint. The jacuzzi project had to be deep-sixed due to living space restraints - bummer.

Pihla is still trying to decipher the blueprints of the Repeater turret - it is decidedly not of Zoner origin. She is more than qualified to figure them out, it'll just take time. If anyone can make sense of that schematic spiderweb, it's her. Once she receives her "revelation", she'll begin to manically construct the weapons from the materials we've managed to scrounge up from throughout the Omegas. If everything pans out, we should have two new turrets in service within a week or two.

I need to talk to the crew about our future direction - what do we stand for and what kind of a mark are we going to leave in the Sirius sector?

With the conclusion of the Gallic-Bretonian War, regional power dynamics are shifting into interesting patterns.
[Image: ePkxsXGm.png]

Captain's Log, second entry.

We decided to take the Benevolent out for a spin - a couple of clicks in the vicinity of Livadia - just see if some of the pertinent systems were functioning properly. Good news! - the sauna works.

While we were out of the sensor range of any of Kappa's bases, I kept a short briefing on our current situation.

"Listen up, people. With the permission of the Coalition, Eliel's research ship gathered a fair bit of scientific data in O2. The rest was purchased at the New Hope Research Institute in Cambridge. So, we have the schematics and materials for two new turrets. Huzzah and all that."

We discussed current events and I gave my own evaluations.

"A new group calling themselves the GCA has decided to start cracking Bretonian skulls. Seems they've taken offense to the change of planetary and system ownership. The Beast of Burden - give Vilja a round of applause - has been hauling Zoner refugees to cozy Corfu at a breakneck pace. We're all Thetans here, all Zoners, so this new faction has our sympathies, but we need to evaluate this situation on the sidelines, for the time being. In any case, we will continue to protect our fellow Zoners whenever and wherever we can.

Relations with the Corsairs are based on a temporary symbiosis. They haven't bothered us, we're not going to bother them. We are, for the time being, mutually useful to one another.

The Red Hessians are ok - no point in creating pointless hostilities with the Teutons.

The Coalition is still an enigma. Vilja has hauled an undisclosed amount of uncut diamonds form Iskra, which is no small feat. They don't allow any ol' Dick and Harry onto that base. They've requested hull segments from Lanzarote and we've been happy to oblige. That said, Coalition politics is a little too - unconditional - for my liking. However, we're not in their crosshairs, so things are copasetic. However, since their worldview is militant and expansionist, we need to keep an eye on them.

The Core and Order are still wild cards. We'd be dumber than a box of proverbial hammers to irritate either one. We give them a wide berth and mind our Ps and Qs.

And now for the Fremen wannabees of OA and the lovecraftian xenomorphs that want us dead - no need for me to tell you all, that the Outcasts, the Wild, and all the myriad Nomad manifestations are to be engaged and destroyed at our convenience.

Our mission parameters in a nutshell:
1. Keep a low profile
2. Explore and investigate
3. Help friendlies in need, in particular, fellow Zoners
4. Kill bad guys
5. Run when outgunned

Ok, feel free to discuss."

The ensuing discussion lasted a good two hours and concluded in a spirit of unanimity. Not to mention that Nadezhda's hallmark pies and drinks were enjoyed by all - not all navigators are also master chefs.

All in all, we are blessed.