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Full Version: TO: the Verbündete populäre Ligen Syndikalisten | From: Rodrigo Diaz
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From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Tristan Gralla
Subject: A job.

Buenas Tardes,

I understand that the conversation you last had with my compatriot did not lead to any significant outcome, however I am sending this message because as I understand it. You maybe able to assist in a very peculiar matter soon approaching.

I wish to ask you to put to task your community on the 22nd to pull Liberty forces away from Manhattan, California, Pennsylvania and Colorado for as long as you are able. I have no specific method in mind for how you could do this, as you would be better suited to make that call.

Of course, we are willing to make some discrete deliveries of Cardamine to your people in exchange, or some credits if that is your preference. We are open to discussion.

Rodrigo Diaz. Director General of the Imperial Coalition.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.