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Full Version: To: GC-, GC|, LH~, LR-, Junkers || From: Imperial Coalition
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From: Alana Leoz
To: GC-, GC|, LH~, LR-, Junkers
Encryption: High
Subject: Cardamine Supply

Buenos dias, esteemed allies of Malta.

Few of you know me so i'll begin with introductions. I am Alana Leoz, representative of the Imperial Coalition.

It has come to the attention of Malta that our product is being tampered with upon delivery within Liberty, and whereas this normally wouldn't concern us all that much, A client has approached us asking for a very large shipment of fifty thousand units that can be collected directly from a pre-determined station. This is to avoid any potential for the product to be altered in any way. A six hour window for the collection has been set from 18:00 on the 22nd of February.

He is offering to pay an extra five thousand credits per unit ontop of the usual price. Obviously its a worthwhile endeavour. My organisation is unable to field enough transports to fulfil the order by ourselves, thus we are asking for any help you may be able to send.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Alana Leoz

ID: Ikeda Yume
Recipient: Imperial Coalition
CC: None
Subject: Cardamine

Lady Leoz,

We have received your transmission and relayed it to the logistical GC transports.

It is bad news indeed that your supply lines are tampered with. Do you have a suspicion on the perpetrators? We ourselves would like to know if there are unreliable business partners to be on guard for.

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume

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Buenos dias,

Who and what is tampering with the Cardamine trade in Liberty? Would you also be so gracious as to tell us who this mysterious buyer is and where he wants to buy the product. Afterall this is taking place on our turf as far as I can see.
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--From: Alana Leoz
--Location: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha.
--To: Mildred Wolfe
--Encryption: High
--Subject: Cardamine Trade.

Professor, My apologies for the delayed response - I had intended to respond but it must've slipped my mind with all the excitement surrounding the convoy itself.

We're unable to reveal the identity of our buyer, the transaction took place on the Junker bases of Allentown and Beaumont, all product that we delivered was transferred successfully and payment received without issue.

We've not had any other reports of tampering of our product within Liberty and our investigations have turned up empty. Perhaps the buyer simply didn't wish to deal with yourselves nor the Rogues. As long as payment is provided who am I to question why?

Alana Leoz.
CoaliciĆ³n Imperial Maltesa