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It was much like most of the terrain in Curacao. Artificial islands and man-built platforms and structures, hard to find any sort of cover anywhere on the planet save for some few unique elevated locations. A private abode in the resort world wasn’t cheap, no matter the scope and quality of it. However it was a place where Houses had no jurisdiction and Cortez OSC employed their soft and hard power alike to ensure discretion of their sometimes less than legal deals.

“Rum, you remembered that’s my drink of choice.” The first time, he offered a brand of Corsair distilled drink. The Admiral remembered vividly the uncertainty of how the infamous Generalmajor would react in regards to anything from under the Cretan brand. Hessian-Corsair rivalry in his opinion had easily stripped the last remainder of humanity from the Omegas at large.

“I am quite certain that Luciano had filled you in on all the details. To be sure, I did not know how you or your entourage would react and as such I instructed him to go as an officially appointed officer of The Order for his own safety. I was one hundred percent convinced you would not abandon your post so suddenly. Whether you know, care or not at all, Red Hessians passed your absence with eerie radio silence. I would know no better to this day if it were not for the fact that I am accomplice by virtue of issuing Luciano a formal leave to pursue… well, you… Care to explain to me how the day zero went, leaving your own men none the wiser than rest of Sirius?”
515th Planet Curacao, Cortez
07/12/827 AS, 10:50

Anna glanced at Luciano after finishing the sip from her drink and setting it down. Luciano glanced back, their expressions were blank but obviously, it was some form of communication. Anna broke eye contact and stared down at her drink for a second, leaving her head in the same position as she did so before finally turning to face Golanski - who had just sat down.

I never wanted to be there, Admiral. Not once from the start. But there are things about me you don't know. Things that kept me from making my own decisions. They were my responsibility - yes. I made it that way to... keep myself safe. She shook her head, knowing the back half didn't make enough sense. It's... a very, VERY long story. But, even right now, those same people I kept myself safe from are still out there. They're probably looking for me, have people on the hunt for me. When my husband turned up it overwhelmed me, I saw a way to hide that didn't make me miserable.

Lucien put his hand on her forearm as she paused for a second to take another drink.

I can feel myself slowing down. I was working and fighting at a pace that was bound to give way at some point - or get me killed. I was brainwashed to keep doing it, I couldn't snap out of it for the longest time. Not until Lucien came back.

Admiral would have watched them closely, trying to understand or guess the bigger picture. The thought that there was something the famous Generalmajor could fear more than losing her own soul was perplexing to a point he almost forgot to drink the rum he was given. Michal however nodded in understanding and acknowledgment of her motives.

“So you used Red Hessians as much as they used you. Do not be so hard on yourself. At first I was dismayed by the tactics and strategies employed by the Rote Hessen - under your personnel command no less - but the more I observed Sirius the more I learned that sometimes violence is the only language that will get the message across, as much as you would like to avoid the conflict. Everyone in the Edge Worlds is walking a fine line between falling into a singularity or simply breaking apart into a husk of a man. For you this struggle is over for now.”

He leaned back, preparing for a longer story. His face betrayed nothing but his mind was trying to find some point of reference: an influential state actor or security agency. Yet he did not have enough information to make any guess.

“I got plenty of time, Anna. What enemies do you have that topping Rheinland’s most wanted chart seemed such an insignificant complication?”
515th Planet Curacao, Cortez
07/12/827 AS, 10:55

Her explanation was probably the key to her freedom, but at the same time, she suspected it would leave Golanski with different intentions. After all, if he knew the extent of what she was - he would do everything in his power to convince her to keep fighting.

But there was another feeling that urged her to reveal the story. If more people knew, believed, heard of, whoever she was afraid of; then more people would be inclined to either help her or at the very least - weed out those aforementioned people. Lying would've been on the table, but she couldn't gamble both hers and Luciano's freedom. Luciano held a glance and Anna as she refocused her attention on Golanski and spoke up.

For you to understand everything, we need to turn back the clock to the end of the eighty-year-war. As you know, the Empire exhausted its efforts to claim Helgoland and Naha with brute force, but what they needed were miracle pilots to win small skirmishes - not overwhelming force. The environment protected them, and so the Empire decided to pour money into an idea that hadn't been done before - they wanted the miracle pilot.

Everyone in the room was drawn to the story as if they were a bunch of kids sitting by a fire out in the woods. The story must've had some weight if it took place over a century and a half prior.

Trouble was. She said before taking another sip from her drink, clearing her throat just after. The Empire was more invested in hardware than anatomy, they would've needed a new division with handpicked personnel capable of keeping the secret and whatever it would entail. There simply wasn't enough time to cough up something of that scope and size when the war effort was just a few years from success for failure.

Admiral how many times do you think the world has tried to conjure up the perfect pilot? Flying goes hand in hand with living in today's world. I've come across dozens of people who were designed, trained, manufactured - you name it. But for some reason, none of them live up to the standard. What if you could have a weapon, an ace up your sleeve that you knew you could count on no matter the odds. What would you do? Humor me before I continue.

