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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian
TO: DSE Employees

New York, Liberty Space


As per the last transmission to Deep Space Engineering staff, you should all be aware we have a job to do. Our previous efforts with the United Hope Foundation were sucessful in relocating a large number of families off Planet Leeds to Planet Pittsburgh. We will now be relocating Bretonian citizens off Planet Pittsburgh and returning them to their homes. We have contacted the Bretonian Government and they agree now is the time to begin this relocation effort, offering Planet Exeter as an ideal location for this.

General briefing

A number of years ago, we were watching Leeds with some interest. We stepped in to assist in relocating the displaced people on planet Leeds as the war with Gallia pushed further into Bretonian space. The war has been over for some time now, and it is time to return Bretonian citizens home.

Movement of Bretonian Citizens (Homesteaders) from Planet Pittsburgh, New York to Planet Exeter, Exeter as per the Bretonian governments request. Deep Space Engineering will be paying an additional bonus of 5100 Sc per person who reaches the destination safely.

There is no time limit to completing this task, but the sooner it is finished, the better for all involved. Once the initial group of 50,000 people have been relocated, this may be reevaluated and a second group may be needing relocation.

Please be aware, you will be required to use ships suitable for human transport. This means armored transport or liners.

Please note: To receive this additional bonus, proof of pick up and drop off is required. Anything else such as interactions, trade lanes that need repairing along the way, scenery, and any other images you may take are welcomed, but not required.


Deep Space Engineering WILL cover the cost of any piracy within reason. To be reimbursed any pirating fees you will need to post the demand, and proof of you paying them in this channel.

As you will be transporting people, death or destruction of your vessel is the absolute last option.


As well as our own security division; Forlorn, recognizable by the callsign Forlorn|-, will be available to provide escorting services. Any security ship wishing to receive payment MUST reply to this transmission with a brief report for this payment to be processed.

Approved Factions
  • Deep Space Engineering - DSE)
  • Orbital Spa and Cruise - OS&C|
  • Forlorn - Forlorn|-


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CEO - Deep Space Engineering

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Exeter

To: Jess Doe, CEO Deep Space Engineering

Subject: First Batch of Repatriates to Exeter!


I'm happy to report that Breezewood and Red Velvet Club made our first deliveries to Exeter just now. We weren't intending to convoy up, but serendipitously ran into each other in Pittsburgh orbit. Captain Cross will be submitting her own paperwork momentarily, but I wanted to let you know that 3,000 Bretonians made it home aboard the Breezewood without incident. Documentation enclosed. Generally we don't like charging for humanitarian work, but admittedly OS&C is pressed thin right now with several crises we're trying to help with. Anything you see fit to deposit in our central bank ( OS&C|Guilder[Bank] ) is greatly appreciated, but I consider the matter closed financially for Breezewood (Captain Cross might have her own expectations). Always good to see the people of Leeds again. I helped get a lot of them offworld during the blitz, it was a pleasure being able to bring them to a new home and close that chapter. Expect more deliveries in the future.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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Where Angels Fear to Tread
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- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter Exeter System
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Relocation

Greetings this is Caitlyn Cross

today the OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club Transported 3000 Homesteaders to Planet Exeter we do not want a Compensation for this we are happy to bring these People that suffered so much in the Last War to a new home but if you want to do something in Return Planet Baden Baden is at the Moment in need of Medical Supplies so if you send some our way that would be more than enough for me


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian
TO: Jonathan Seabourne

New York, Liberty Space

Jonathan Seabourne & Caitlyn Cross,

I would like to thank the both of you for the speed in which you have moved to assist us on this venture. It is appreciated more than you know.

I am aware that charging for humanitarian work is not the most acceptable thing to do in any given circumstances; however this is not you charging us. We offer a 5,100Sc payment, per person, to cover any costs that may be incurred in the relocation of those who are under our care.

The funding and programs offered by the United Hope Foundation is set up to ensure every individual is safe and comfortable while in any of our support programs. It is important to note that while safety is our top priority, we are aware it is also important to make sure that these individuals do not suffer any unnecessary stress - Because of this, we will ensure that they reach their final destination as comfortably as we possibly can.

I have transferred 15,300,000 to OS&C|Guilder[Bank] and 15,300,000 to OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club, please find the receipts attached below.


