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Date: 16 August 827
Location: Ainu Depot, Hokkaido

Registered Contacts:
    Blood Dragons           bd]-Junko.Miyahara           Katana
[16.08.827 21:26:33] aerelm: Evenin'
[16.08.827 21:26:46] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Konnichiwa, Freelancer.
[16.08.827 21:27:04] aerelm: Oh a Katana. That's a rare sight these days.
[16.08.827 21:27:24] aerelm: Everyone's flyin that fancy whatsitsface new fighter.
[16.08.827 21:27:51] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: You must have met a very rare set of people, then.
[16.08.827 21:28:16] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Unless you're referring to the government's new ship.
[16.08.827 21:28:26] aerelm: Yea... Was off in Omegas for a while, not entirely up to speed with what's goin on around these parts lately.
[16.08.827 21:28:43] aerelm: Apparently there's some war again with someone for whatever reason?
[16.08.827 21:29:26] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: For whatever reason. Yes. The false regime is currently picking a fight against the new dominant body of the neighboring Gallia
[16.08.827 21:29:53] aerelm: Oh well, them frogs shoulda just stayed in their hole if you ask me.
[16.08.827 21:30:04] aerelm: Nothing good's ever come out of that place.
[16.08.827 21:30:11] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Not particularly certain about how that's going, to be fair. I'm not particularly intersted in their war. But, it opens up
[16.08.827 21:30:19] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: opportunities for us to take.
[16.08.827 21:30:46] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: They probably should have. They only contributed in the downfall of every nation they've interacted with.
[16.08.827 21:31:04] aerelm: Touche.
[16.08.827 21:31:14] aerelm: Passed through Bretonia on my way here, the place is a mess.
[16.08.827 21:31:36] aerelm: Which is a shame, really. Had some nice pubs back in the day.
[16.08.827 21:32:00] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I can only imagine from the news and footage I came across. But I'd bet it's on a different level witnessing it in person.
[16.08.827 21:32:51] aerelm: Well, you know how them brets are with their pride and all. They just try to pretend nothing's happened
[16.08.827 21:33:18] aerelm: which is a bit, well... I dont wanna say "funny" but yea, when the guy's just goin about his day but his ship is leakin from four places
[16.08.827 21:33:47] aerelm: cause the yard they were keepin the thing up and running in got blown up half a year ago and they still havent managed to fix
[16.08.827 21:33:42] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: They certainly do, atleast all the incoming and outgoing Bretonian traffic seemed to give away that feeling.
[16.08.827 21:35:14] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Speaking of yard, did they not /obtain/ a replacement for the one that got blown up?
[16.08.827 21:35:37] aerelm: Heh, which of the dozen do you mean?
[16.08.827 21:36:34] aerelm: Gauls sure made a mess of that place, the only "yard" it is now is a salvage yard really.
[16.08.827 21:36:39] aerelm: At least Junkers are keepin busy.
[16.08.827 21:38:18] bd]-Junko.Miyahara is attempting to disconnect from the server
[16.08.827 21:40:15] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Ah. Pardon the interruptance.
[16.08.827 21:40:31] aerelm: The powercore wearin' out?
[16.08.827 21:40:59] aerelm: Had to replace mine after gettin caught in a radiation storm out in Omicrons some months back, so no worries I totally get it.
[16.08.827 21:41:35] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: That seems to be the issue. The Katana isn't particularly a new ship, so it should undergo regular maintenance.
[16.08.827 21:42:03] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Regardless, I'll get it checked up when I arrive base.
[16.08.827 21:42:12] aerelm: Yea, that's the catch with flyin ships that actually mean something.
[16.08.827 21:42:31] aerelm: I kinda miss the days when I had my ol' Roc and whenever it'd start actin' up I'd just ditch it and get a new one.
[16.08.827 21:42:57] aerelm: but then again, that was just a Roc. Katana's a gem of its own.
[16.08.827 21:43:15] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Hai. This may sound stupid, but ship itself growns on you and you probably do as well.
[16.08.827 21:43:36] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I'd rather fly the Katana rather than a cutting-edge next-gen fighter the Dragons develop.