He considered her words with care. This would consider her hyper lethality in combat so far even if he judged her to simply be an exceptional ace. A thought of using it to his own ends crossed his mind, of course. Every military commander in Sirius would have thoughts how to press the advantage, sometimes even subconsciously considering even the less moral options. He deeply exhaled with a bit troubled expression on his face thinking whether he was in a desperate enough position to break his own code of honor.

“The perfect pilot, the ultimate soldier. I have fought both alongside and against various beings you could consider… ‘super’. Varying effects of you have no doubt experienced yourself: We both lived on a battlefield for long enough to encount contrivances not explainable by simple willpower alone. I would also be lying in saying that The Order never dabbled at least theoretically in this venture - The perfect Nomad killing machine to save mankind. I could digress further about philosophical and moralistic implications of such but my throat is getting dry”

He said, downing the remainder of the alcohol available to him and asked for a refill. He decided to get more info, wanting to know how big of a problem Anna Heinrich is truly in. Receiving a new dose of rum, he drank a little more before continuing his now more cohesive rambling with clearer mind. Whoever they are, he can do nothing without information. Neither does he know what exactly is value within the former Generalmajor, nor the identity of the would-be hunters.

“The point is, you want out and you have legitimate reasons to believe that a certain Rheinland think tank buried kilometer deep under the surface of New Berlin considers you their property still. I detest slavery in any way or form. How exactly they managed to get funding through decades of a deep economic crisis within Rheinland state? Did they go rogue or found a wealthier private patron to entertain their experiments for over a century? Knowing assets, names and their backing gives you an advantage if you ever have to fight back. Knowing this part of the story, I am curious if you have ever utilized the SOA to hinder their operations directly… you still haven’t named that cabal, by the way.”
515th Planet Curacao, Cortez
07/12/827 AS, 11:05

He was on the right and wrong trail, everything she believed to be true at one point. His words only made her hesitate to continue speaking. The more he knew, the more interested he would certainly be. But there wasn't much of a choice at this point. Anna set her drink aside, ready to spill out the truth.

They aren't Rheinland based, and they're incredibly hard to find. You're thinking like I was, Admiral. But you're jumping the gun. She paused, noticing it re-captured his attention.

The Imperial Navy hired a group of delusional scientists, surgeons, and medical experts that go by a group alias called "Lyngvi". The amount of times I've had run ins with them could be counted with the fingers on one of my hands. They are extremely well hidden and aren't attached to any one house or organization. They make their money... making people like me.

There was a young prodigy among the Rheinland Imperial Navy's recon wings, his name was Leon Heinrich. His skills - even before he was tampered with - were incredible. His father was supposedly one of the best pilots the Navy had as well. There was already something about his family line that seemed to coincide with expert flight skills, navigation, and best of all for the Navy - combat.

Lyngvi was hired by the Navy's R&D wing to enhance what was already so potent in that man, and they succeeded. What they also did for their own twisted goals though, was make sure that the experimental tools carved into Leon would become hereditary. This was also a success, only there was one catch - it wouldn't pass along to females.
Taking another second to catch her breath for real this time, she made a short glare at her hands on the table. Speaking up just before she returned her attention to the audience.

I was born in Omega-41, apparently the radiation levels had some effect on my genes. The part that really mattered was that I inherited a more potent version of whatever was done to my ancestor - Leon. I uh... don't really want to recount anything more specific. I get mental relapses, nightmares and such enough as it is - I don't want to snap in front of everybody.

515th Planet Curacao, Cortez
09/14/827 AS, 18:00

Lucien you know what this will turn into, don't you? Annabelle said sitting down on the couch, Lucien was up and about preparing dinner for the two. He exhaled a bit through his nose in response, moving back and forth between the refrigerator and their stove. The couple seemed a bit irritated, whatever the discussion entailed.

I know, it hasn't even been a year and they're already putting this on me.

Are they giving us a choice? Annabelle responded with a neutral tone, trying to dissolve any thought of it being an argument.

Not right now, but if things get worse for us out in the Omicrons... They might ignore me.

So we're on a timeline now.

Look I didn't want it to be this way, I'm sorry. I know I promised better than this it's just- The agitation in his words grew as he continued about frantically through the kitchen. The two forces worked like tying and yang, one encouraging the other.

Lucien, relax. Annabelle replied, walking up towards him. If it gets out of hand I can always just write one up for them and end it there. As long as I'm not fighting and I stay out of sight. We've nothing to worry about. Lucien looked at the ground, one arm and the weight of his body leaned against the table as Annabelle spoke just in front of him. Hey, look at me. She said, putting one hand around the back of his neck. It'll be fine. You're my home, and family.

