Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: To: Houston International Admin / From: Kimi Takeyama
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...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure

[Image: xVBtvmH.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Kimi Takeyama
Recipient: Houston International Administration
Subject: Storage

...NNet_Route_Node: [Open]

Kon'nichiwa Administrator,

I am Kimi Takeyama, captain of the Kusari trade-ship Daikokunyo.

We are currently working towards a contract involving the temporary mass-storage of Blue Jillies somewhere between Rheinland and Kusari. I have come to USI first, partially because of your location, but also due to the professionalism implied by the quality of Houston International's information node.

As I have seen on your information node, you appear to welcome requests for use of space on the station. In total, I would be likely to be looking for 30,000 units-worth of space, for a period of possibly up to a month. Is that something you may be able to accommodate?

Arigato for your time.


~ Kimi

...NNet_Route_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure
...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure
...NNet_Route_Node: [Resend]

Resending Neural Net Transmission...

...NNet_Route_Node: [Resent]
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure
...User: [KittyKlaws803]
...Password: [***************]
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Connect: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Searching
...NNet_Route_Scan: Secure
...NNet_Route_Node: [Resend]

Resending Neural Net Transmission...

...NNet_Route_Node: [Resent]
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Searching
...NNet_Trace: Secure