[16.08.827 21:44:15] aerelm: Heh. Yea, some years back ended up spending a few months here on Ainu. There was some fella always in the bar who was
[16.08.827 21:44:38] aerelm: either a lying drunkard, or was really given a Katana by your shoguns.
[16.08.827 21:44:44] aerelm: and he just wouldn't shut up about it.
[16.08.827 21:45:06] aerelm: as annoying as he was, couldn't really blame him for it. If I had one, I'd probably be bragging about it all day every day too.
[16.08.827 21:46:00] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Certainly. I wouldn't trade this ship for any other.
[16.08.827 21:46:46] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Unlike many of our counterparts and enemies, we hold pride in the ships we fly.
[16.08.827 21:47:11] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Though I will not lie, an advantage on the battlefield is certainly welcome.
[16.08.827 21:47:36] aerelm: That's why I've always preferred this place. You go down to Liberty, people look at their ships the same way as they look at some random toy.
[16.08.827 21:47:53] aerelm: just to be used for a while then dumped whenever they get bored of it.
[16.08.827 21:48:23] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I still consider myself fortunate that I haven't gone to Liberty yet.
[16.08.827 21:48:40] aerelm: Oh trust me, you're not missing anything. Place is a cultural cesspit.
[16.08.827 21:49:41] aerelm: Even their "revolutionary" groups don't care about nothing other than money.
[16.08.827 21:50:01] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Just Libertonians doing Libertonian things, I imagine. Not a single person I've met that went through Liberty has given any
[16.08.827 21:50:05] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: praise to it.
[16.08.827 21:50:32] aerelm: Well... They know how to make cap ships, I'll give em that much.
[16.08.827 21:50:43] aerelm: but beyond that, yea... not much to see.
[16.08.827 21:51:47] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Do they not also have God knows how many insurgent and rebel factions as well?
[16.08.827 21:52:31] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I can't see it as anything else other than a mess.
[16.08.827 21:52:38] aerelm: *Chuckles* Nah, that's just a front for their corp war.
[16.08.827 21:53:23] aerelm: They're each just backed by one of their corps, hoping to take over the government and basically just fill their own pockets.
[16.08.827 21:53:47] aerelm: even though they already own the government, they just want the "other guys" out.
[16.08.827 21:54:06] aerelm: It's all just a show down there.
[16.08.827 21:54:58] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Greed and gluttony. Fortunately enough I don't have an plans on visiting anytime soon.
[16.08.827 21:55:52] aerelm: Yea, at least the work you do here has some hopes of some day meaning something... hopefully.
[16.08.827 21:56:19] aerelm: time spent in places like Liberty is just time wasted.
[16.08.827 21:56:52] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: There is hope, but there's a long road ahead.
[16.08.827 21:57:44] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: You mentioned you came from the Omegas, where from exactly?
[16.08.827 21:58:35] aerelm: Well, got a few old mates in Hessians down there. Hadn't caught up with them for a while so decided to drop down there and see
[16.08.827 21:58:43] aerelm: how they're doing with the whole civil war and whatnot
[16.08.827 21:59:30] aerelm: and decided to circle through Bretonia on my way back to Alpha.
[16.08.827 21:59:41] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Speaking of Rheinland, how is their civil war going? That is also one big mess.
[16.08.827 21:59:59] aerelm: Heh, nah that's just Rheinland.
[16.08.827 22:00:28] aerelm: Their government's always been at their own throat since I can remember.
[16.08.827 22:01:01] aerelm: Their people aren't happy though, and they're getting less happy by the day, so something's bound to happen eventually.
[16.08.827 22:01:47] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Sounds explosive. The coup was exactly well received from what I could gather.
[16.08.827 22:02:31] aerelm: Well... It's at that "free for all" stage of it right now. Everyone thinks they can get what they want out of it, so they're
[16.08.827 22:02:35] aerelm: eager to see what comes next.
[16.08.827 22:03:08] aerelm: But it's Rheinland we're talkin about, it always just sinks back into the same ol', every time just a different name for their
[16.08.827 22:03:16] aerelm: government, but always essentially the same government.
[16.08.827 22:04:01] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: For better or worse, I guess. Certainly doesn't look very good right now, though.