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CEO - Deep Space Engineering

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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian Efforts
TO: Management

New York, Liberty Space


Made two trips to Exeter today with Globemaster II, but both of 'em were pretty smooth. The first lot was a bunch of older men and women, a good bit of 'em didn't look to be partnered up. Didn't shake a lot of hands, but it was pretty quiet. Took us by the Bethany in Cortez and lingered a little bit by Curacao. Looked like a lot of people wanted to see a tanked battleship in person.

Took the prime lane to New London, but I forgot it still ain't up yet. I'm hopin' folks focus on the scaffolding rather than the damage, but it ain't the best look. Routed to Dublin in from of New London, and the place really lit up when everyone caught eyes on the mess in front. Bit of pride in that one, I gotta say.

We outran a few bogies in Dublin before reaching Exeter. It's a pretty place, and I hope it'll feel like home for the folks at some point. Got a few nice views of the gate construction site as well. We'll get started with the next groups next shift.

Second trip had a lot more families, some smaller kids. Little girl named Suzie met me on the platform while we were loadin' up, and she wanted a view from the bridge. I didn't mind much, so I walked her parents up while we were at it.

Same basic itinerary, but I pulled us through Cambridge to avoid some of the more graphic junk in front of New London. Close enough to let people know its still there at least. Runnin' through Poole, looks like we got our work cut out for us. Not sure what's going on that way, but maybe we can get us some space on Exeter or on some of Gateway's assets to keep things rollin'. I'd volunteer for the transfer if it'd help things move.

Comin' through from Poole, we got some real pretty views of the planet. Took Suzie to the rear observation deck so she could see us come out of the Barrier, and I think she's gonna find a place here.


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Sam Florian
Operations - Deep Space Engineering

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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian
TO: Sam Florian

New York, Liberty Space

Sam Florian,

Thank you for your support in this. I am so happy to see that you not only arrived safely, but you made the trip enjoyable. The care you have taken in this says a lot about who you are as a person and we are proud to have you working with us here at Deep Space Engineering.

I have transferred 43,554,000 to DSE)Globemaster.II, please find the receipt attached below.


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CEO - Deep Space Engineering

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Exeter

To: Jess Doe, CEO Deep Space Engineering

Subject: Another Happy Landing

Greetings friend,

Another 3,000 Bretonians have been repatriated to Exeter. It feels good helping these people find their way to a new home.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread
[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter Exeter System
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Relocation

Greetings this is Caitlyn Cross

today we Transported another 3000 Souls to Exeter. this time we were not alone either we had the company of a member of the Gammu AI, an explorer and Scientist that wanted to study us Humans and learn about our Culture. I know this AI and can say that he is Trustworthy I know he isn't part of the approved groups but he offered me his help and I gladly accepted it. he flew a Democrius Yacht so dont worry the Passengers where transported in Style. he will contact you separately and even trough you dont want to hear it please dont pay me. the proof is attached as usual


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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[Image: 0TCFHy4.jpg]ID: Cpt. Theobald Franklin

Location: OS&C|Reverie, Planet Exeter, Exeter System

To: Jess Doe, CEO DSE

Subject: RE: Humanitarian Efforts

Greetings Mr. Doe!

I am happy to announce that 3500 Bretonian Citizen from Planet Pittsburgh arrived safely and in comfort at Planet Exeter. Proof of the pickup and arrival are appended to this message.

Best regards,
Cpt. Theobald Franklin

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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Living Dreams!

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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian Efforts
TO: Management

New York, Liberty Space


Made another two calls to Pittsburgh and Exeter following our old Poole route. Mostly families this time, so I'm assumin' they got the older folks off planet first. If so, good for them. Young'uns can be more patient then we give 'em credit for sometimes. Ain't nothing special either run today, though, so I figure news of our ops have gotten people lookin' forward to the move, so they keep quiet. On the second return from Exeter, we got caught in some cross-fire from a trigger-happy Bretonian pulse gunner puttin' down some Dub's, so we're gonna dock for a double-shift at Baltimore to let the boys take a look. I wouldn't usually give much of a damn, but people ain't as replaceable as superconductors, know what I mean?


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Sam Florian
Operations - Deep Space Engineering

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