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Full Version: To BDM High Command || Cease Fire agreements
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Legacy agreements

To attention of the current leadership of the Buro Des Marinenachrichtendiensts. As we understand, the Federalist government of Thuringia and Kingdom of Rheinland had come to a compromise bringing a definitive end to the civil war. Given the current unclear political climate within Rheinland as a whole, and potential myriad of mixed policies and bureaucratic chaos, The Order wishes to inquire whether the cease fire still applies.

From our side, The Order Overwatch is still bound to the principles of the cessation of hostilities and is seeking to prolong and extend existing agreement for all branches of Rheinland government agencies with intent to pursue a more permanent peace solution. We are ready to forward our case either directly to the lawmakers of Rheinland or though your representative at any time, should you help us with this endeavour.

The Order High Command will be waiting for your decision.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
1st Battlegroup "Wargods", Black Fleet
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Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Encrypted TEXT ONLY

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Order Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
.......● SENDER:-..............Flotillenadmiral Frank Dresdner
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............Relations

Grand Admiral Golanski,

The Buro is open to a discussion of the continuation of the agreement brokered between the Order Overwatch and the former Direktor, and the possible expansion of this agreement to include closer cooperation. However before we can look out and expand our operations we have an obligation to Rheinland and her people. Peace may have been brokered, the minds of many Rheinlanders are still hesitant, our fleets are divided. We must first focus our efforts internally to ensure the security and stability of our House.

As to your question about an agreement with the newly formed Government of Rheinland, the past reputation of the Order makes for a more difficult request. While we can not commit to make such a plea to the Government at this time, perhaps with time as our relationship normalizes we may revisit this.

Thank You,

Flotillenadmiral Frank Dresdner
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts, Oberkommando

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Message End

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Legacy agreements

Good to know that you are still interested. It is understandable that re-organization of the Rheinland is your utmost priority and may take some time during which any complex undertaking such as peace accord may be unable to be processed in a timely and effective manner. I do still believe that the fresh start that this new government provides would still appreciate to strike down one hostile faction from their list via diplomatic means, as evidenced by legalization of the Bundschuh political party into your ruling hierarchy. After all, you can only make peace with your enemies which we are still on the paper.

At the moment we are satisfied with the terms of the cease fire for the time being and it should be proof enough that we are willing to cooperate. The Order would benefit from updates related to change of policy on jurisdiction still under your control until further notice. Avoiding incidents is of utmost priority in times such as these. When your Command deems it the right time to push this agenda, forward our cease fire to the Police and Military to clearly identify our intentions.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
1st Battlegroup "Wargods", Black Fleet