[16.08.827 22:04:27] aerelm: Kinda like this Rum, actually *chuckles* The bartender down in Freeport 1 tried to sell it to me as "Premium Liberty Ale"
[16.08.827 22:05:18] aerelm: It's not. It's just good ol' rum... which honestly I'm glad it is cause that liberty stuff is just woeful.
[16.08.827 22:05:44] aerelm: Speakin of, uh... do you drink?
[16.08.827 22:06:18] aerelm: I can pass you a bottle of this if you want. It's nothing special, but alcohol's alcohol after all.
[16.08.827 22:06:26] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Mildly. I'm afraid I'm a bit too traditional so if it comes to it I just drink locally brewed liquor.
[16.08.827 22:06:51] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I would not mind a bottle, no.
[16.08.827 22:07:48] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Thank you, mister..?
[16.08.827 22:07:52] aerelm: There we go, cheers!
[16.08.827 22:08:07] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Kanpai!
[16.08.827 22:08:21] aerelm: The local stuff doesn't really... "agree" with me. I found that out the fun way!
[16.08.827 22:08:38] aerelm: so I always just bring somethin with me when I'm passing through.
[16.08.827 22:09:22] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I see. As long as you find something good and comfortable to drink, then that's fine I believe.
[16.08.827 22:10:14] aerelm: Yea, I mostly go for whiskey. Got a friend who sends me some every once and again straight from Manchester. That's good stuff.
[16.08.827 22:10:54] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Premium stuff, I guess?
[16.08.827 22:11:10] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: How about we go for a ride, while we talk?
[16.08.827 22:11:28] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Don't particularly like being a sitting duck.
[16.08.827 22:11:19] aerelm: Sounds good.
             <Waypoint Set: Tau-53 Jumphole>
[16.08.827 22:11:54] aerelm: And yea, it's apparently from this family who've been in the business of booze before they even came to Sirius.
[16.08.827 22:12:08] aerelm: Never really believed that if I'm bein' honest, but that's at least what they claim.
[16.08.827 22:13:23] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I don't particularly believe that, but I guess I can be proven wrong.
[16.08.827 22:13:42] aerelm: If you ever find yourself down in lower Taus, Freeport 6 and the like, try some of the bret bottles they've got there.
[16.08.827 22:13:53] aerelm: Not as good as the real thing, but still surprisingly easy on the stomach.
[16.08.827 22:14:33] aerelm: Huh... these lanes actually work now?
[16.08.827 22:14:38] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I will keep that in mind, thank you for the advice.
[16.08.827 22:14:39] aerelm: I must've been gone longer than I thought.
[16.08.827 22:14:49] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Sounds like you've been gone for a really long while, then.
[16.08.827 22:15:00] aerelm: Last I passed through they were still layin out the struts.
[16.08.827 22:15:49] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: That was... god I don't even remember how old was that.
             <Waypoint Reached: Tau-53 Jumphole>
             <Jumping to Tau-53 System>
             <Waypoint Set: Nagano Jumphole>
[16.08.827 22:17:56] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I suppose this is all new to you as well?
[16.08.827 22:18:11] aerelm: Yea my scanner logs are blank here.
[16.08.827 22:18:30] aerelm: Was that a gallic station or somethin?
[16.08.827 22:19:01] Death: LNS-Akhetaten was put out of action by [R]-Locker.Room.Lord (Missile/Torpedo).
[16.08.827 22:19:19] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Still is in technicality, but it's currently taken over by the regime's navy.
[16.08.827 22:19:48] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: War allegedly is breaking out in the system next door.
[16.08.827 22:19:53] aerelm: Huh... They should do at least one bit of good and change its name while at it.
[16.08.827 22:21:21] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: They will probably give it a nam once they give it to either Kishiro or Samura.
             <Waypoint Reached: Nagano Jumphole>
             <Jumping to Nagano System>
[16.08.827 22:23:06] aerelm: and we're back in familiar space.
[16.08.827 22:23:13] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: You've been here?
[16.08.827 22:23:41] aerelm: I've probably passed through from the other side of it, cause yea the place is mapped on this thing's computer.