// see below
// need to fix
515th Planet Curacao, Cortez
01/09/829 AS, 09:32

There was no part of Anna that was ready to finally meet her son face to face. They'd exchanged words and emotions over the neural net - but never in person. The anxiety of what was to come after they spoke quickly mustered into focus; she woke early, spending almost every minute touching up her home. It went from looking like a safehouse to looking like a house on display just a few hours from when she started. Everything was on track so far, the only thing she really had to consider left was what she was going to do once he arrived. The thoughts of what and how she was going to say what she wanted to say ran through her head over and over again. This was it, this was possibly her ONE and ONLY chance to salvage her relationship with her son. She needed to separate the needs from wants in the time she had, or at least that's what she was thinking.

Isaak's bitter feelings weren't moved by his father's testimony, but instead by that of the various outlaws and strange people he'd met in the independent worlds. In any case, it started to weigh down on him when he realized he wasn't invincible. The trip through Kansas was dangerous; possibly the most frightening journey he'd been on. His salvation in that dire situation was a Liberty Rogue, a common criminal wandering just as he was. But even across the sector in the middle of nowhere people had heard of what had become of his mother. It was strange how many people thought so highly of her despite all the pain she'd caused. The more he thought about it, the more he was worried at how she'd react after he'd spoken his mind.

He really needed his father here.

The templar cut through the air just a kilometer over the ocean surface as he approached the island; Isaak knew he could handle the cruise engines running planetside so he decided to punch it for fun. Unfortunately, the spaceport on his approach vector didn't get the same type of kick out of it that he did. Armed Forces vessel, please reduce speed and state your intentions. The spaceport hailed. Right, just having some fun. I'm here on leave, any chance I could make a rush order for a docking slip? Preferably Military-exclusive? He replied, backing down his speed and raising his altitude slightly. Hangar 7B has two slips available, please confirm you are proceeding. Isaak plugged in the route as the flight control responded. Proceeding. Oddly simple...

Isaak had checked in with the OS&C customs, contrary to his expectations there were thousands of off-duty military personnel on Curacao. It made him a bit weary but also left him with very little explaining to do for the reason behind his visit. Bretonians and Libretonians were welcomed as heroes after the Gallic war came to an end; security was as relaxed as ever. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.


The planet really was paradise, the vast ocean was as clear as the sky. In some parts, it was difficult to tell apart where the water ended and the sand began. 'Mom could afford to live here? Of course, she could, she probably had an endless supply of personal blood money. ' Isaak thought to himself sarcastically, the thought was probably something worth asking about. There's no way his father would let her live like this without pulling her own weight, or maybe he would... There was so much he didn't know about their relationship, Lucien was reluctant to share the details from his end before the family was shattered into pieces.

Hopefully, all the secrets would come to light today... Hopefully.

Well if he's anything like his father maybe he'll appreciate... Rum? It had dawned on Anna that Isaak's birthday was less than a week ago, she was scouring through shelves and drawers to find something worth giving. Suddenly, she remembered something else.

The thought stopped her amidst the sudden panic attack, it might've been over a decade; but she still knew her son and her had at least one thing in common.

A knock on the door came in that same moment, the fear she thought was gone shot back down her spine in a split second. She snapped around and slowly began to approach the door. Once she was able to reach the doorknob, she took a deep breath. Don't mess this up, Anna. She muttered to herself as she finally opened the door to reveal her son standing before her. Both of them were in shock, but Anna was definitely the one more taken back by what she was seeing. Isaak had completely transformed from a small four-year-old that could barely walk to a twenty-year-old taller than her. She tried to bring herself to speak for a second but it was in vain. Mom, listen I'm sor- Anna threw herself onto Isaak and hugged him, he responded with the same. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she backed away, she didn't pay much attention to it. You look just like your father. She said, stuttering a bit as she did. Isaak smiled in return. The emotions of the moment started to overcome Isaak as well, he didn't pay much thought to how this would affect her.

Probably because he didn't know enough about her.

I thought you'd be just a little upset but, I guess I was wrong. Isaak said. Anna smiled in response.
No Isaak, I've missed you more than you know. I was afraid I lost you forever, all I ever wanted since your father came back to me was for us to be a family again. Whatever that might look like.
I think we can fix what was broken, I know I made it difficult. I'm sorry I took out all my blame on you... I don't know why-
Isaak. Anna cut him off. When I was your age, my father gave up on me. He was afraid, and I never forgave him for it. I left Gran Canaria that day thinking you were dead, I should've kept searching- The stuttering and crying didn't improve much, but it was in check enough for her to speak coherently.
You wanted to get dad back. Isaak cut her off.
It's no excuse, but my point is that you were still willing to face me even after what you heard about me - what you saw me as. You're twice the person I ever was, you don't know how happy I am to see you here, like this. I'm proud of you.
Bloody hell you're gonna make me cry too, come on - we've got a lot to catch up on.

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