[16.08.827 22:24:09] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: I see. Probably through the Taus in that case.
[16.08.827 22:24:36] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Tomioka. We've been laying siege here for a few years already.
             <New Scanner Entry: Planet Tomioka>
[16.08.827 22:25:11] aerelm: Hm, Samura's spreading far and wide it seems.
[16.08.827 22:25:23] aerelm: Docking ring and all.
[16.08.827 22:25:38] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: They are. And we all know what happens when you stretch yourself too far.
[16.08.827 22:25:54] aerelm: Never liked those people. They would've fit right in if they were a Liberty corp though.
[16.08.827 22:26:19] aerelm: I mean... they practically are.
[16.08.827 22:26:35] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Hai. Kishiro and Samura aren't all that different from the Liberty corps.
             <New Scanner Entry: Takashima Depot>
[16.08.827 22:27:33] aerelm: Oh, didn't know this thing was here.
[16.08.827 22:27:56] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Hai. This is where I take my leave.
[16.08.827 22:28:35] aerelm: Well, was nice meeting you. I'll probably be hanging around these parts for a few weeks before heading back to Alpha.
[16.08.827 22:29:33] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Likewise, Freelancer. It was a pleasure. Thank you for both the talk and the drink.
[16.08.827 22:30:02] aerelm: If you bunch need an extra hand with anything meanwhile, feel free to drop me a comm.
[16.08.827 22:30:20] aerelm: I'll probably be on Ainu for the most part, so catching up should be an issue.
[16.08.827 22:30:47] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Certainly. I'll relay the good word. Perhaps I'll have something for you to do soon.
[16.08.827 22:31:02] aerelm: Cheers, and good luck.
[16.08.827 22:31:09] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: To you as well.
[16.08.827 22:31:12] bd]-Junko.Miyahara: Until next time.
[16.08.827 22:31:22] 827-08-16 22:31:19 SMT  Traffic control alert: bd]-Junko.Miyahara has requested to dock
             <Waypoint Set: Chugoku Jumphole>
             <Waypoint Reached: Chugoku Jumphole>
             <Jumping to Chugoku System>
             <Waypoint Set: Hokkaido Jumphole>
             <Waypoint Reached: Hokkaido Jumphole>
             <Jumping to Hokkaido System>
             <Waypoint Set: Ainu Depot>
             <Waypoint Reached: Ainu Depot>
[16.08.827 22:38:57] 827-08-16 22:38:54 SMT  Traffic control alert: aerelm has requested to dock
Date: 29 September 827
Location: Honshu Jumpgate, New Tokyo

Registered Contacts:
    APM           Hitman-88[S]           Bison
[29.09.827 14:37:48] aerelm: Evenin'
[29.09.827 14:37:57] Hitman-88[S]: Greetings
[29.09.827 14:38:04] aerelm: So here's the thing...
[29.09.827 14:38:15] aerelm: I dont have anything against your kind
[29.09.827 14:38:25] aerelm: Who am I to keep someone from makin an honest living afterall
[29.09.827 14:38:30] aerelm: But...
[29.09.827 14:38:46] aerelm: I've had no luck runnin into any Samura so far, and I'm just itching to test this new loadout on a transport
[29.09.827 14:38:55] aerelm: so what do you say we do a bit of experimentin'?
[29.09.827 14:39:55] aerelm: Say, whats your typical profit from this run?
[29.09.827 14:40:10] Hitman-88[S]: around 1k per cargo or so
[29.09.827 14:40:28] aerelm: Hm. So tell me how this sounds:
[29.09.827 14:41:02] aerelm: I'm bored and don't really feel like sittin here all day waitin for a Samura, so I'll just try my new loadout on you,
[29.09.827 14:41:15] aerelm: If your ship doesn't last, I'll compensate you for the haul.
[29.09.827 14:41:28] aerelm: Or... if you manage to get to Shinagawa in one piece, I'll double your profilt.
[29.09.827 14:41:31] aerelm: How's that sound?
[29.09.827 14:42:00] Hitman-88[S]: hmm, my ship is worth alot more then just my cargo
[29.09.827 14:42:15] aerelm: Oh I'm sure insurance will take care of that.
[29.09.827 14:42:22] Hitman-88[S]: you know how insuraces is expensive you know
[29.09.827 14:42:46] Hitman-88[S]: it is not cheat being a trader, we need to pay premium
[29.09.827 14:42:50] aerelm: Fine... Fine... Double if your precious little ship goes pop, triple if it makes it to shinagawa in one piece.
[29.09.827 14:43:29] aerelm: That should be enough to cover at least a few drinks on top of all the expenses.
[29.09.827 14:43:35] Hitman-88[S]: can you find someone else to play with
[29.09.827 14:43:44] aerelm: *Sighs*
[29.09.827 14:44:07] aerelm: Traders are hard to come by these days.
[29.09.827 14:44:24] aerelm: Everyone's out in Omegas mining their rears off.
[29.09.827 14:44:25] Hitman-88[S]: no wonder, if they are being hunted
[29.09.827 14:44:42] aerelm: Shooting a Hegemon, fun as it may be, gets old fast.
[29.09.827 14:45:18] aerelm: Plus, most of em have those darn modular bases right near the field now.
[29.09.827 14:45:32] aerelm: I miss the old days.
[29.09.827 14:45:29] Hitman-88[S]: so you just like to murder hard working people
[29.09.827 14:45:53] aerelm: Murder? Well, if your escape pod malfunctions, that's on you really, not me.
[29.09.827 14:46:16] Hitman-88[S]: then attempted murder
[29.09.827 14:46:52] aerelm: Things must be different in corporate world. Fly out in the real space, losing a ship is just another tuesday.
[29.09.827 14:47:48] Hitman-88[S]: Maybe fighters, but trading ships are expensive
[29.09.827 14:48:31] Hitman-88[S]: you can buy a 100 fighters for the price of a good trading ship, cant just go around playing with that kind of cost
[29.09.827 14:48:23] aerelm: Pshh, that thing probably costs less to make than a good bottle of scotch.
[29.09.827 14:48:36] aerelm: Thats Liberty shipmaking for you.
[29.09.827 14:49:21] Hitman-88[S]: Well scotch can cost a life times of savings
[29.09.827 14:49:45] aerelm: That's.... saddest thing I've heard all week.
[29.09.827 14:50:18] aerelm: If that's your situation, just eject right out of that corporate life of yours and buy a freighter and head to Taus.
[29.09.827 14:50:31] aerelm: You'll probably make more cash in your first week than you have in the past year.
[29.09.827 14:50:38] Hitman-88[S]: you might not know aerelm, but a scoth is made in scotland
[29.09.827 14:51:19] aerelm: Well, depends on where you get it. Most of cheaper stuff comes out of Freeport 1 nowadays.
[29.09.827 14:51:45] Hitman-88[S]: That would be not a scotch then, maybe a whisky
[29.09.827 14:51:47] aerelm: They -say- it's "premium" and all that jargon, but nah, it's just straight out of their own basement.
[29.09.827 14:52:22] aerelm: Nowhere better to get it than from Gaians, if you ask me.
[29.09.827 14:52:29] aerelm: Them lot know their alcohol.
[29.09.827 14:52:50] aerelm: Seeing as, well... they don't really have anythin better to do.
[29.09.827 14:53:02] Hitman-88[S]: I do like a good drink, but dont think gaians like my company much
[29.09.827 14:53:21] aerelm: Oh yea, that wouldn't be too good of an idea for you.
[29.09.827 14:54:21] aerelm: Fine then, I'm feeling nice today. Normally I would've just shot your guns off or somethin, but you can be on your way.
[29.09.827 14:54:43] Hitman-88[S]: Thank you much good Sir
[29.09.827 14:54:46] aerelm: Hopefully you'll make enough to afford a warm meal tonight.
[29.09.827 14:55:17] Hitman-88[S]: with the debt i have, ill need to save where i can
[29.09.827 14:55:46] aerelm: Actually, y'know what... Here, grab yourself a drink on your next stop.
[29.09.827 14:55:53] /givecash hitman-88[s] 250000
[29.09.827 14:55:53] [827-09-29] 14:55:50 You have sent 250.000 credits to hitman-88[s].